Government BBC radio tries valiantly to debunk the true fact that Arctic ice recently measured its highest extent in 21 years

London. March 2024. According to the Daily Sceptic, “Arctic sea ice on January 8th stood at its highest level in 21 years.” Citing the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), the report indicated “that sea ice recorded its third highest monthly gain in the modern 45-year record.”

Further, according to the science blog No Tricks Zone,, “the reading up to January 8th has now far exceeded the average for the years 2011-2020,” and also exceeded “the average for the years 2001-2010.”

The British government’s BBC radio show “More or Less”  ‘fact checked’ the Daily Sceptic’s report. The government show’s researchers were forced to admit that that sea ice in the Arctic had soared to its highest level for 21 years on January 8th of 2024. But immediately after confirming the Daily Sceptic’s claim was TRUE, the BBC reporters argued that the information was “cherry picked.”

Writing for The Daily Sceptic and, Chris Morrison states that “[t]The ‘fact check’ did little more than confirm the widely held suspicion that many BBC programmes are now infected with a need to crowbar a climate catastrophe narrative into broadcast messages.”

New York government shuts down another prominent antigovernment website–

Governments everywhere are ramping up efforts to silence antigovernment, conservative, or libertarian speech and ideas. The US government has spent millions of dollars on censorship efforts in the past five years.

Now Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York has launched a fishing expedition lawsuit against the prominent website. The site, founded by Peter Brimelow, features lots of conservative content and often focuses on immigration issues.

This is more lawfare aimed at destroying or silencing voices who question the government. And now Brimelow writes that may soon fold and surrender the site.

The website is now being fined $250 per day for “contempt.” Brimelow writes that “On March 27, 2024, in another of her lightning-fast NYAG James-compliant rulings, New York State Supreme Court Judge Sabrina Kraus held us in Contempt of Court because we have not yet complied (because we were fighting it) with her January 23, 2023 order that we meet NYAG James’ massive and crippling subpoena demands.

FBI is amping up home visits to chat with people about their Facebook posts

Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit is out with a terrifying news story about the FBI visiting people at their homes to talk about Facebook posts.

A muslim woman named Rolla Abdeljawad was visited at her home in Stillwater, Oklahoma by two men in plain clothes claiming to be FBI agents. The “agents” questioned Abdeljawad about her recent Facebook post.

The post was NOT “threatening,” pornographic, or otherwise unlawful. It was apparently a post about ISIS being fake or perhaps ISIS being controlled by US or Israeli intelligence.

The crusading Jim Hoft reports on a number of other similar encounters by people with FBI agents in recent weeks.

Apparently, the visitors have been confirmed as FBI agents and admitted that they regularly visit people to warn them about their social media information.

This seems to be associated with increasing government operations to censor and silence antigovernment information on social media.

Martin Kulldorf has been separated from Harvard

One of the world’s foremost epidemiologists clashed with the establishment over COVID-19 panic

Cambridge, Massachusetts. March 10. Martin Kulldorf writes that “I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard.” The acclaimed Harvard biostatistician and infectious-disease epidemiologist does not report whether he has retired, quit, or been fired or let go by Harvard. Kulldorf says in a published statement that he clung to truth “as the world lost its way during the Covid pandemic.”

“The public should not trust scientists, even Harvard scientists, unwilling to debate their positions with fellow scientists,” writes Kulldorf in a defiant essay. Kulldorf recounts that the virtually the entire academic scientific establishment forsook its ideals in pursuit of the government’s COVID lockdown and vaccine hysteria.

“At the behest of the U.S. government, Twitter censored my tweet for contravening CDC policy. Having also been censored by LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube, I could not freely communicate as a scientist. Who decided that American free-speech rights did not apply to honest scientific comments at odds with those of the CDC director?”

While the US government secretly directed censorship at other social media platforms, it PROSECUTED and destroyed another platform, Gettr, for offering freer speech.

While the US government was secretly directing Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Google to censor anti-government ideas, a handful of smaller social media platforms popped up, advertising themselves as free-speech platforms. One example was Gettr.

But Gettr is now languishing financially, and deep in debt. Hundreds of Gettr workers have now been laid off. Gettr’s major founder and financial backer, exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, is being prosecuted by the US Justice Department. The charges? “Fraud,” claims the DOJ. The paragraph below is from PC Mag:

“In the DOJ’s indictment, Guo is accused of manipulating his nearly 900,000 followers on Gettr into investing millions into cryptocurrency and anti-Chinese Communist Party “media scams,” The Verge reports. Guo pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan federal court on the same day as his arrest. He was ordered to be detained without bail.”

