Author's posts
Jul 22
“Complete Collapse”: Government “ESG” Policies Destroyed Sri Lanka’s Economy in ONE YEAR
There is an ancient common law rule of corporate management that corporate directors must seek profits over any other concerns. But global elites and governments around the world have spent years trying to force businesses to obey government commands regarding environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) concerns rather than profits. But ESG policies seem to bring …
Jul 22
Vast majority of Americans now say government hurts them more than it helps them
A new poll shows that a majority of Americans feel that federal government actions over the past six months have hurt them. The Monmouth University poll, released on July 5, 2022, reveals that the number of Americans who are struggling financially has jumped by double digits in the past year. The poll, which was carried …
Jul 22
Americans’ trust in news plummets to an all-time low
Americans’ confidence in newspapers and television news has plummeted to an all-time low, according to the latest annual Gallup survey of trust in U.S. institutions. A 2021 poll from Pew Research Center found that Republicans are far less likely to trust media sources that are considered “mainstream.” Details: Television news is today considered the second-least …
Jul 22
“Truckpocalypse” begins in California as 70,000 truckers forced off the road by regulations
One major agenda of “the left” (i.e., the government) is the push to require every worker to be an “employee” rather than a free-lancer or an independent contractor. “Employees” are more monitored, documented, and regimented; their employers must withhold certain wages from their checks and regularly report details of each “employee,” including identification, address, social …
Jul 22
“Former” FBI agents control “content moderation” at Twitter
Here’s Scott Horton talks with Alan MacLeod about the surprising number of former FBI agents who have joined the content moderation department at Twitter. Remember during the Obama Administration when Facebook’s and Twitter’s CEOs and execs visited and had meetings in the White House dozens of times? (Some reports said hundreds of times.) And …
May 03
Michigan government created snitch task force to hunt for doctors who didn’t push vaccines, masks
We all know that Michigan’s powermad governor Gretchen Whitmer locked down her state for months during 2020, destroyed hundreds of businesses and caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths of patients in hospitals and nursing homes by ordering exposures and treatments designed to kill patients. But now it has been revealed that Whitmer’s Department of …
May 03
US President Requests BILLIONS to “counter disinformation”
Hidden in the details of US President Biden’s $33 billion supplemental budget allocation to aid Ukraine is a clause dedicating 8.8 billion dollars to “the Department of State for economic support and assistance to the people of Ukraine and other affected countries, including direct budgetary support, as well as support for food security, democracy, anticorruption, …
Apr 17
Has Elon Musk stumbled upon Information that Twitter is Secretly Subsidized by the US Government?
Astounding revelations are tumbling out of the Elon Musk proposal to purchase Twitter. Or conspiracy theories; depending on one’s perspective. Tech analysts at the Conservative Tree House and elsewhere have spent thousands of hours studying Twitter’s business model. They contend that Twitter simply cannot exist without massive secret support from immensely deep pockets. “In the …
Apr 16
“Vaccine hesitancy” among new moms increased significantly during the pandemic. This appears to be correlated with IMPROVED infant mortality rates.
Igor Chudov writes that vaccination of infants massively decreased in Florida in 2021 due to “vaccine hesitancy”. And all cause infant mortality MASSIVELY DECREASED, in a perfect lockstep! Say what? Yes. In 2021, parents of newborns in Florida were much more “vaccine hesitant”, for reasons obvious to my readers, and therefore childhood vaccinations decreased from …
Apr 16
Masks have failed every test
Tech genius Steve Kirsch has been relentlessly analyzing last year’s widely-publicized Bangladesh mask study. Kirsch recently engaged the lead author of the study in an exhaustive review discussion regarding the study. (The Bangladesh study was trumpeted on the front pages of every major newspaper in the fall of 2021. Many newspapers blared headlines such as …