Manchester, England. Feb. 23, 2025. Blogger Peter Sweden has posted the story of Grandmother Helen Jones, who had police pound on her door for posting that Labour Party officials should resign. British “authorities” have been …
Berlin. Feb. 18, 2025. Apple announced last week that it is no longer offering its end-to-end-encryption feature in any product for sale in Great Britain. This cancelation is in response to British government demands …
In just the past decade, Germany has fallen under increasing government control. The German government’s censorship regime was recently highlighted in the U.S. “60 Minutes” news program. 60 Minutes produced a favorable expose’ about …
A global movement by governments and elites to impose mass censorship on social media platforms has arisen over the past decade. This movement has become intertwined with the “left” worldwide. Even in the United States, …
Massive New Study finds UBI makes Households POORER California. December 2024. A massive government-funded study of Californians who received “universal basic income” (UBI) finds that the program did little to help poor households. The study …
A scientist in North Carolina recently realized that the “science” textbooks and lesson plans given to North Carolina’s public school students had largely erased discussion of the scientific method.
The scientific method–which emphasizes skepticism over certainty, and questions over conclusions–is the bedrock of scientific discovery. Yet since 2012, North Carolina’s schoolbooks have embraced “consensus” over doubt.
This has corresponded to broadening acceptance of top-down science claims involving doomsday climate ideology and COVID-19 panics.
Charlottesville, VA. October 2023. Now that “the left” (code for government and pro-government forces) is in control of all American institutions, the electorate has become more divided than ever.
A recent University of Virginia Center for Politics survey finds that “Partisan Desires Override Support for Constitutional Freedoms and American Values.” “Roughly half (52% Biden voters, 47% Trump voters) viewed those who supported the other party as threats to the American way of life.”
“About 40% of both groups (41% Biden voters, 38% Trump voters) at least somewhat believed that the other side had become so extreme that it is acceptable to use violence to prevent them from achieving their goals.”
There is some good news in the survey: “Roughly two in five (41%) of respondents leaning towards Donald Trump in 2024 at least somewhat agreed with the idea of red states seceding from the Union to form their own separate country, while 30% of Biden supporters expressed a similar sentiment, but for blue states.
“31% of Biden supporters, in contrast to 25% of Trump supporters, at least somewhat agreed with limiting certain rights, including freedom of speech, to safeguard the feelings and safety of marginalized groups.”
“A significant 47% of Biden voters, as opposed to 35% of Trump voters, believed the government should regulate or restrict the expression of views deemed discriminatory or offensive.”
“74% of Biden supporters favoring restrictions on the quantity and types of firearms, irrespective of constitutional interpretations.” “In contrast, only 35% of Trump supporters felt the same.”
“redistributing all wealth over a certain limit to address income inequality garnered support from 56% of Biden voters, compared to 39% from Trump voters.”
Disturbingly, “50% of Trump voters, compared to 32% of Biden voters, at least somewhat agreed that laws should be enacted to require citizens to show respect for national symbols and leaders.” And “37% of Trump voters, versus 24% of Biden voters, believed in enacting laws to restrict the expression of views deemed unpatriotic or disloyal.”
Additionally, “45% of Trump supporters, against 30% of Biden supporters, felt that laws should be enacted that limit demonstrations and protests that the government deems potentially disruptive to public order.”
“An almost identical number of Biden (37%) and Trump (36%) voters at least somewhat agreed on the need for certain religious groups to be subjected to government monitoring and limitations to ensure national security.”
“We stand on the precipice of a developing emergency,” said Larry J. Sabato, director of the Center for Politics. “Dislike of the other side combined with a pervasive disregard for the fundamental freedoms contained in the U.S. Constitution poses a grave threat. If these sentiments go unchecked and grow, our nation could face disastrous division.”
Divergent views on past elections and key issues
2020 election perspectives: Looking back on the 2020 election, 56% of those who intend to vote for Trump in 2024 at least somewhat agreed that Trump actually won the 2020 election, but that it was stolen from him through election fraud and voting manipulation (only 9% of Biden voters felt similarly). Meanwhile, 88% of Biden’s prospective 2024 voters at least somewhat agreed that the 2020 election was secure and free of fraud and that Biden won fair and square, while just 25% of Trump voters felt similarly.
New data from the U.S. Census shows that around 820,000 people moved out of California and 550,000 out of New York in 2022. They join more than 8 million Americans who moved states in 2022.
High taxes and regulations are forcing productive people to flee: four in ten Californians and and three in ten New Yorkers say they’re considering moving out of state. California’s government recently banned gas lawnmowers and has announced that all vehicles must be electric by 2030. New York’s legislature recently considered erecting concentration camps to house those who resist mandatory vaccination.
