There is no valid reason for taxpayers to own universities. Every argument that is commonly given for government colleges is provably false. Modern government universities (1) are less free than their surrounding environments, (2) are more expensive than most alternatives, and (3) promote a steady one-sided stream of elitism, central planning, and government control over every aspect of life, which harms the poor above all others.

Anyone who walks onto a modern government college campus immediately enters a world where speech and thought are less free and where virtually every product or service is overpriced. Government student loan programs conceal the exorbitant prices from the students, who often live in poverty for years afterward trying to pay off the government loans.

A University of Northern Colorado professor found himself accused of misconduct in summer 2016 simply for suggesting in a classroom discussion that students consider opposing viewpoints. The professor received an administrative warning that he could be more “aggressively investigated” if he continued to broach controversial subjects. See here.

Some government colleges are now launching official anti-“bias” committees and teams which process complaints by anyone (including even unnamed persons) who claims to have been offended by a remark or idea. In some cases, there are actual “law enforcement” officials on such boards. “Bias” is code for ideas which criticize government control and central planning of life (as government everywhere falsely claims to promote equality).

• Note that socialism universally creates maldistribution of property and resources where a few government administrators become wealthy by dispersing goods and services to growing numbers of desperate, impoverished poor people.

Venezuelan government “bans” bread lines and arrests bakers in response to bread lines

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on an enemy.

Just 20 years ago, Venezuelans were the wealthiest people in Latin America. Then they voted for socialism.

Today, Venezuelans starve in the streets, eat out of dumpsters and die in knife fights in the streets while fighting over dollar bills.

Now, facing a bread shortage that is spawning massive lines and souring the national mood, the Venezuelan government is now detaining bakers and seizing bakeries. See here.

“In a statement, the government said the bakers had been selling underweight bread and were using price-regulated flour to illegally make specialty items, like sweet rolls and croissants.”

In response to long bread lines, the government has announced that the lines will be banned.

The majority of government-funded scientific research cannot be replicated

In May of 2016, a survey by Nature revealed that over two thirds of researchers surveyed had tried and failed to reproduce the results of another scientist’s study.

In the field of cancer biology, merely 10% of results from published literature were found to be reproducible.

Government funding of university “science” produces published “studies” which overwhelmingly support the empowerment of government. This distortion threatens the progress of science itself. See here.

CIA now employs at least 5,000 hackers to troll and disrupt the internet

One revelation from Wikileaks’ release of CIA emails is the fact that the CIA now employs at least 5,000 hackers who spend their workdays spreading malware, viruses and other other bad code through the internet. See here.

It appears the CIA is seeking to copy and replicate the “fingerprints” of other, perhaps foreign, hackers.

It may be that the CIA is gearing up for a false-flag event of some kind in the future.

More evidence that the FBI used Best Buy “Geek Squad” as a secret surveillance branch

Now there is additional evidence that the FBI used Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” to get around the Fourth Amendment.

The FBI needs a warrant to introduce evidence taken from someone’s computer. But by enlisting (and paying) Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” to conduct secret surveillance on unsuspecting customers, the FBI has sought to evade the constraints of the Constitution. See here.

Electric car sales in China collapse after government subsidies cease

Government-trusters everywhere seek to centrally plan the energy industry.

Just as in the U.S., the government of China has been promoting “alternative energy” schemes for years.

In the U.S, government-loving shysters like Elon Musk have bilked taxpayers out of at least $450 million while promoting electric-car pipe dreams.

Similarly, in China the government has been subsidizing and promoting a pie-in-the-sky dreamworld of electric cars which might someday run off of solar or wind energy.

Just as in the U.S., the electric car industry in China has collapsed as soon as the government stopped paying for the scam. See here.

Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship in record numbers due to taxes, overregulation

The United States was once the world’s flagship of freedom and capitalism. It produced more great inventions than any society that ever existed.

But in recent years, America has become more government-controlled, taxed, and overregulated.

During the past year, more Americans fled the U.S. and renounced U.S. citizenship than ever before.

Almost all who fled the U.S. cite the increasing government growth, high taxation, and overregulation of American life. See here.

Computers are now better at diagnosing cancer than government’s slave plantation healthcare workers

All of the diabolic schemes of the state cannot suppress the human spirit forever. Now that health care is the most overregulated industry in the U.S., computer software is quickly making government-licensed doctors obsolete.

There is now computer software which can diagnose cancer faster and more accurately than human, government-licensed, physicians.

“At 8 false positives per image, [the software] detects 92.4% of the tumours, relative to 82.7% by the previous best automated approach. For comparison, a human pathologist attempting exhaustive search achieved 73.2% sensitivity.” See here.

57 % of Americans can’t write a $500 check

Years of government impositions which punish savers and entrepreneurs have taken their toll on Americans. Social Security, Medicare, and other programs disincentivize people from saving and investing. Near-zero interest rates incentivize debt. Government licensing laws prevent the poor from entering rewarding careers. Minimum-wage laws prevent employers from offering entry-level positions to people needing jobs and skills.

The results are quite predictable. Today, 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a mere $500 unexpected expense. See here.

In socialist Venezuela, epileptic seizures go untreated

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on our enemies. Just 20 years ago the people of Venezuela were the wealthiest and freest in South America.

Then the people voted for socialism and more government.

Now Venezuelans watch as their friends and neighbors suffer from epileptic fits and seizures without medicine. See here.

Starving Venezuelan prisoners have killed, cooked and eaten fellow inmates for food. Other Venezuelans have broken into zoos to cook and eat zebras and rare horses.