One of the world’s foremost epidemiologists clashed with the establishment over COVID-19 panic Cambridge, Massachusetts. March 10. Martin Kulldorf writes that “I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard.” The acclaimed Harvard biostatistician and infectious-disease epidemiologist does not report whether he has retired, quit, or been fired or let go by Harvard. Kulldorf …
Category: covid-19 lies
Jul 23
The Covid regime: government officials live freely while nongovernment slaves submit to a hundred rules
A recent press conference by the White House press secretary revealed the stark distinction between government and nongovernment persons regarding the dreaded covid-19 germ. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked if the Biden Administration had sought to determine how President Biden contracted the alleged pandemic germ. Jean-Pierre responded “I don’t think that matters.” Government officials …
May 03
Michigan government created snitch task force to hunt for doctors who didn’t push vaccines, masks
We all know that Michigan’s powermad governor Gretchen Whitmer locked down her state for months during 2020, destroyed hundreds of businesses and caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths of patients in hospitals and nursing homes by ordering exposures and treatments designed to kill patients. But now it has been revealed that Whitmer’s Department of …
Apr 16
“Vaccine hesitancy” among new moms increased significantly during the pandemic. This appears to be correlated with IMPROVED infant mortality rates.
Igor Chudov writes that vaccination of infants massively decreased in Florida in 2021 due to “vaccine hesitancy”. And all cause infant mortality MASSIVELY DECREASED, in a perfect lockstep! Say what? Yes. In 2021, parents of newborns in Florida were much more “vaccine hesitant”, for reasons obvious to my readers, and therefore childhood vaccinations decreased from …
Apr 16
Masks have failed every test
Tech genius Steve Kirsch has been relentlessly analyzing last year’s widely-publicized Bangladesh mask study. Kirsch recently engaged the lead author of the study in an exhaustive review discussion regarding the study. (The Bangladesh study was trumpeted on the front pages of every major newspaper in the fall of 2021. Many newspapers blared headlines such as …
Mar 31
Nine Percent of Children Attempted Suicide Under COVID Lockdowns
The New York Times, which fiercely promoted the government’s COVID-19 “pandemic” agenda throughout 2020 and 2021, is now out with an article about a CDC study. The study found that lockdowns and “zoom” schooling from home left many American children vulnerable to abuse, depression and hunger. Nine percent of children in the survey reported they …
Feb 21
CDC promotes mask study with claims it proved masks work. But fine print says “Not statistically significant.” And underlying data show masks provide NO protection at all!
Imagine a study of people’s self-reported mask compliance compared to the same people’s rates of positive test reports. You can imagine that those who “test positive” for COVID-19 are likely to come up with an explanation of how they might have contracted the dreaded germ. Perhaps they might say they failed to properly social distance, …
Feb 21
Governments worldwide are concealing health data so antivaxxers won’t announce it
You can’t make this stuff up. Last week the government of Scotland admitted it was concealing true case counts and hospitalization data to perpetuate a positive narrative regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Scottish officials tacitly admitted that the true data would benefit “anti-vaxxers” and promote “vaccine hesitancy.” And today the New York Times revealed that the same …
Feb 09
The whole world was shocked when US military medical injuries exploded in 2021–so this week the US military changed its numbers!
Two weeks ago the whole world was shocked to see graphs showing that doctor visits within the US military increased 988% in the year 2021. On February 1, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin outlining the startling increase in heart attacks, strokes and other medical emergencies experienced …
Jan 30
Chinese Totalitarianism Reaches New Heights
The news site DNYUZ is out with a harrowing expose on the present state of China. Many once-free societies such as Australia and Canada have transformed into prison states in the past 2 years. But China has transformed into a totalitarian slave prison. “The foundation of the controls is the health code. The local authorities, …