Many of those moving are headed to low-tax Florida or Texas, the states with the largest influxes in 2022.
Lewiston, Maine. Oct. 26, 2023. Searchers are on the lookout for Robert Card, a career government employee, who is suspected of killing at least 16 innocent people at a Maine restaurant.
Government employees are the wealthiest class in American society, surpassing private business owners and all other types of workers in average wealth and income. The wealthiest 5 counties in the U.S. are now the counties surrounding Washington, D.C. In many other communities, the largest homes are owned by present or former government employees. Sources say the extravagant pay and benefits, vast authority and immunity from accountability bestowed upon contemporary government officials gives them a sense of entitlement not unlike the kings and queens of yesteryear.
In October 2018, retired millionaire former IRS employee Stephen Paddock reportedly gunned down 59 country music fans at a festival in Las Vegas. Then in November 2019, former Marine corporal Ian David Long murdered 12 country fans at a country bar in Thousand Oaks, California. Undercover FBI asset Omar Mateen reportedly gunned down 49 Americans at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando, Florida. Later in 2019 a municipal worker in Virginia Beach, Virginia, DeWayne Craddock, murdered a dozen of his coworkers at the Municipal Center in Virginia Beach.
Thousands of Americans have been murdered by government workers or retired government workers, who view violence against their fellow man as a privilege that comes with governmental authority.
Many Americans are familiar with the NetFlix “Tiger King” series. During the spring of 2020–as millions of Americans were violently locked in their homes under tyrannical stay-at-home quarantine orders–the Tiger King show was watched by millions.
“Tiger King” featured the quirky world of exotic animal zoo owners, including Joe Exotic, Doc Antle, Tim Stark, and Jeff Low. What the show didn’t emphasize was how federal regulators of the USDA and EPA control, license, and micromanage each of these attractions.
There was a time when America was filled with private roadside exotic animal attractions. Today, the government has driven most of them out of business. Most that do remain are “sanctuaries” under the near-total control of federal regulators. (Most, in fact, work hand in hand with the regulators and actually take the animals that are seized from the for-profit zoos when the government shuts them down.)
Today Joe Exotic is serving a life sentence in federal prison and Doc Antle also sits in prison awaiting sentencing. Tim Stark lives in campers; his exotic animal park has been completely destroyed. Jeff Lowe is on the run, reportedly in Mexico.
Most, if not all of the lions, tigers, and bears that once belonged to these attractions have been seized. Many are dead or disappeared (although the taxpayers are made to pay as much as $50,000 annually per animal to the pro-government “sanctuaries.”
Years of socialist governance in San Francisco has led to hundreds of businesses, and thousands of residents, fleeing the City by the Bay. The few large stores that remain in the downtown area must now hire extravagant security forces. The City’s high taxes and extreme regulations have led many San Franciscans to rethink the cost/benefit analysis regarding life in the City. Now the City’s “rulers” must cut $200 million dollars from the City’s budget.
The sad plight of “liberalism” is on display in a recent New Yorker book review by Corey Robin. The essay, “How Do We Survive the Constitution,” laments that American society is increasingly disgusted by government institutions. Polling reveals that Americans have never had less trust in government or mass media. The largest segment of American society are those who have no trust in the media.
A similar history can be told regarding Americans’ trust in Congress, the Presidency, all of government, education, academia, and medicine. As government has taken increasing control over these institutions, peoples’ trust in the institutions has plummeted.
Now those who call themselves “liberals” are in a state of panic–despite being in control of all major institutions. And from Corey Robin’s New Yorker book review, it seems that contemporary “liberalism” is mostly just an effort to save “institutions” from popular hatred. Reviewing “How Democracies Die,” by the Harvard political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, Robin says that “liberals . . . felt betrayed not by their country but by its voters,” when Trump was elected president in 2016.
Gallup has been asking the same questions about Americans’ trust in institutions for 50 years. Gallup’s most recent poll shows that Americans who have no trust in media (a record 39%) remain the largest segment of American society.
Trust in mainstream news was at an all-time high around 1975. But it was about that time that U.S. Senate hearings exposed the fact that most major news outlets were secretly paid by the CIA or other federal agencies. Since then–as the “news” media continued to push pro-government, anti-freedom messaging constantly–trust has plummeted.
Even as government-supported “mainstream” news sources claim global warming is causing increasing wildfires, the data show the opposit.
2023 will almost certainly go down in records as one of the years with the LEAST amount of burn acreage. In California, the number of acres burned so far this year is less than one third of the five-year average, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
And although western Canada did experience a lot of wildfire this past summer, it seems those wildfires may have been set by arsonists.