Category: overregulation

Government Regulations make it Illegal to help the Homeless

Ohio pastor criminally charged for offering shelter. The modern cult of the omnipotent state produces multitudinous inequities.  Modern government regulations require licenses, certifications, and permits to offer any services to anyone.  Zoning laws prohibit a facility designated as a one-bedroom home from partitioning a living room into two bedrooms, and prohibit facilities from offering lodging …

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Study: Government Regulations Cause Average American to take 2 Fewer Trips per Year

WASHINGTON -. U.S. Travel Association. 12/21/2023. Air travelers take an average of two fewer trips per year at a projected total cost of $71 billion to the U.S. economy—according to a new U.S. Travel survey from Ipsos.  “When nearly 60% of recent air travelers find the experience the equivalent or worse than going to the DMV, it is a …

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Overregulation: Every Single Exotic Zoo Operator featured in the Tiger King Series is now Imprisoned or Bankrupt.

Many Americans are familiar with the NetFlix “Tiger King” series. During the spring of 2020–as millions of Americans were violently locked in their homes under tyrannical stay-at-home quarantine orders–the Tiger King show was watched by millions. “Tiger King” featured the quirky world of exotic animal zoo owners, including Joe Exotic, Doc Antle, Tim Stark, and …

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Great News! San Francisco’s Socialist Government must now Slash Budgets

Years of socialist governance in San Francisco has led to hundreds of businesses, and thousands of residents, fleeing the City by the Bay. The few large stores that remain in the downtown area must now hire extravagant security forces. The City’s high taxes and extreme regulations have led many San Franciscans to rethink the cost/benefit …

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Nigel Farage, founder of BREXIT movement, now denied banking capabilities in UK

Banks around the world appear to be obeying secret government orders to deny service to important critics of government. Simultaneously there has been a discernable push to require that all transactions be channeled through corporate banks. For example, in the US, banks are now increasingly refusing to cash checks or even make change for noncustomers. …

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“Truckpocalypse” begins in California as 70,000 truckers forced off the road by regulations

One major agenda of “the left” (i.e., the government) is the push to require every worker to be an “employee” rather than a free-lancer or an independent contractor. “Employees” are more monitored, documented, and regimented; their employers must withhold certain wages from their checks and regularly report details of each “employee,” including identification, address, social …

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Peer-Reviewed Study finds Chinese Prisoners are being Killed for their Organs

A peer-reviewed study by Matthew P. Robertson and Jacob Lavee, “Execution by organ procurement: Breaching the dead donor rule in China,” has appeared in the April 2022 American Journal of Transplantation. “We find evidence in 71 of these reports, spread nationwide, that brain death could not have properly been declared. In these cases, the removal …

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Even as US truck industry can’t find enough drivers, new draconian regulations impose more restrictions

US government regulations are crippling the ability of American industries to respond to supply shortages. There is a major shortage of truck drivers in the US; but new regulations will make it even HARDER for truck drivers to be obtain commercial driver licenses (CDLs). reports that starting today, on February 7, 2022, new truck …

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More Californians flee: U-Haul reports it can’t keep its rental trucks and trailers in the state

U-Haul annually surveys which states its rental trucks and trailers are traveling to and from. California has been among the leading net-losers in recent years; and this year California was far-and-away the national leader in U-Haul rentals leaving but not returning. In 2020 the State lost more equipment than Illinois, which had the final spot …

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Overregulation is killing private medical practice

Devorah Goldman, writing in the Wall Street Journal, reports that her father’s rheumatology practice in Brooklyn has been swamped with patients from far-flung states because many other private practices have closed permanently. Overregulation by medical authorities is destroying private medical practice. In 1983, more than 75% of physicians owned their own practices. By 2018 that …

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