Category: “science” which exalts the state

Heller: Manmade Global Warming is the Biggest Scam in Science History

The brilliant data analyst Tony Heller has been catching government agencies lying about climate change for years. Now he has produced a video laying out the evidence of the government’s fraud. See here. Heller shows that the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) knowingly displays a deceptive graph at its headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. The …

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EPA’s top “climate change expert” was just sentenced to prison for fraud

John Beale was absent for years at a time, did no work, and traveled first-class. Will Rogers once said It’s a good thing we don’t get all the government we pay for. Here is news of the EPA’s highest paid “climate change expert,” John C. Beale, who was just sentenced to 32 months in prison …

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There is increasing evidence that Google, Facebook and Twitter are censoring climate skepticism and colluding with each other in doing so

During the final years of the Obama Administration, executives at Google, Facebook and Twitter were regularly meeting with Obama in the White House. Not long after, all 3 internet giants (which together rake in more than 85% of all online ad revenue) began promoting the “net neutrality” concept for a government takeover of the internet, …

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Government scientists rage at slight Trump budget cuts

Study after study shows that when government pays for science, that “science” tends to be very expensive, very inefficient, and biased in favor of government. This can be seen in numerous fields including welfare policy, education, health care and climate science. Dr. Roger Roots, the founder of Lysander Spooner University, documented the inefficiency of government-funded …

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Government “scientists” caught faking climate data AGAIN: adjustments to sea-level data designed to show accelerating rise

In the academic battle over whether manmade CO2 is causing catastrophic climate change (and over whether people must immediately surrender all rights to governments so that socialism can save the world from fossil fuels), one side has been caught time and time again faking data. “Skeptics” have been demonized, attacked, assaulted, sued, fired, blacklisted and …

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Have glaciers increased in number in Glacier National Park?

It appears that NBC News visited Glacier National Park’s Grinnell Glacier earlier this year. NBC News repeated the claim of government scientists (prevalent everywhere throughout the Park) that the glaciers at GNP are rapidly melting due to apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming. See here. Lysander Spooner University documented in September of this year that GNP’s famed Grinnell Glacier appears …

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Huffington Post predicts 2018 will be “the year of the climate voter”

The “Huffington Post” is a pro-government extremist online “newspaper” that delivers a steady stream of news reports from the government’s perspective. The “Post” frequently repeats the government meme that “climate change” is a major issue for the common man (even while all polling continuously shows the issue is important only to wealthy elitists in government …

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Leaked info shows Soros spending massively to push ‘climate change’ theme

“Climate change” is a constant theme of ultra-powerful elites. It barely registers as a problem or issue among democratic majorities. For the past 2 decades, the earth’s governments and wealthy elites have tried to ram cap-and-trade and carbon-tax laws down the throats of long-suffering taxpayers on the grounds that only socialism and central planning can …

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Government agency caught falsifying temp records near Flagstaff, AZ. “Adjustments” were designed to bolster ‘global warming’ claims

The heroic data analyst Tony Heller will someday be seen as the man who almost singlehandedly brought down the government’s apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hoax. Heller painstakingly combs through temp data provided from government agencies such as N.O.A.A., and shows how the government’s adjustments tend to be designed to bolster the government’s climate claims. Now Heller has found …

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Is global warming the biggest financial scam in world history in addition to being the world’s biggest scientific scam?

Several science professors have said that apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide hysteria is the biggest scientific scam in world history. The hoax has relied on worldwide collusion of government-funded scientists and censorship of dissent in important channels and media outlets. It is the first major scientific fraud that went worldwide, with almost all of the world’s governments embracing it. …

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