Tucker Carlson announced a new podcast – and it’s already the nation’s 3rd most popular on Spotify, before it begins.

Glenn Greenwald. 12/21/2023. Carlson’s podcast–although it doesn’t even exist yet–is about to pass the NYT’s The Daily. “Roughly half of the top 50 news podcasts are independent media.” See here. “Corporate media is still in full denial about this.”

“Mainstream” information sources–meaning those that are government supporting and (secretly) government supported–simply are no longer mainstream. Readers and viewers are becoming aware that platforms such as NYT, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. are just pro-government content. Readers and viewers simply won’t pay or invest the time to hear the same government messaging all day long, day after day.

CNN–with massive corporate support and advertising, and being shown at all times at every airport, hotel lobby and train station–only produces one show (Erin Burnett) with over 100,000 viewers in the coveted ‘under 55’ age range. (Even 5th-rate libertarian podcasts get that many viewers.) Greenwald writes that “It’s an absolutely dying medium: rapidly so.”