Category: Climate hysteria

A healthy skepticism of claims by Sovietists that only expansive government can save the earth

Lysander Spooner University extends 500 dollar bet to the founder of Extinction Rebellion

We are betting that 12 percent of Phoenix will NOT DIE from climate by 2040.               By Dr. Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D. We are extending our offers regarding climate change bets.  I have long had an open FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR bet offered to anyone regarding the government’s prediction (still published in the movie shown to …

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2023 Wildfire Burn Acreage is the Lowest of the Century

US Wildfire burn acreage is the lowest of the Century. And 12 lowest in the past century. See here.

“Complete Collapse”: Government “ESG” Policies Destroyed Sri Lanka’s Economy in ONE YEAR

There is an ancient common law rule of corporate management that corporate directors must seek profits over any other concerns. But global elites and governments around the world have spent years trying to force businesses to obey government commands regarding environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) concerns rather than profits. But ESG policies seem to bring …

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In 2017 the US government provided six projections for sea level rise due to climate change. Seas are already rising at rates BELOW the lowest scenario projection.

“The Battery,” New York is the fortress-like edifice at the very tip of southern Manhattan. It has a nice small park, walking distance from Wall Street and other sites in Lower Manhattan. Scientists and agencies have kept exact measures of sea levels at The Battery for over a century. For years, sea levels at the …

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New study: there are FEWER wildfires and LESS smoke today than in the distant past

Boston. May 2021. Government scientists at places like the National Interagency Fire center like to claim that forest fires have increased in recent years due to human use of fossil fuels. But new research by Pengfei Liu, a fellow at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has found that …

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California’s socialist power utility appears to cause another major wildfire

California’s power grid is the most socialist in the U.S. Indeed the high-tax, heavy-regulating State government imposes more controls on energy than exists in most places on earth. California has gone all in on climate change doomsday hysteria. The State’s powermad government has actually banned internal-combustion cars by 2030 under the mistaken belief that oil …

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Matt Ridley: the Planet is in great shape

British science writer Matt Ridley has an optimistic view of the Earth’s future. Ridley points out that the Earth has been getting greener and healthier, probably due to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere–thanks to humans. Forests and trees have been increasing. The Earth now has significantly larger areas dedicated to forests, wilderness, …

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World’s elite government supporting universities announce “Alliance” to promote climate alarmism

Government supporting universities around the globe have announced the formation of an “International Universities Climate Alliance” to “ACCELERATE ACTION” (use of all-caps in original) “to meet the unprecedented global challenge of climate change.” Some forty schools, including Arizona State University, California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, King’s College London, McGill University, University of Melbourne and …

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Government academics censor climate facts and block those who state them

Modern academics live in government bubbles where reality has become a dark alternate universe. In 2008, a group of pro-government extremist professors founded “The Conversation,” a “scholarly” blog aimed at closing the supposed gap between government academia and popular journalism. The notion was that the findings and writings of such brilliant pro-government researchers don’t get …

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Why did ExxonMobil choose a bench trial rather than a jury trial?

New York. October 25. New York Supreme Court. Antigovernment News Bureau. The downsized “Exxon knew” trial currently occurring in New York Supreme Court in lower Manhattan provides a look into several larger-scale litigation choices by ExxonMobil attorneys. Exxon is being sued by the State of New York for accounting discrepancies in the company’s reports and …

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