“Manipulating” “followers” into investing into crypto and anti-communist “media scams” now constitutes fraud, according to the US government.

This shocking story has been mostly ignored. Mainstream pro-government news sources have reported the story in a mocking manner. For example, the pro-government-extremist magazine “Mother Jones” seemed to poke fun at the downfall and indictment of Gettr and its financial backers. See here.

Canadian Lawmaker introduces Bill to imprison people who “suggest that a fossil fuel “would lead to positive outcomes in relation to the environment, the health of Canadians, reconciliation with indigenous peoples or the Canadian or global economy.”

Ottowa. Feb. 16, 2024. Charlie Angus, a far left Canadian member of Parliament, has introduced C-372: An Act respecting fossil fuel advertising.

The totalitarian bill specifies penalties for producers (“on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding $1,000,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both”) and individuals of any stripe (“Every person, other than a producer, who contravenes section 6 is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $500,000”) who make improper statements about the fossil fuel industry. 

C-372 states that “It is prohibited for a person to promote a fossil fuel or the production of a fossil fuel…(b) in a manner that states or suggests that a fossil fuel or the practices of a producer or of the fossil fuel industry would lead to positive outcomes in relation to the environment, the health of Canadians, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples or the Canadian or global economy.”

Terry Etam, writing for, compares the bill to the 1956 Soviet Criminal Code.

The CIA’s creative writing group

A report from inside Langley, Virginia.

Writing in The Paris Review, author Johannes Lichtman describes how the deep state agency recruits a wide range of creative writers to its writers circle.

“I kept wondering why I’d been invited. I don’t write about CIA-adjacent topics, nor am I successful enough a novelist that people outside a small circle—one that I doubt includes U.S. intelligence agencies—know my name. So the invite was a bit of a mystery. This was the second-most common question that came up when I told writer friends about it. . .”

“I began by asking what people were writing. Surprisingly, none of the CIA writers were writing spy novels. They were working on short stories. Self-published dystopian sci-fi. A presidential biography. Upmarket fiction. A personal blog, which I was told to check out if I ever wanted a really good muffin recipe. The writing group was organized around what sounded like a listserv announcing periodic meetings to whatever members were available that day. Only about half the people in the room seemed to know one another.”

Thailand Courts sentence man to 50 years in prison for criticizing the king.

Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, all money, and to kill all who resist.

Governments everywhere are constantly waging war on criticism and free exchange of ideas.

Now a court in Thailand has handed down an unprecedented 50-year prison sentence to a man convicted of violating the country’s strict laws that criminalize insulting the country’s centuries-old monarchy, according to a legal advocacy group statement reported by CNN. 

LA Times lays off one-fourth of its employees

“The Los Angeles Times, the largest newspaper in California and one of the biggest by circulation in the entire United States, was hit with a heavy round of layoffs Tuesday.” More than 110 positions within the company were eliminated; roughly one-fourth of the Times’ workforce.

People just won’t pay to read pro-government extremist propaganda. Meanwhile, news outlets with balanced coverage, such as Epoch Times, Infowars and The Gateway Pundit, are thriving.

See here.

US Government now using banking controls for wide-scale surveillance

Washington, DC, Jan. 22, 2024. The US House Judiciary Committee has obtained documents suggesting that banks were advised to query transactions with keywords like Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, and Bass Pro Shops.

Banking regulators are increasing their surveillance and controls over banks to impose far-ranging monitoring of transactions. The government is applying the Patriot Act’s “know your customer” rules with increasing severity. There is a worldwide movement of governments to de-bank those with anti-government tendencies or views.

And bank accounts are increasingly needed for most transactions.

he House Judiciary Committee and its subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government gave updates on the federal law enforcement’s “receipt of information about American citizens without legal process and its engagement with the private sector.”

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, wrote, the Treasury Department’s Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, gave banks “suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement.”

“According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of ‘extremism’ indicators that include ‘transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel areas with no apparent purpose,’ or ‘the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views,’” wrote Rep. Jordan in a letter to FinCEN’s former director, Noah Bishoff.

See here.