Category: Free speech under siege

“Former” FBI agents control “content moderation” at Twitter

Here’s Scott Horton talks with Alan MacLeod about the surprising number of former FBI agents who have joined the content moderation department at Twitter. Remember during the Obama Administration when Facebook’s and Twitter’s CEOs and execs visited and had meetings in the White House dozens of times? (Some reports said hundreds of times.) And …

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Michigan government created snitch task force to hunt for doctors who didn’t push vaccines, masks

We all know that Michigan’s powermad governor Gretchen Whitmer locked down her state for months during 2020, destroyed hundreds of businesses and caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths of patients in hospitals and nursing homes by ordering exposures and treatments designed to kill patients. But now it has been revealed that Whitmer’s Department of …

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Rumble receives emails from “news” organizations demanding that Rumble censor “disinfo” (as determined by governments)

Globally the strongest demands for censorship are now coming from “journalists” and “mainstream” (government supporting and supported) news sources. Now the Globe and Mail, Canada’s largest newspaper, is demanding that rising video platform begin censoring government-unapproved content in the same way that Youtube, Google, Facebook and Twitter have done. Youtube now deletes and prohibits …

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Canada descends further into darkness: government licenses now required for “journalists”

Every government in history has sought to control news reporting about itself. Now Canada is requiring journalists to obtain government licenses. And only pro-government “journalists” are given such licenses. Rebel News, Canada’s largest independent news agency, has been denied a license due to its occasional reporting criticizing government operations. Rebel News is banned from attending …

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Germany now defines criticism of government as “hate speech” and is rounding up a hundred dissidents over anti-government posts

Berlin. The Gateway Pundit reports that The German government has begun prosecuting its citizens for thought crimes, raiding the homes of hundreds of Germans who have allegedly leveled insults against politicians online. In an effort to prosecute”criminal content” contained in over 600 statements posted on the internet, Federal Criminal police raided scores of apartments and …

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Canada has fallen. Censorship, arrests of opposition leaders, vaxx passports, imprisonment of dissidents, seizure of property and bank accounts without warrant

OTTAWA — Randy Hillier, an independent member of Ontario’s legislature, surrendered to Ottawa police on Monday to face nine charges related to trucker convoy protests against pandemic measures in the nation’s capital. Among the charges is one for assaulting police officers. The charge appears to be based on a momentary incident in which Hillier allegedly …

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First January 6 Trial Will be Held in Quasi-Secret, with Almost No Audience

Star Chamber Justice Returns to the Western World Guy Reffitt didn’t even go inside the Capitol; he is on trial for protesting stolen 2020 election Washington, D.C. March 1. Jan. 6, 2021 was a truly terrifying day for the US government. Americans who contested the November 2020 election dared to riot amid the government’ sacred …

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Canadian Law Enforcement demands Canadians report “anti-authority” opinions

By Dr. Roger Roots, Founder of Lysander Spooner University The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are the Canadian equivalent of America’s FBI. Canadians seem to revere and idolize the RCMP. I took the attached photos of RCMP teddy bears and t-shirts for sale in the gift shop at the Prince of Wales Hotel just north …

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Finnish government orders Helsinki bank to suspend two financial analysts who criticized lockdowns

Natural News is reporting that “[t]wo financial analysts were suspended and forced to retract their truthful research report which questioned totalitarian lock downs, vaccine efficacy and vaccine mandates.” Their employer, Nordea Bank, suspended Chief Analyst Martin Enlund and Global Chief Strategist Andreas Steno Larsen, banishing them from their website. “When a Finnish government official (Mikko …

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Chinese government raids dozens of homes at midnight, busses hundreds to “quarantine camps”

The Sun is reporting that “CHINESE authorities reportedly raided dozens of homes in the middle of the night and forced people onto buses to quarantine camps under the world’s strictest lockdown.” The Chinese government claims it is controlling one of its worst outbreaks in a single city since the beginning. “The 13 million people living …

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