Category: Climate hysteria

A healthy skepticism of claims by Sovietists that only expansive government can save the earth

Government “scientists” caught faking climate data AGAIN: adjustments to sea-level data designed to show accelerating rise

In the academic battle over whether manmade CO2 is causing catastrophic climate change (and over whether people must immediately surrender all rights to governments so that socialism can save the world from fossil fuels), one side has been caught time and time again faking data. “Skeptics” have been demonized, attacked, assaulted, sued, fired, blacklisted and …

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Have glaciers increased in number in Glacier National Park?

It appears that NBC News visited Glacier National Park’s Grinnell Glacier earlier this year. NBC News repeated the claim of government scientists (prevalent everywhere throughout the Park) that the glaciers at GNP are rapidly melting due to apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming. See here. Lysander Spooner University documented in September of this year that GNP’s famed Grinnell Glacier appears …

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Huffington Post predicts 2018 will be “the year of the climate voter”

The “Huffington Post” is a pro-government extremist online “newspaper” that delivers a steady stream of news reports from the government’s perspective. The “Post” frequently repeats the government meme that “climate change” is a major issue for the common man (even while all polling continuously shows the issue is important only to wealthy elitists in government …

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Ice is above normal at both poles; Global sea levels are going DOWN

One of the recurring claims of pro-government voices is that apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 is causing sea levels to rise due to melting ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. Government trusters use this claim to demand ever more government power, taxation, and central planning by elitists. But the precise opposite is true. NASA data confirm that global sea …

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A whistle blower has come forward with information about N.O.A.A.’s faked temperature “study”

Government-funded “climate science” is a domain of shoddy, politicized research and claims, mostly aimed at helping governments build their cases for demanding more power, money and control. Here is a recent lecture about the astounding revelations by retiring N.O.A.A. whistleblower Dr. John Bates. Bates had a 40-year career in meteorology & climate science at NOAA, …

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Google’s new “guidelines” call for the company’s programmers to optimize websites that represent “well established scientific consensus” and to downgrade those which are skeptical

The world’s most frequently-visited search engine, Google, has produced “guidelines” for its programmers. Interestingly the guidelines tell programmers to optimize “High quality information pages on scientific topics” which represent “well established scientific consensus on issues where such consensus exists.” (Section 3.2) But writer Leo Goldstein reminds us that “the allegations of “scientific consensus” are made …

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A scam collapsing before our eyes: Global warmists appear to have removed links to “data” which showed Greenland glaciers retreating

A few years back a guy named James Balog started “the Extreme Ice Survey.” He produced an award-winning video, “Chasing Ice,” which featured him cramponing around the glaciers of Greenland and Alaska with sad piano music in the background. Balog’s theme was that he wanted to video and photograph the glaciers before they melted away. …

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“Global warming” star professor Michael Mann fails to obey Canadian Court order that he produce his data

Foremost among the “stars” of the government’s manmade-global-warming movement is Michael Mann, a professor at Penn State. Mann and his research agenda have received millions of dollars in federal government research grant money. Mann’s (always secret from the public) global-warming data and calculations have provided the backbone for the UN’s claims that increasing CO2 levels …

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The manufacture of each Tesla electric car battery produces as much CO2 as 8 years of driving an average automobile

The “Tesla” auto company and its CEO Elan Musk have received more than $500 million dollars of government subsidies to produce electric cars that are supposedly better for the environment than conventional gasoline cars. Believers in the government’s apocalyptic-global-warming-by-man-made-carbon-dioxide theory generally support Tesla cars because they supposedly have a smaller “carbon footprint.” But a new …

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Visitor Center at Glacier National Park contains panorama claiming all glaciers will be melted by 2020

On June 12, 2017 Lysander Spooner University was on the ground at Glacier National Park where President Roger Roots and a small team of intrepid researchers inspected the St. Mary Visitor Center. The official visitor center contains a panorama of the Park’s mountain peaks. The panorama has an interactive light display depicting locations of glaciers …

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