Category: climate censorship

Global journalists are reading from a coordinated climate terror script generated from Columbia University

Columbia University is considered number one in the ranks of US journalism schools. Many of the most prominent news reporters attended Columbia. Now there is evidence that the Columbia School of Journalism is coordinating climate terror news narratives that are planted into news stories worldwide. Millions of dollars in grants from Bill Gates and other …

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Americans’ trust in news plummets to an all-time low

Americans’ confidence in newspapers and television news has plummeted to an all-time low, according to the latest annual Gallup survey of trust in U.S. institutions. A 2021 poll from Pew Research Center found that Republicans are far less likely to trust media sources that are considered “mainstream.” Details: Television news is today considered the second-least …

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Rumble receives emails from “news” organizations demanding that Rumble censor “disinfo” (as determined by governments)

Globally the strongest demands for censorship are now coming from “journalists” and “mainstream” (government supporting and supported) news sources. Now the Globe and Mail, Canada’s largest newspaper, is demanding that rising video platform begin censoring government-unapproved content in the same way that Youtube, Google, Facebook and Twitter have done. Youtube now deletes and prohibits …

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Join us for our 6th annual Glacier National Park “Citizen Glaciology” event, Sept. 11-13!

Last year, Lysander Spooner University made history by exposing the fact that the government had quietly removed signs saying all the glaciers in Glacier National Park would disappear by 2020. The government removed the signs during the winter of 2018 and 2019 when the Park was closed to the public. The pictures above were taken …

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English Government professors call for imprisonment of climate doomsday questioners

“When those seeking power can’t convince the populace of the merits of their ideas, they start putting people who disagree in jail, hoping that fear will keep the rest in line.” So writes Anthony Watts of Watts will surely be one of the first people arrested and imprisoned if professors at the University of …

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Government academics censor climate facts and block those who state them

Modern academics live in government bubbles where reality has become a dark alternate universe. In 2008, a group of pro-government extremist professors founded “The Conversation,” a “scholarly” blog aimed at closing the supposed gap between government academia and popular journalism. The notion was that the findings and writings of such brilliant pro-government researchers don’t get …

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Iranian protestors–like those in Paris, Ecuador, and Chile–are driven by outrage over climate taxes

Iran has been the Middle East’s poster child in the area of climate change regulations. Since the 2015 Paris Accords, the Iranian government has positioned itself as a worldwide “climate tax” leader. The government loudly denounced the U.S. when U.S. President Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement in 2017. Iran has recently raised carbon …

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The Downsized “Exxon Knew” trial proves that the “Merchants of Doubt” theory was always science fiction

by Roger I. Roots Remember that book, and later movie, entitled “Merchants of Doubt”? It told how the world’s oil, gas and coal giants were secretly funding a “climate denial” movement in order to confuse and mislead the world into questioning the settled, unequivocal, unchallengeable science of catastrophic manmade climate change. It turns out that …

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Update: mainstream media cracks; begins to report Chilean protests were ignited by carbon taxes

After weeks of anti-government rioting in Chile and the embarrassing cancellation of the upcoming UN climate conference in Chile, some mainstream (i.e., government supported and supporting) news outlets are reluctantly reporting a connection to recent carbon taxes imposed by the Chilean government. The Washington Post, conceding that capitalistic reforms have catapulted Chile to prosperity since …

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Mainstream media conceals the primary cause of the deadly Chilean riots: carbon taxes

This week saw major stories in many newspapers about the growth of protests and riots throughout the world. The Guardian published a detailed expose’ of protests in Hong Kong, Paris, Chile, Iraq, Ecuador and elsewhere which suggested the root cause of all these protests was young populations angry about “income inequality.” Reuters published a detailed …

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