Author's posts

Why hasn’t the government updated its GNP glacier tables in eight years?

by Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D. With all the current talk about catastrophic global climate change, one would think governments would want to bolster their doomsday claims with hard data. But the US government’s “Status of Glaciers in Glacier National Park” data table, available on the USGS website at Status of Glaciers in Glacier National Park …

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Observations on the “Climate Kids versus Montana” Verdict.  The ruling was a three-way agreement between elites, and true science never put on any defense.

By Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D., founder of Lysander Spooner University             Recently, Montana State district Judge Kathy Seeley’s verdict in Held v. Montana made national headlines. Most of the news reporting echoed the Bozeman Daily Chronicle’s assessment that “‘This changes everything’: Experts respond to Held v. Montana climate ruling” (Aug. 18, 2023) (echoing the title …

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Thousands of Georgia “voters” were registered at a single address. No one has ever been prosecuted. And the US Justice Department secretly coerced social media into censoring the story.

An astounding story is developing in the State of Georgia. Georgia’s Attorney General recently indicted former U.S. President Donald Trump and 17 others for election fraud. The specific claims are that Trump and various lawyers and officials claimed in 2020 that Georgia presidential vote tallies were rigged against Trump. Trump and his lawyers and support …

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Pfizer Spokesman Admits in Australian Hearing that Company Employees received a “Special Batch” of Vaccine.

Pfizer also testified that the company interprets its immunity agreement with the Australian government (similar to agreements the company has with many governments in the world) to mean the company is immune from disclosure requirements regarding side effects, experiments, and internal testing. As Revolver News reports: Pfizer spokesperson admitted company employees were given a “special …

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Federal Reserve launches “payment system,” laying groundwork for global digital control over all transactions

Government supremacists have been pushing people ever closer to total omnipotent control of transactions for years. In 1986 the US government required everyone to have two pieces of government ID in order to get a job. In the aftermath of 9/11 the US government passed the USA Patriot Act, outlawing third party checks and turning …

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Just 36% of adults have high confidence in higher education

Today a person is more free the moment he walks off a typical university campus. Modern universities push a constant stream of government-supporting propaganda, socialism, and censorship of anti-government thought. Now American confidence in higher education has sunk to a new low, according to a new Gallup poll. Just 36% of adults expressed high levels …

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Nigel Farage, founder of BREXIT movement, now denied banking capabilities in UK

Banks around the world appear to be obeying secret government orders to deny service to important critics of government. Simultaneously there has been a discernable push to require that all transactions be channeled through corporate banks. For example, in the US, banks are now increasingly refusing to cash checks or even make change for noncustomers. …

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While mainstream pro-government “news” claims July 4 was earth’s hottest day, all recognized data indicates we are living in a cool period.

All western “mainstream” (meaning government-supported and supporting) media have been trumpeting the notion that mankind is currently experiencing the hottest days on record. But true global temp records (meaning satellite measurements) have only existed for around 40 years. Prior to the satellite era (mid-1970s and beyond) the earth was covered very spottily by long-term thermometers. …

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Harvard survey: Most Americans don’t want to live in states with strict gun control

A new Harvard Center for American Political Studies/Harris poll of 2,000 Americans finds the vast majority of respondents don’t want to live in states with stricter gun control laws.  66% of survey respondents told pollsters they’d prefer to live in a state that doesn’t treat their right to keep and bear arms as a criminal offense. …

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California State Dental Director deleted data indicating fluoride in water lowers IQs

Scandals arising from government “public health” officials’ harmful impositions keep coming. Now there is evidence that California’s “State Dental Director,” Dr. Jayanth Kumar, published a meta-analysis in the journal Public Health that purported to show that fluoridated water is not associated with reduced IQ. But an expert who works with Dr. Kumar noticed that Dr. Kumar had …

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