Government agency caught falsifying temp records near Flagstaff, AZ. “Adjustments” were designed to bolster ‘global warming’ claims

The heroic data analyst Tony Heller will someday be seen as the man who almost singlehandedly brought down the government’s apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hoax.

Heller painstakingly combs through temp data provided from government agencies such as N.O.A.A., and shows how the government’s adjustments tend to be designed to bolster the government’s climate claims.

Now Heller has found that N.O.A.A. “scientists” declared that the 1990 data from a weather station near Flagstaff, Arizona was missing. They then replaced the “missing” data with higher-than-normal temperature readings.

But the data was not missing at all. Heller has discovered that “NOAA declared two thirds of the recorded daily data at Fort Valley, Arizona from 1990 to be missing, and replaced them with fake higher temperatures.”

Such data manipulation by N.O.A.A. appears to have been done in other places as well.

77 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

Whenever government expands, people become impoverished, dependent, sick, weak, diseased, trapped, and less mobile in every sense.

CBS Moneywatch has released a report indicating that “[a]lmost 8 out of 10 American workers say they live paycheck to paycheck.”

Government taxes, regulations and central banking savagely punish savers, so most Americans save little or nothing.

Studies show that Social Security alone makes America some 3 to 4 percent poorer. Other government programs incentivize people to be sick, poor, weak and disabled.

“A year ago, about 75 percent of U.S. workers said they were living from payday to payday, a number that has grown to 78 percent this year.”

“About 18 percent of workers said they cut back on their 401k contributions or personal savings in the last year, and more than one-third don’t put away money for retirement, the survey found.”

See here.

Study: those with health insurance receive no greater health benefits than those without

Government programs and policies allegedly aimed at keeping Americans healthy achieve the very opposite result.
Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare all subsidize demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. The result is that health care has become absurdly expensive.

Consequently, almost no one is able to purchase health goods or services as needs arise. So many purchase health “insurance.” And now government forces people to buy health “insurance.”

But a new study by Bernard Black and colleagues finds that the uninsured consume fewer healthcare services but have no more deteriorating health than the insured.

Moreover, people without health insurance “do not die significantly faster than the insured.” See here.

New report confirms that electric cars have larger “carbon footprint” than gas or diesel cars

U.S. taxpayers have been forced to subsidize government “alternative energy” schemes on a truly massive scale.

Tesla and its overpaid CEO Elon Musk have milked taxpayers already for almost a billion dollars.

Tesla manufactures expensive electric cars–sold primarily to the super rich–with the massive support of U.S. tax dollars. One could say the program is a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.

The stated goal of such subsidies is to fight manmade global warming by reducing Americans’ carbon footprint.

But the manufacture of one Tesla lithium battery alone produces more CO2 than an average gas car produces in 8 years. See here.

And now a new Morgan Stanley report finds that the operation of an average electric car requires the production of more CO2 than the operation of an average gas car. This is because the electricity to power a Tesla generally comes from coal or gas power plants. See here.

Americans have virtually abandoned short air travel due to government hassles

The daily stink and stain of life under near-total government has made America LESS mobile.

Here is an astounding report indicating that since 2000, “short haul [air] traffic” has “Decline[d] in the US” by $34 billion.

Government “security” policies imposed since 9/11/2001 have made Americans increasingly use alternative surface transportation. (The regulations almost certainly do very little to make air travel secure.)

The $34 billion figure is only a small component of total losses to the U.S. economy. Fewer short flights mean that America is a less dynamic society, and that goods and services take longer to transport from one location to another. Total losses to American economic vibrancy, innovation and dynamism are likely in the hundreds of billions.

America has become less competitive.

32 people killed in one day of “law enforcement” raids by Philippine government

The streets of Philippinnes cities turned red with blood in the past week as Philippine “police” unleashed a torrent of violent raids upon the population.

Shockingly Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is urging police to kill dozens of drug suspects every day, as he praised officers who shot dead 32 people this week in “shock and awe” raids.

“Police have killed 3,450 people in similar drug raids since Duterte came to office.”

The government repeatedly claims that the killings are in “self defense.”

See here.

Not one of the government’s Obamacare promises has been kept

According to economist Stephen Moore, Obamacare has fueled an industry of “charities” who promote ever-more regulation of health care and ever-more tax dollars. These lobby groups include the American Medical Association, the AARP, the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association. “If you are donating money to any of these groups, you might want to think again.”

