American home ownership at lowest in nearly 50 years


Overregulation by government, near-zero interest rates, student loan debt, and near all-time-low savings rates have devastated home ownership rates.

Home ownership is at its lowest in nearly 50 years, falling to 63.7 percent in 2015. It’s a “decade-long slide” that “is unprecedented in American history,” according to an annual report released Wednesday by Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. See here.

The growth of student loan debt has also contributed. Today’s college grads already–in essence–have a mortgage to pay for, thanks to the Student Loan Program, which subsidizes demand and causes tuition costs to rise.

6 per cent of America’s prime-age male population are ex-convicts


Financial Times recently reviewed the economic problems facing America’s lower-class males. Males of prime working age have abandoned work, as regulation and the criminal justice system have taken their tolls. See here.

“Between 6 and 7 per cent of the prime-age male population was in prison at some point during their lives in 2008.”

U.S. Military Contractors Post Craigslist Ad Seeking ‘Crisis Actors’ for Upcoming “Drill”

th has broken a story wherein a U.S. intelligence or military contractor has posted a Craigslist ad seeking “actors” for an upcoming military “exercise.”

Infowars notes that the “exercise” appears to be timed to coincide with the Democratic National Convention and speculates that the military-industrial complex may seek to stage a false flag ‘terror’ attack of some kind to make Bernie Sanders supporters look bad.

Who knows?

Turkish Government Arrests Free Speech Activists for ‘Supporting Terrorism’


It is an age-old claim: that dissenters and critics of government are traitors guilty of sedition.

For months, the government of Turkey has been prosecuting children, reporters and even comedians who criticized the government.

Now Turkish prosecutors have arrested three prominent free speech advocates. See here.

More media lies about southwest heat wave


Headlines have blared nationwide about this past weekend’s extremely high temps in the Americans southwest. A dominant theme has been government predictions that temps in Phoenix, Yuma, Palm Springs and Death Valley will approach or set all-time records. (This, of course, would mean that the all-time high temp records for the United States were predicted to fall.)

But thus far, actual temperatures have been merely abnormally high. Very few records have been broken or even threatened.

As Tony Heller writes, “June temperatures over 117F used to occur quite frequently in that area, but this was the first one in many years.” See here.

Government temperature ‘adjustments’ “exactly match the increase in CO2”

presser at trailhead

Government agencies in charge of keeping historic temperature records claim they occasionally “adjust” the temperature records to fix problems with bad thermometers, etc.

For example, NOAA officials will point to places where a thermometer system was malfunctioning. They will then claim that the official records of past years have been “adjusted” to fix the problem.

But data analyst Tony Heller has shown that the “adjustments” have tended to make the past colder and the present warmer. “In the case of US temperature adjustments, they are made to exactly match the increase in CO2. Junk science doesn’t get any worse than that.

Health Care Costs to Increase an AVERAGE of 11 Percent Next Year


Health care and higher education have much in common in modern America.

Both are promoted as “rights” by government trusters. And government has promoted programs to “help” the poor obtain their products and services by subsidizing such goods with taxpayer inputs.

Both industries have seen annual price increases higher than the rate of inflation for decades.

Now, after passage of the “Affordable Care Act,” which was intended to make health care more affordable for the poor, the Associated Press is reporting that cost increases will average 11 percent next year. See here.

More die in Venezuelan food riots


Every society that has ever adopted socialism ultimately became sick and weak. There are no exceptions.

(Some socialist writers tend to point to countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden as exceptions; yet those societies rose to power and wealth in past centuries when they were overtly capitalistic and commercial–and have each lost world standing as they embraced more regulation.)

Here is another story about collapsing Venezuela. More and more are now dying in food riots and from petty crime over meals.

Shockingly, Venezuela was a rising society just 20 years ago; before Hugo Chavez took the country on a socialist path.

More facts emerge regarding Orlando shooter: He was gay, controlling, cop wannabe


Not only was the Orlando shooter an apparent intelligence operative. He was a police academy graduate who was part of a gay community at the academy. He is known to have asked one other cadet out romantically. See here.

False Flag Red Flags Going Up: Turns Out the Orlando Mass Shooter was an Intelligence Asset

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Move along. Nothing to see here . . .

UPDATE: Infowars is reporting the shooter may have CIA connections.