A new survey by the Columbia Journalism Review in partnership with Reuters/Ipsos has found that the public’s trust in mainstream news media is lower than the public’s trust in any other institution, including even Congress. “For decades, we’ve known that Americans don’t trust the press. What we haven’t known is how people view the makings …
February 2019 archive
Feb 26
Another climate hoax collapses: Recent harsh winters have killed off invasive pine beetles, freeing up millions of dollars of government funds
MAINSTREAM MEDIA SILENT A decade ago, folks in northern states such as South and North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho were watching large swaths of their pine forests die off due to invasive pine beetles. The pine beetles bored beneath the bark of pine trees and introduced a fungus and larvae which weakened and then …
Feb 23
Australian government alters temperature records for Darwin, Australia–making it appear that temps have risen 1.8 degrees!
Weather data agencies have repeatedly been caught adjusting temperature records to make the past appear colder than it was measured–and the present seem warmer by comparison. In the U.S. the officials in NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) have altered the data to make U.S. temperatures appear to have risen 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit over …
Feb 18
NASA quietly hides website which said the sun was the primary driver of earth’s climate
For years, NASA’s websites provided much basic science information. One such web page stated the common-sense point that the Sun was the primary driver of the earth’s climate. But such basic science contradicts the current propaganda narrative of the government’s scientist-activists. The current NASA message is that carbon dioxide–a trace gas in the atmosphere–is the …
Feb 18
A Record 35 Percent of Americans say Government is the Greatest Problem in their Lives
Gallup has asked Americans what they felt was the most important problem facing the country since 1939. Prior to 2001, the highest percentage mentioning government was 26% during the Watergate scandal. Not only is distrust of government at an all-time high in the recent Gallup poll. But very few problems have ever registered such a …
Feb 17
Venezuela’s Maduro clings to power using death squads
Now that the socialist Chavez/Maduro government has robbed Venezuela of most of its wealth and independence, there are increasing calls for his overthrow. Maduro clings to power using elite commando military death squads which focus on protest leaders. The death squads are masked and do not resort to any type of civilian court authority. The …
Feb 16
Socialist Illinois is now a rotting corpse
Many people are aware that the socialist government of Illinois is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. But few know the details. An editorial in the Chicago Tribune recently laid bare the horrifying state of Illinois finances. Illinois has been paying such lavish benefits to government workers that State pensions are tapped out. Workers are …
Feb 14
Majority of Californians hope to leave California
California leads the U.S. in taxation and regulation. Although California is the richest state in the union, and has the most vast, comprehensive and expansive social welfare programs, it leads the nation in rates of poverty. A new poll reveals that 53% of California residents are considering leaving the Golden State because of the high …
Feb 14
How do government “climate scientists” spread the message of climate change? With deception and concealment of data
by Roger I. Roots, JD, Ph.D., founder, Lysander Spooner University Anyone seeking the truth about climate change should learn the art of studying official government charts. Climate change hysteria is built on a foundation of deceptive graphs and charts–which any savvy observer can easily see are fabricated to achieve a propaganda, rather than an informative, …
Feb 10
News “fact-checkers” are often just “liberal” rebuttals of “conservative” statements
The New York Post has investigated the rise of supposedly impartial “fact-checkers” which major news sources consult. “Fact-checker” boards, companies or committees are a current fad among mainstream news analysis. Frequently, mainstream news will subject speeches or addresses by public officials to post-speech ‘fact-checking.’ The New York Post looked at newspapers and TV networks which …
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