There is no valid reason for taxpayers to own universities. Every argument that is commonly given for government colleges is provably false. Modern government universities (1) are less free than their surrounding environments, (2) are more expensive than most alternatives, and (3) promote a steady one-sided stream of elitism, central planning, and government control over every aspect of life, which harms the poor above all others.
Anyone who walks onto a modern government college campus immediately enters a world where speech and thought are less free and where virtually every product or service is overpriced. Government student loan programs conceal the exorbitant prices from the students, who often live in poverty for years afterward trying to pay off the government loans.
A University of Northern Colorado professor found himself accused of misconduct in summer 2016 simply for suggesting in a classroom discussion that students consider opposing viewpoints. The professor received an administrative warning that he could be more “aggressively investigated” if he continued to broach controversial subjects. See here.
Some government colleges are now launching official anti-“bias” committees and teams which process complaints by anyone (including even unnamed persons) who claims to have been offended by a remark or idea. In some cases, there are actual “law enforcement” officials on such boards. “Bias” is code for ideas which criticize government control and central planning of life (as government everywhere falsely claims to promote equality).
• Note that socialism universally creates maldistribution of property and resources where a few government administrators become wealthy by dispersing goods and services to growing numbers of desperate, impoverished poor people.