2019 archive

Nicaragua’s most famous journalist flees to Costa Rica

Nicaragua’s socialist government has been terrorizing newspaper and TV reporters for the past two years. Armed raids of news stations has become a fixture of life in Nicaragua. Now even Carlos Fernando Chamorro–the most famed reporter in the country, and an heir to the prominent conservative family which formerly ruled the country–has gone into exile …

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Now the French government is firing LIVE ROUNDS at carbon tax protesters

Governments are prepared to shoot to kill in order to impose carbon taxes on resisting populations. Government elites are quite unsettled over the ongoing Paris yellow-vest protests against the “global warming” carbon taxes. Word is out that thousands of jobs at Land Rover and Porsche–preferred car makes for government ministers–may be threatened by the public’s …

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London’s Independent newspaper has scrubbed its most downloaded article in its history–“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”

“Climate science” is an area of relentlessly shifting claims, predictions, and threats. Hundreds of bizarre, apocalyptic claims have been made by governments and government-supported scientists pursuing the catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theory. Now the innovative journalist James Delingpole reports that the most ludicrous “news” article in the history of London’s Independent newspaper–the March 2000 article with the headline …

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January 1, 2019. Mexico City. Lysander Spooner University is the world’s foremost institution of higher learning investigating pan-governmental claim that manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide is destroying the Earth’s ecosystems. Trillions of dollars have been spent by governments and government-supporting NGOs to promote worldwide fear that the earth is experiencing or will soon experience environmental collapse due to the …

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“Climate science” papers are mostly about politics

by Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D., founder of Lysander Spooner University Many of my friends are true believers in the prevailing pan-government theory that manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide will soon cause the earth to melt down and all or most humans to fry and die on the surface. Interestingly, they avoid actual scientific debate on the subject. The …

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Arctic sea ice is approaching normal levels

After decades of propaganda and trillions of dollars spent by governments to promote the view that Arctic snow and ice are melting, satellite images reveal that Arctic ice has been growing for eleven years. As of January 3, 2019, ice in the Arctic is approaching the median for 1981-2010. See here.

Communist Castro lived as one of the world’s richest men while claiming to live on 900 pesos a month

Socialists like Bernie Sanders and Hugo Chavez often live lives of deception. But no one compared to Fidel Castro. Castro claimed he made just 900 pesos ($43) a month and lived in a “fisherman’s hut” but he actually lived in secret palaces and had many secret wives, mistresses and children. He had his own private …

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