Category: Climate hysteria

A healthy skepticism of claims by Sovietists that only expansive government can save the earth

BBC goes full Orwell: The official government TV network of Britain will no longer show climate skepticism

The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) will no longer show any content which might cast doubt on the government theory of catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2. See here. The government network has pronounced that the issue is settled and no debate will be allowed. This despite the fact that ice in the arctic has been growing steadily over the past …

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Shortest melt season on record in the Arctic?

The “mainstream” (meaning government supporting and supported) media continue to report that manmade global warming is quickly melting the ice in the Arctic away to nothing. But a careful analysis of satellite records seems to indicate that this year’s Arctic “melt season” is already over. Unless there is an unforeseen sudden rise in temperatures in …

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Australian voters and representatives remove 3 prime ministers in a decade over “climate change” impositions; U.S. newspapers ignore

Australians pay some of the highest electricity rates in the world, mostly due to laws imposed by the Australian government which affirm and enshrine the global-government’s climate change theory and which require energy to be largely produced by expensive wind and solar projects. In recent years, Australian voters have revolted against such rules. Voters and …

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Data analysis reveals California “record heat” records are manipulated

The great data analyst Tony Heller has exposed many government temperature record lies. Now Heller has examined widely-publicized claims that California recently set various “all-time” heat records. (A report that this past July was the hottest in California history, for example, made its way onto the front pages of many national newspapers.) Heller finds that …

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Climate change apocalypticists can’t convince the insurance industry to believe; so now they seek to force the industry to pay up

For several years, promoters of catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hysteria have sought to get the insurance industry to recognize that ‘climate change is real.’ Two years ago, on-again,-off-again-world’s-richest-man Warren Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire-Hathaway (which owns or controls several large insurers including Geico) authored a statement on the subject in his annual investment letter. Buffet noted that most …

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Easter Island was wiped out by Little Ice Age; not manmade ecological collapse

Pro-government extremist Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times, recently repeated claims that the great sculptors of Easter Island were wiped out due to manmade environmental destruction. Similar claims were made by Professor Jared Diamond in his bestseller “Collapse”–a wide-ranging set of sociological essays culminating in a call for central planning by learned …

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Study shows sea levels increased faster in the first half of the 20th century than in the second half

It is an article of faith among hardline believers in apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 that sea levels are increasing–and that this increase is ACCELERATING as the planet’s glaciers and polar ice caps melt. And it seems there is widespread agreement that sea levels have risen moderately over the past several centuries. But now there is a major study …

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California municipalities sue oil companies claiming they face certain infrastructure destruction . . . but tell their banks and bond insurers that their infrastructures are rock solid!

More climate-change lies. A group of California cities and municipalities including Oakland and San Mateo recently filed suit against Exxon and other fossil fuel companies alleging the companies are causing certain damage to the cities’ infrastructure due to catastrophic global warming. But at the same time the same cities tell their bankers and bonding agencies …

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Heller: Manmade Global Warming is the Biggest Scam in Science History

The brilliant data analyst Tony Heller has been catching government agencies lying about climate change for years. Now he has produced a video laying out the evidence of the government’s fraud. See here. Heller shows that the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) knowingly displays a deceptive graph at its headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. The …

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There is increasing evidence that Google, Facebook and Twitter are censoring climate skepticism and colluding with each other in doing so

During the final years of the Obama Administration, executives at Google, Facebook and Twitter were regularly meeting with Obama in the White House. Not long after, all 3 internet giants (which together rake in more than 85% of all online ad revenue) began promoting the “net neutrality” concept for a government takeover of the internet, …

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