Category: “climate doomsday”

Global journalists are reading from a coordinated climate terror script generated from Columbia University

Columbia University is considered number one in the ranks of US journalism schools. Many of the most prominent news reporters attended Columbia. Now there is evidence that the Columbia School of Journalism is coordinating climate terror news narratives that are planted into news stories worldwide. Millions of dollars in grants from Bill Gates and other …

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Sometime between 1997 and 1998, global “science” leaders changed the earth’s ‘average’ historic temperature from 15 degrees C to 14 degrees C

To Promote the Government’s Climate Change Narrative An astounding change in a basic scientific standard was quietly made in the late 1990s. Government propagandists succeeded in changing the supposed “average base temperature” of the planet. “It is hard to pinpoint the exact date when the change from 15 degrees to 14 degrees was introduced.  It …

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2023 may set a record low for wildfire burn acreage

Even as government-supported “mainstream” news sources claim global warming is causing increasing wildfires, the data show the opposit. 2023 will almost certainly go down in records as one of the years with the LEAST amount of burn acreage. In California, the number of acres burned so far this year is less than one third of …

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USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting.

USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting. By Roger Roots The US Geological Survey (USGS) and National Park Service (NPS) have committed massive resources toward promotion of the glacier melt narrative at Glacier National Park (GNP). …

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More government lies about the environment exposed: there is no mass die-off of species.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. The California Academy of Sciences has conceded that in 2021, at least 70 new plant and animal species were discovered. “The new species include 14 beetles, 12 sea slugs, nine ants, seven fish, six scorpions, five sea stars, five flowering plants, four sharks, three spiders, two sea pens, one moss, one pygmy …

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New study: there are FEWER wildfires and LESS smoke today than in the distant past

Boston. May 2021. Government scientists at places like the National Interagency Fire center like to claim that forest fires have increased in recent years due to human use of fossil fuels. But new research by Pengfei Liu, a fellow at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has found that …

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Government-supporting professors push debunked theory that fossil fuel industry supports skepticism “anonymously”

Modern government-funded universities churn out so many false, pro-government “studies” that it is impossible to keep up with them all. A few years back a pro-government extremist professor named Robert Brulle published an alleged scientific paper proclaiming that criticism of the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-CO2 theory are secretly funded by the fossil fuel industry. There is nothing …

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Covid shutdowns had NO MEASURABLE IMPACT on atmospheric CO2

The hyped Covid-19 scare has given an opportunity for promoters of the climate doomsday crisis to test their theories. One notion commonly held by climate doomsday panic promoters is that productive capitalism and free markets are to blame for CO2 (and–by extension–global warming). According to this theory, governments must shut down, limit, restrict and lock …

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LA Times falsely claims “2020 California fires are the worst ever. Again.” But the 2020 fires aren’t even close to those of yesteryear..

In another climate hysteria propaganda piece masquerading as a news story, the LA Times proclaimed on Sept. 15 that the wildfires of 2020 are the largest in the state’s history. “The last 10 years have shattered records. 2020 tops them all.” The Times article is filled with what seem to be authoritative graphs, data and …

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Climate doomsdayists present their claims as undeniable. Yet they can’t answer basic questions about their science claims.

Government promoters of catastrophic global warming by carbon dioxide claims promote their claims as settled and undeniable. Yet when cross-examined or even pressed to explain their always-failing models and predictions, these promoters are often revealed as charlatans and showmen. Here Australian congressman Malcolm Roberts asks basic questions of Senator Corman. Roberts asked Corman to explain …

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