Category: government “schools”

Pandemic lockdowns and school disruptions have made low income students MORE THAN A YEAR BEHIND in average education level

Corey DeAngelis of the Reason Foundation testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Consumer Protection & Commerce on March 11, 2021. DeAngelis said that there have been substantial costs associated with keeping schools closed during the 2020 ‘pandemic.’ Students have lost ground academically as well as physically. The poorest have fared the worst. Government teachers …

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Government regulations DO NOT improve quality; they simply make products more expensive

Economist Mark Perry has studied the effect of government regulation on industries for many years. His research shows that wherever goods and services are freest, prices go down while quality and innovation constantly improve. Examples are televisions, electronics, and cell phones. But products and services which are subject to the most regulation (such as education, …

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U.S. government creates fake universities (and even makes one of them ‘fully accredited’), then arrests foreign students who are tricked into enrolling

Throughout the past two years, the U.S. government’s ICE agency set up its own fake university, According to Reason Magazine: The latest chapter in the story began in 2015, when ICE decided to crack down on visa mills. The agency created the University of Northern New Jersey, a fake college that held no classes and …

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Eduardo Franco, a professor of Medicine at the Canadian government’s McGill University, reports that “for the first time in history, scientists and scholars worldwide are publishing more fraudulent and flawed studies than legitimate research—maybe ten times more.” See here. CRISIS IN LEGITIMACY Almost every modern research university is hopelessly dependent and focused on government (especially, …

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More than THIRTY THOUSAND Illinois teachers make six-figure salaries

The socialist government of Illinois continues to lavish its millionaire ‘workers’ with extravagant wealth and benefits. A recent study by Forbes magazine found that there are now over THIRTY THOUSAND Illinois school ‘teachers’ who make more than $100,000 annually. Many make over $200,000 annually. Tens of thousands of productive workers now flee the high taxes …

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Government university now bans “harsh” text messages

It is mostly forgotten that government colleges were originally launched for three reasons: (1) to provide access for poor people to higher education, (2) to counteract the supposed tendency of private (mostly church-owned) colleges to stifle speech and expression, and (3) to provide for more ‘public interest’ scientific research and education, which supposedly wasn’t being …

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Australian professor fired by government university for global warming skepticism

James Cook University, a public university and the second oldest university in Queensland, Australia, has fired Professor Peter Ridd for climate skepticism and related “misconduct.” See here.

Government schools increasingly ban Halloween due to political incorrectness concerns

There is nothing constitutional about public schools. Early Americans knew nothing of them. They educated themselves according to their needs, with private schooling or home schooling. But public schools have taken over America’s education over the past century. And through such schools, government incessantly promotes its agenda of central planning, government control and regulation. Now …

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Government universities suppress free speech by imposing different conditions based on content

Many government universities provide public event space for rent or for use by student groups. Generally student groups and clubs can reserve meeting halls for free while nonstudents and outsiders must pay for the use of facilities. But many government colleges have a habit of discriminating among student organizations and speakers based on the content …

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UC Berkeley offers counseling services for students impacted by neoconservative speaker

America’s government colleges have become temples of elitism, privilege, intolerance, socialism and government worship. Any American becomes instantly less free upon walking onto a government college campus. Many campuses have speech codes, restricted ‘first amendment zones’ and internal intelligence units which are paid to hunt down anti-government, free-market, or politically incorrect thought. Now there are …

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