London. March 2024. According to the Daily Sceptic, “Arctic sea ice on January 8th stood at its highest level in 21 years.” Citing the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), the report indicated “that sea ice recorded its third highest monthly gain in the modern 45-year record.”
Further, according to the science blog No Tricks Zone,, “the reading up to January 8th has now far exceeded the average for the years 2011-2020,” and also exceeded “the average for the years 2001-2010.”
The British government’s BBC radio show “More or Less” ‘fact checked’ the Daily Sceptic’s report. The government show’s researchers were forced to admit that that sea ice in the Arctic had soared to its highest level for 21 years on January 8th of 2024. But immediately after confirming the Daily Sceptic’s claim was TRUE, the BBC reporters argued that the information was “cherry picked.”
Writing for The Daily Sceptic and WattsUpWiththat.com, Chris Morrison states that “[t]The ‘fact check’ did little more than confirm the widely held suspicion that many BBC programmes are now infected with a need to crowbar a climate catastrophe narrative into broadcast messages.”