More Anti-Government Polling Data: Americans Prefer a Government Shutdown to Continuing Growth in Government Spending


Our masters in government never tire of reminding us that Congress must raise the debt ceiling and keep government growing.

“Conservative” insiders say that voters will punish Republicans if Republicans in Congress ever challenge the President’s spending increases and “shut the government down.”

But new polling shows–OVERWHELMINGLY–that a large majority of voters WOULD PREFER A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN to a continuous raising of the U.S. debt limit without assurances of spending cuts.

73 percent of Republican voters said Congress should raise the debt ceiling only if President Obama accepts substantial spending cuts. A SUPERMAJORITY–74 percent–say it is worth a government shutdown to force spending reductions. See here.

44 percent of DEMOCRATS were also willing to close government to force spending cuts. Overall, A 50 PERCENT MAJORITY SUPPORT conditioning any raising of the federal debt ceiling on drastic spending cuts, and 11 percent OPPOSE BOOSTING THE CEILING UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

Congress to Actually Investigate the Government’s Temperature “Adjustments”


Trusters of expansive, invasive, intrusive government frequently tout the government’s claims that global temperatures are rising due to human-released carbon dioxide. These claims are used to promote various socialist reforms including higher taxes and more government controls.

But the claim of global warming rests only on theory, computer “modeling” and government (and government-funded) earth temperature records. Satellite and weather balloon temp data SHOW NO WARMING WHATSOEVER IN 18 YEARS, even as rates of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have grown.

Making the government’s claims even more suspicious is the fact that government-supported scientists at NOAA and elsewhere have been routinely caught “adjusting” land temperature records. They claim such adjustments are entirely scientific.

But skeptics point to the fact that the government temperature “adjustments” tend to make the past seem colder than originally measured.

Efforts to see the government scientists’ methods or formula for their “adjustments”–including even Freedom-Of-Information-Act requests–have not produced the records.

Now, a congressional subcommittee is looking into the matter, according to the Washington Post.

Stay tuned!!!

Two Schoolboys Criminally Charged with Insulting Turkish President


Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, all money, and to kill all who resist. Only the vitality of the private sector stands in their way.

Now two small children in Turkey are being criminally prosecuted for tearing down a poster of their purported government master, Erdogan.

During the past two years, artists, journalists and schoolchildren have all been targeted for allegedly insulting the almighty Erdogan.

The schoolboys face up to 4 years in prison. See here.

Union loudly pushes $15 minimum wage–then quietly seeks its own “exemption” from its impacts!


Socialists and trusters of central planning are notorious hypocrites.

But here is a story about the AFL-CIO that “takes the cake.” The AFL-CIO loudly promotes raising minimum wages around the country.

(Some 100 peer-reviewed economic studies have established that raising (or imposing) a minimum wage is linked with higher unemployment rates–especially for those at the lowest socioeconomic levels).

In LA, the AFL-CIO successfully lobbied the City to impose a $15-per-hour minimum wage. Then the AFL-CIO (behind the scenes) sought an exemption from the minimum wage for its own workers! See here.

In Seattle, a Socialist group which had been pushing for a $20-per-hour minimum wage law–often claiming that wages lower than $20 were inhuman–recently posted a job offer for an experienced professional web developer. The socialists offered $13 an hour. See here.

Science Group Asks NASA to Remove Bogus “97 % Consensus” Claim From NASA Website


Politicians promoting the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-manmade-CO2 claims routinely reference a discredited statistic, stating without condition that there is a “97 percent consensus” among scientists that human-released carbon dioxide is causing the earth to warm.

Power-grabbing public officials point to the figure as stated on NASA websites to suggest that governments must have substantially more power over the private sector.

In some cases, the “97 percent” figure is cited by overt socialists seeking an abolition of private business and a banning of capitalism and property rights entirely.

But the Friends of Science point out that the “97 percent” figure is deceptively drawn from three purported studies, whose methods have been widely discredited. See here.