This year the best estimate is that Obamacare will need at least $10 billion more to keep the system solvent. The death spiral in the program is intensifying with every passing month, so it’s highly predictable these costs will reach $20 billion next year and more in the years that follow.

See here.

A whistle blower has come forward with information about N.O.A.A.’s faked temperature “study”

Government-funded “climate science” is a domain of shoddy, politicized research and claims, mostly aimed at helping governments build their cases for demanding more power, money and control.

Here is a recent lecture about the astounding revelations by retiring N.O.A.A. whistleblower Dr. John Bates.

Bates had a 40-year career in meteorology & climate science at NOAA, retiring in 2016. Bates blew the whistle on his colleagues for releasing a study based on manipulated data (which has now been destroyed), just before the UN climate conference in 2015.

The government study helped U.S. President Obama (whose agencies funded the study) promote the climate accords.

According to Bates, the flawed N.O.A.A. study tripled the warming trend in ocean data (and favored ship intake data over buoy measurements) and ignored satellite measurements.

“Despotism and Defiance” Symposium Moved to Monday, August 14 in front of Las Vegas Federal Courthouse

Lysander Spooner University’s “Despotism and Defiance” Symposium was scheduled for Saturday, August 12 at “Camp Liberty” in downtown Las Vegas.

However, yesterday, on August 11, Las Vegas police arrived in massive numbers at the location and demanded that the venue be closed due to “code violations.”

People at Camp Liberty were unlawfully detained and told that “the owner” had reported them as squatters. (It was apparently an illegal false police report by government trusters seeking to perpetuate government control of higher education.) (A lawsuit over the unlawful police action is in the works.)

Lysander Spooner University has decided to move the event to Monday, August 14, on the public sidewalk in front of the U.S. federal courthouse on Las Vegas Blvd in downtown Las Vegas. The conference will begin as soon as court in the case of United States v. Bundy, et al. is adjourned for the day. (No one knows when this will be, so please everyone arrive early to attend trial at 9:00 a.m.)

Trial in the case ended abruptly last week when a federal judge ordered defendant Eric Parker off the witness stand for saying he looked “up and to the right” during events in Bunkerville, Nevada on April 12, 2014. (The judge in the case has indicated that only a ‘mere presence’ defense is available to Parker; he may not mention any surrounding circumstances that led to his presence, his concerns or his behavior; and although pictures show him prone with a rifle positioned in a direction where there were government agents, he is barred from defending himself from ‘assaulting federal agents’ charges by explaining the conduct of the agents).

Supporters of Parker have asked that hundreds of people come to show support for Parker and others on trial.

We will piggyback on this rally in front of the federal courthouse. Some speculate that prosecutors may seek a mistrial early on Monday. Many others predict that court will proceed normally with codefendant Scott Drexler on the witness stand. If so trial may not adjourn until 5:00 p.m.

In any case, Lysander Spooner University will present an all-star cast of scholars and lecturers on the sidewalks outside immediately after court ends on Monday:

Featured speakers include:

Andrea Parker, wife of Eric Parker
John Lamb, LSU professor of journalism
Shelly Shelton, Tony Shelton, and Fayth Shelton, Nevada freedom advocates
Deb Jordan, of the Pete Santilli radio show and Guerilla Media
B.J. Soper, Oregon constitutional activist
Shari Dovale of Redoubt News (who has recently joined LSU as professor of news journalism)
Brand Thornton, minister and constitutional scholar
Maureen Peltier, former Army vet turned liberty activist
James Landin, of Camp Liberty

This event will be in the tradition of William Penn‘s historic Quaker sermon on the streets of London after government authorities padlocked his church and forbade him to lecture in the Quaker religion in 1670. Penn preached to a crowd of hundreds on the streets outside the church and was arrested for preaching to an unlawful assembly. When jurors found him not guilty, the tyrannical courts ordered the jurors locked up. A habeas corpus petition led to one of the greatest precedents in Anglo-American history: Bushels Case, which ruled that no juror may ever be punished for his verdict.

Be there! Free of charge!

Venezuelan minimum wage was raised 108,000 % in 20 years, yet today, “Anyone in Venezuela would be happy to eat out of American trashcans”

Venezuelan economist Raefael Acevedo recently addressed the Mises Institute. See here.

Between 1999 and 2017, said Acevedo, the Venezuelan minimum wage was raised 38 times: a 108,000 % increase.

Yet “[a]nyone in Venezuela would be happy to eat out of American trashcans.”