“National Security” Insider: Presidents keep a “Doomsday Book” with plans to take over everything and kill all who resist.

“national security” “expert” Miles Taylor

Washington. December 16, 2023. Recently a “national security” “expert” named Miles Taylor has been making rounds promoting an intelligence-community narrative that if Donald Trump is reelected president in 2024 there will be disaster, genocide and worldwide pestilence. Taylor is a former official in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security who has written two books attacking Trump (to the rave reviews and applause of “mainstream” “reporters”).

Taylor incessantly promotes deep state tyrants such as Liz Cheney (while insisting he is a “conservative”). Taylor once stated that “the number one national security threat I’ve ever seen in my life to this country’s democracy is the party that I’m in — the Republican Party. “

Recently Taylor was on an MSNBC broadcast where he told interviewer Jen Psaki that “there’s something in the White House called the Doomsday Book,” and that there will be certain disaster if Trump gets his hands on ‘the Book.’ See here.

The “Doomsday Book” reportedly contains plans for a president to “protect” the homeland during emergencies (meaning to take over everything). Of course, every government that ever existed seeks the same things: to control everything; to take all wealth and property; and to kill all who resist.

And, of course, no one should ever have his hands on such authority; including Trump. Anyone who studies history knows that it is inevitable that ‘the book’ will soon be used.