A more accurate figure, according to the Friends of Science, would be around 1 to 4 percent of scientists who believe in the governments’ predictions of global apocalypse or catastrophe.

Indeed, numerous skeptics have pointed out that THEY THEMSELVES would be considered part of the “consensus,” because they would respond, “yes,” to a question of whether they thought humans have ANY effect on global temperature. Numerous skeptics contend that the human impact on temps is actually quite tiny, and that the sun is the primary driver of global warming.

Still other skeptics point to satellite and weather-balloon data that show that THERE HAS BEEN NO GLOBAL WARMING IN 18 YEARS, even if the globe has slightly warmed over the past century. See here.

Wesleyan University Eliminates Funding of Student Newspaper After it Prints “Conservative” Column


America’s colleges and universities have become dens of extreme pro-government, socialist sentiment where diverse views critical of the omnipotent state are generally shunned.

Wesleyan University in Connecticut is typical. Although Wesleyan is a private, religiously-affiliated school, federal government dollars flow freely through the institution, and the University’s campus culture exemplifies the extremist and government-supremacist ideology so typical of today’s college liberal-arts curricula.

Recently, the student newspaper printed a moderately “conservative” op-ed piece criticizing some tactics of the “Black Lives Matter” organization.

The campus erupted in hatred and vitriol, and the student body immediately moved to gut funding for the newspaper.

The amazing story, as told in the Washington Post, is here.

ACLU: “Fixing” the Constitution to Overturn CITIZENS UNITED Would “Break the Constitution”


Many voices–who believe they are seeking “good government”–are calling for a constitutional amendment to give government the power to control political spending and advertising.

But as the ACLU points out, such an amendment would fundamentally “break the Constitution” and overturn the most basic free-speech and press provisions of the First Amendment. See here.

Government Now Claiming that Even Facebook Postings Can be Banned as Illegal “Campaign Contributions”


The movement to give government even more power over elections and campaigning grows more powerful by the day.

Now a Colorado judge has ruled that a charter-school principal who posted a Facebook message indicating that one of the school’s students’ parents would make an “excellent education leader” was MAKING AN ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION by doing so. See here.

“The school’s action was the giving of a thing of value to the candidate, namely favorable publicity,” the judge wrote in his ruling.

Losing the battle on science, governments increasingly seek to “settle” the global-warming question in court


You know governments are losing the battle in the field of science when they seek to create judgments and “findings of fact.”

They did it to Socrates. They did it to Galileo.

Now, increasingly, governments and socialist promoters of the catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-human-released-CO2 theory are resorting to the strong arm of government venues, such as courts, commissions and other staged tribunals. See here.

Governments are clearly losing the battle in the realm of science. More and more climate scientists are becoming skeptics (even as government funding for the hysteria is greater than ever). See here. And here.

Government-funded researchers and operatives purporting to ‘measure the earth’s temperature’ by land thermometers have routinely pronounced–year after year–that each year is warmer than the last (after “adjustments” are made). But actual satellite and weather balloon readings show no warming whatsoever in 19 years. Ice at the south pole is greater than ever measured. Ice at the north pole is near all-time highs as measured by satellite. See here.

Federal Prosecutors Fail to Convict Ron Paul’s Two Top Campaign Officials


One of the most dangerous things one can do in any society is lead a movement that threatens the fundamental dominance of a king, a reigning politician, or prevailing government.

During the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, the Ron Paul movement was just such a threat to the sitting establishment.

Last year, the U.S. Justice Department levied a wide variety of political-corruption charges against Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign staff, accusing them of buying off an Iowa Republican Official.

Most of the charges–based on little or no evidence–evaporated and were dismissed before trial.

But a trial was held in Iowa last week.

Jesse Benton and James Tate were fully acquitted. A campaign organizer named Dimitri Kesari, however, was convicted of charges relating to hiring an Iowa Republican official in order to win the official’s endorsement.

See the Washington Post story here.