Recent global events have shaken faith in governments–and political engagement itself. More than two years after the people of Britain bravely voted to leave the European Union–against the wishes of the entire world political class–British elites continue to stall the move toward Brexit. The Brexit vote was the biggest vote in British history, with thousands …
2019 archive
Apr 27
Officials at Guantanamo Prepare to Detain Prisoners For Life Without Due Process
A COMPLETE COLLAPSE OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW UNDER THE ‘GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR’ Just 20 years ago no one imagined that the U.S. government would begin incarcerating prisoners without charge, trial or due process for years at a time. But now the U.S. government is drafting formal plans to house prisoners for life without indictment, charge, …
Apr 26
Saudi government executes teenager for social media posts about government
A 16-year-old Saudi boy posted several comments about anti-government protests on WhatsApp. The boy was severely tortured, shocked with electricity, threatened with the murder of his family, and made to sign a confession without an attorney. This week the boy was convicted of “terrorism” on the basis of his tortured confession, and beheaded before a …
Apr 25
Tens of thousands flee socialist New York, New Jersey and Connecticut
Almost half of one percent of New York’s most productive people–about 40,000 individuals–fled the Empire State last year due to the State’s heavy taxes and regulations. High-tax neighbors Connecticut and New Jersey have also seen their residents flee. Many move to lower-tax states such as Florida, Texas and Nevada. Many are also climate refugees seeking …
Apr 18
22,000 fled socialist Chicago last year
AMERICA’S MAJOR SOCIALIST CITIES (Chicago, LA and New York City) continue to lose thousands of people annually. The socialist government of Chicago continues to enact further rules, regulations and taxes upon the City’s long-suffering people. The city’s dwindling class of older, wealthier taxpayers is declining rapidly. See here.
Apr 16
Australian science professor fired for skepticism wins back his job
Dr. Peter Ridd, one of the world’s foremost authorities on climate and its effects on coral reefs, did what scientists are supposed to do. He questioned scientific claims and studied them. Ridd found that the Great Barrier Reef was thriving and was not endangered by catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2. Unfortunately, skepticism and adherence to the scientific method is …
Apr 13
More than THIRTY THOUSAND Illinois teachers make six-figure salaries
The socialist government of Illinois continues to lavish its millionaire ‘workers’ with extravagant wealth and benefits. A recent study by Forbes magazine found that there are now over THIRTY THOUSAND Illinois school ‘teachers’ who make more than $100,000 annually. Many make over $200,000 annually. Tens of thousands of productive workers now flee the high taxes …
Apr 13
EPA predicts “hundreds of billions” of dollars of damages annually from climate change
The LA Times is out with another doomsday story about apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2. The LA Times cites an EPA study predicting ruined bridges, dirty air, crop failure, economic collapse due to lack of labor productivity and property destruction. Total costs–unless governments quickly advance toward socialism and controlling the energy industry–will be in the hundreds of billions of …
Apr 02
Washington Governor Inslee uses his office as a vendor to sell “climate doomsday,” and re-routs donations to environmentalist groups to avoid campaign finance limits
Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee recently announced his Democratic candidacy for the Presidency. Inslee makes stopping ‘climate doomsday’ his feature issue. But Anthony Watts has broken the story behind Inslee’s climate catastrophe campaign. As Governor, Inslee makes serial announcements of new ‘groups’ that generally do not in fact exist (they are websites), but which somehow have …
Mar 29
Nine arrested in Thailand for publishing news about election irregularities
Governments everywhere control the ballot box and seek to control what is said about elections and politics. In the U.S., government officials get to hold free public press conferences daily during election season while subjecting challengers to police scrutiny under the guise of campaign finance regulations. Recently, in Thailand, nine people were arrested for sharing …