A recent press conference by the White House press secretary revealed the stark distinction between government and nongovernment persons regarding the dreaded covid-19 germ. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked if the Biden Administration had sought to determine how President Biden contracted the alleged pandemic germ. Jean-Pierre responded “I don’t think that matters.” Government officials …
Category: government corruption
May 03
Michigan government created snitch task force to hunt for doctors who didn’t push vaccines, masks
We all know that Michigan’s powermad governor Gretchen Whitmer locked down her state for months during 2020, destroyed hundreds of businesses and caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths of patients in hospitals and nursing homes by ordering exposures and treatments designed to kill patients. But now it has been revealed that Whitmer’s Department of …
Apr 03
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Attorney General William Barr ordered investigators to drop investigations into 2020 election fraud, warning them privately they were interfering with a federal investigation. Then Barr announced to the public that there was no election fraud in 2020!
We all remember the puzzling story of USPS contract truck driver Jesse Morgan, who testified under oath that on October 21, 2020 (about 10 days prior to the election), he drove a truck from Bethpage, NY to Lancaster, PA. Several things about Morgan’s trip were suspicious, so at one point Morgan opened his trailer and …
Mar 05
In 1878 French government investors paid every French newspaper to promote construction of the Panama Canal
From the book “Famous Financial Fiascos” by John Train (1985): The western world’s elites first began pondering the development of a canal across the Isthmas of Panama in the 1880s. It was the French government that initiated the project. (Later, the US government took the lead in the decades-long project.) Train writes that the leading …
Feb 21
CDC promotes mask study with claims it proved masks work. But fine print says “Not statistically significant.” And underlying data show masks provide NO protection at all!
Imagine a study of people’s self-reported mask compliance compared to the same people’s rates of positive test reports. You can imagine that those who “test positive” for COVID-19 are likely to come up with an explanation of how they might have contracted the dreaded germ. Perhaps they might say they failed to properly social distance, …
Feb 11
US Senators disclose newly discovered CIA program that is spying on Americans without warrant
A new (or newly discovered) CIA operation is secretly conducting warrantless surveillance domestically in the US.. U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Martin Heinrich alleged in a letter to intelligence officials that the CIA may be violating its charter. “Officially, the CIA and National Security Agency (NSA) have a foreign surveillance mission and domestic spying is …
Feb 09
The whole world was shocked when US military medical injuries exploded in 2021–so this week the US military changed its numbers!
Two weeks ago the whole world was shocked to see graphs showing that doctor visits within the US military increased 988% in the year 2021. On February 1, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin outlining the startling increase in heart attacks, strokes and other medical emergencies experienced …
Dec 07
Dale Davenport witnessed police brutality in Dallas, Texas. The day after he testified in court, Dallas police officers blocked his business with swarms of cop cars and a bullet was fired through his window
By Roger Roots As a crusading libertarian lawyer I often get phone calls from people who tell me they want to sue their local government officials in their snake pit of municipal corruption. They always have heartbreaking stories of City Hall stealing, robbing or destroying their homes, families or businesses. I generally have to tell …
Jun 20
Whistleblower: CDC knowingly DESTROYED vaccine study results in order to hide autism link
We all know that the government medical establishment works ferociously to stop discussions of possible links between childhood vaccines and autism. Doctors who say there may be such a link find their licenses suspended. Moms find themselves deplatformed from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for suggesting such a link. Mainstream news media says the theory …
Nov 17
The Interrogation: USPS agents interview whistleblower, get him to “update” his affidavit, and then immediately leak the “update” to Democrats and the Washington Post—which runs headline saying the whistleblower “retracted” his statement
By Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D., Every trial lawyer knows that leading questions can be used to sculpt and shape a witness’s testimony to conform to the lawyer’s narrative. A leading question is one that leads a witness to an answer, by either suggesting the answer or by substituting the words of the questioner for those …