Category: “science” which exalts the state

Professor Roy Spencer predicted last year that pro-government “scientists” would soon start “adjusting” satellite temp data to bring it into compliance with global warming theory. It has now happened

Professor Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama–Huntsville (UAH) is true pioneer of satellite temp data collection. He and Dr. John Christy have spent years launching and monitoring satellite temperature data (using government science grants). The problem for government-trusting global-warming believers is that the UAH satellite data show very little global warming over the past …

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The manufacture of each Tesla electric car battery produces as much CO2 as 8 years of driving an average automobile

The “Tesla” auto company and its CEO Elan Musk have received more than $500 million dollars of government subsidies to produce electric cars that are supposedly better for the environment than conventional gasoline cars. Believers in the government’s apocalyptic-global-warming-by-man-made-carbon-dioxide theory generally support Tesla cars because they supposedly have a smaller “carbon footprint.” But a new …

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Visitor Center at Glacier National Park contains panorama claiming all glaciers will be melted by 2020

On June 12, 2017 Lysander Spooner University was on the ground at Glacier National Park where President Roger Roots and a small team of intrepid researchers inspected the St. Mary Visitor Center. The official visitor center contains a panorama of the Park’s mountain peaks. The panorama has an interactive light display depicting locations of glaciers …

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Almost everything said by ‘mainstream’ news about melting in the Arctic is fake

For a decade, government trusters have promoted a theme of apocalyptic hysteria about manmade global warming. This hysteria is aimed at convincing people to give governments even more power and control over them. But almost everything reported about warming or melting in the Arctic is fake. Here is an informative video from

Multi-year ice in the Arctic has tripled in a decade

Government agencies have spent the past 20 years in a scheme to promote more government power, socialism and control. The government’s apocalyptic manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 story requires deception and fakery by government “science” agencies. Even while government and government trusters are claiming that ice in the Arctic is melting, actual satellite data show multi-year ice has TRIPLED …

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MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen: Belief that CO2 controls global temperature is like belief in magic

“Science is a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure,” according to legendary MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen. But many modern people are in the habit of claiming that their own beliefs about manmade global warming represent “science.” Moreover, an immense modern movement to SUPPRESS scientific inquiry has been launched in the name of …

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Climate “scientists” call for boycott of New York Times after the Time hires climate skeptic writer

Government-funded climate “science” is more about politics and religious faith than about subjecting scientific hypotheses to rigorous testing or analysis. Now one of the America’s most obnoxious and government-funded “climate scientists”–Michael E. Mann of Penn State–is cheerleading for a boycott by government-trusters against the New York Times. The New York Times, according to Mann, has …

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Snowpack in western U.S. is far above normal; while government-funded scientists say Spring is coming earlier

For years, government-funded “scientists” have been spreading hysterical apocalyptic claims about manmade global warming. Only government can save us, these government-funded professors claim. Only by adopting socialism and empowering government can the earth be saved. Yet glaciers and snowpack in the western U.S. is way above average as spring begins. See here.

It is the longest winter on record in Maine

Maine is experiencing the longest winter in its history. Never before have parts of Maine been under 12 inches of snow continuously for so long. See here.

The majority of government-funded scientific research cannot be replicated

In May of 2016, a survey by Nature revealed that over two thirds of researchers surveyed had tried and failed to reproduce the results of another scientist’s study. In the field of cancer biology, merely 10% of results from published literature were found to be reproducible. Government funding of university “science” produces published “studies” which …

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