Category: government-biased “peer review”

Systematic failure of peer review in climate science

The failures of so-called peer review in climate science journals has been given insufficient attention. But an article in the recent edition of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, “Climate Denialism,” by Tinus Pulles, highlights this problem. Scientists whose findings differ from the government-approved narrative have always had great difficulty getting their findings into …

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Remember that professor who mocked academia by publishing preposterous joke “studies” in peer-reviewed journals? He is now being fired by Portland State University

Contemporary higher education is suffering a crisis of legitimacy. Government funding and bias have so corrupted it that larger and larger proportions of society view modern universities as unnecessary overfunded wastelands of government propaganda. A recent Pew Research poll found that only half of all Americans now have a positive view of colleges and universities …

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Another fake study: billionaires secretly promote libertarianism

America’s government-supporting colleges and universities spew a steady stream of pro-government academic “research.” Recent revelations show that it is ridiculously easy to get fake “scientific” studies published in government-supported peer reviewed scholarly journals–so long as the studies support government expansion and intervention. Now a trio of government-trusting academics have produced a “study” purporting to show …

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Anthropologist: modern universities breed conformity rather than intellectual curiosity

Many have wondered why most college professors conform to stereotype: hopelessly closed-minded worshippers of elitist, ‘leftist’ ideology. David Graeber, a professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, suggests in a recent book that the structure and norms of university life breed conformity. Something about the experience of grad school, the …

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50 year anniversary of “The Population Bomb” hoax

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb.” The book catapulted Ehrlich to superstardom among the world’s scientists, and remains one of the all-time science bestsellers. Yet the past 50 years of knowledge and human development have proven the book to be fundamentally false. See here. “Ehrlich prophesied …

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Pro- Government Extremist Faculty at Montana State University Vote to Deny Research Center named after Government-Critical Koch Brothers

America’s government-supported colleges and universities are temples of government worship and central planning. Almost any American who walks onto a college campus becomes immediately less free. MSU has speech codes and speech “zones.” The faculty at MSU spew a steady stream of pro-government extremist research and sentiment. Their “research” on such matters as campaign-finance policy, …

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Government scientists rage at slight Trump budget cuts

Study after study shows that when government pays for science, that “science” tends to be very expensive, very inefficient, and biased in favor of government. This can be seen in numerous fields including welfare policy, education, health care and climate science. Dr. Roger Roots, the founder of Lysander Spooner University, documented the inefficiency of government-funded …

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More proposed violence against climate change skeptics

Science is skepticism. A true scientist proposes hypotheses and challenges the whole world to show the hypotheses wrong. He invites debate. A true scientist never proclaims he is right based on a ‘consensus’ or a committee vote. Under the scientific method, even a single observation contradicting a hypothesis is enough to scuttle the hypothesis. But …

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“Global warming” star professor Michael Mann fails to obey Canadian Court order that he produce his data

Foremost among the “stars” of the government’s manmade-global-warming movement is Michael Mann, a professor at Penn State. Mann and his research agenda have received millions of dollars in federal government research grant money. Mann’s (always secret from the public) global-warming data and calculations have provided the backbone for the UN’s claims that increasing CO2 levels …

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Professor Roy Spencer predicted last year that pro-government “scientists” would soon start “adjusting” satellite temp data to bring it into compliance with global warming theory. It has now happened

Professor Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama–Huntsville (UAH) is true pioneer of satellite temp data collection. He and Dr. John Christy have spent years launching and monitoring satellite temperature data (using government science grants). The problem for government-trusting global-warming believers is that the UAH satellite data show very little global warming over the past …

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