“The Los Angeles Times, the largest newspaper in California and one of the biggest by circulation in the entire United States, was hit with a heavy round of layoffs Tuesday.” More than 110 positions within the company were eliminated; roughly one-fourth of the Times’ workforce. People just won’t pay to read pro-government extremist propaganda. Meanwhile, …
Category: Government-supported media
Governments worldwide have always sought to control discourse. CIA analysts report that it is cheaper for governments to buy a journalist than to buy a hooker.
Jan 13
Journalists are in an organized effort to push censorship on Substack
New York City. Columbia School of Journalism. Jan. 13, 2024. “The Atlantic” Magazine, a far-left, pro-government extremist publication, recently published an article entitled Substack Has a Nazi Problem. The article made a number of factual claims, including a claim that large numbers of “nazis” are now on the Substack platform writing profitable columns with mountains …
Dec 22
Tucker Carlson announced a new podcast – and it’s already the nation’s 3rd most popular on Spotify, before it begins.
Glenn Greenwald. 12/21/2023. Carlson’s podcast–although it doesn’t even exist yet–is about to pass the NYT’s The Daily. “Roughly half of the top 50 news podcasts are independent media.” See here. “Corporate media is still in full denial about this.” “Mainstream” information sources–meaning those that are government supporting and (secretly) government supported–simply are no longer mainstream. …
Dec 02
Washington Post to lay off hundreds more.
Readers won’t pay to read endless government propaganda. “mainstream” “news” sources (meaning those that supply government-supporting, government-supported, “news”) have lost millions of viewers and readers. Now one of the government’s biggest cheerleaders, the Washington Post, is needing to cut ANOTHER 240 jobs. This represents ten percent of the Post’s overall staff. The Post, which is owned by “one …
Oct 11
Washington Post to Slash Another 240 Jobs
Pro-government extremist “news” outlets can’t get people to pay to read their government propaganda. The Washington Post is both government supporting and government supported. Its directors have been repeatedly linked to the CIA. The “news”paper constantly publishes the news from the perspective desired by government agencies and intelligence departments. Many suspect the paper is secretly …
Apr 17
Has Elon Musk stumbled upon Information that Twitter is Secretly Subsidized by the US Government?
Astounding revelations are tumbling out of the Elon Musk proposal to purchase Twitter. Or conspiracy theories; depending on one’s perspective. Tech analysts at the Conservative Tree House and elsewhere have spent thousands of hours studying Twitter’s business model. They contend that Twitter simply cannot exist without massive secret support from immensely deep pockets. “In the …
Apr 14
Did Rachel Maddow Refuse to Pump CIA Wars? MSNBC is Paying Her $30 Million to work ONE NIGHT PER WEEK
If not for secret payments by CIA, would MSNBC even exist? In 1975 the US Senate Church Committee found that the CIA was secretly paying major news reporters for pro-government “journalism.” Congress passed no laws prohibiting the practice. Today it is estimated that the CIA likely spends billions annually on “mainstream” “news.” During the rollout …
Mar 05
In 1878 French government investors paid every French newspaper to promote construction of the Panama Canal
From the book “Famous Financial Fiascos” by John Train (1985): The western world’s elites first began pondering the development of a canal across the Isthmas of Panama in the 1880s. It was the French government that initiated the project. (Later, the US government took the lead in the decades-long project.) Train writes that the leading …
Jan 10
As “mainstream” news collapses, independent news thrives: Gateway Pundit saw 34% increase in 2021
There is nothing mainstream about “mainstream news.” Increasing evidence suggests that so-called ‘legacy’ news sources such as NYT, WaPo, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc. are probably being secretly funded by US government intelligence agencies. The public’s trust in such media has plummeted in recent years. Mainstream news lost 65% of its social media interactions, and 8% …
Jan 02
Emails reveal government pushing reporters to smear scientists who criticize government COVID actions
“In public, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins urge Americans to “follow the science.” In private, the two sainted public-health officials schemed to quash dissenting views from top scientists. That’s the troubling but fair conclusion from emails obtained recently via the Freedom of Information Act by the American Institute for Economic Research.” The emails show that …