First Floridians were ordered to evacuate homes at gunpoint; now they’ll be prosecuted for felonies for ‘abandoning’ pets

Hurricane Irma has brought lots of rain and some wind, but government hype about the storm has proven to be mostly fake news. See here.

Thousands of Floridians were ordered at gunpoint to flee their homes under claims of catastrophic emergency. Government cops rolled through streets in massive shows of force, arresting almost anyone who wasn’t part of the ruling establishment (meaning government employees, friends of deputies, government-supported news media, etc.).

Now USA Today is reporting that Floridians who complied with authorities’ commands to evacuate homes and apartments will be prosecuted for felonies for ‘abandoning’ pets. See here.

Although some Floridians have capabilities of caring for pets during evacuations, many others are poor and have no means to transport or take care of pets. Some Floridians had to leave their pets home alone during the hurricane; others released their pets to the out-of-doors, expecting the dogs and cats could survive during the evacuation period and would return when evacuation orders were lifted.

Florida sheriffs will do warrant checks on all hurricane victims seeking shelter

During times of disaster and crisis, governments become the greatest source of danger for most Americans.

The New York Times is reporting that the Polk County, Florida sheriff will be doing background checks and warrant checks on all victims of Hurricane Irma seeking ‘shelter’ at any of the government-designated shelters in the county.

If anyone seeking assistance has an outstanding warrant, he will be arrested immediately and taken to jail. See here.

UC Berkeley offers counseling services for students impacted by neoconservative speaker

America’s government colleges have become temples of elitism, privilege, intolerance, socialism and government worship. Any American becomes instantly less free upon walking onto a government college campus.

Many campuses have speech codes, restricted ‘first amendment zones’ and internal intelligence units which are paid to hunt down anti-government, free-market, or politically incorrect thought.

Now there are reports that UC Berkeley–supposedly the crown campus of the California higher ed system–is offering counseling services for students traumatized by neoconservative speaker Ben Shapiro. See here.

Civil rights violations on a massive scale as Hurricane Irma approaches U.S.

When natural disasters strike, people would be much safer if governments were nowhere in sight. People naturally cope and overcome such disasters with spontaneous order.

But governments in the modern era are so gorged on money and power that natural disasters simply fuel their drive to control, cage, kill, and destroy.

Now the AP reports that money-gorged police departments in Miami and elsewhere are roving through streets arresting all homeless people on ‘mental health’ justifications. See here.

Leaked info shows Soros spending massively to push ‘climate change’ theme

“Climate change” is a constant theme of ultra-powerful elites. It barely registers as a problem or issue among democratic majorities.

For the past 2 decades, the earth’s governments and wealthy elites have tried to ram cap-and-trade and carbon-tax laws down the throats of long-suffering taxpayers on the grounds that only socialism and central planning can save the world from catastrophic-global-warming-by-manmade-CO2.

While skeptical science survives in dark corners where intrepid dissenters bravely question the elitists’ meme, the climate-change hysterics are funded massively by governments, corporations and the world’s richest people.

Now there is leaked information that billionaire pro-government extremist financier George Soros has been secretly spending millions to promote the hysteria. See here.

Allegation: The New York Times bestseller list is rigged to favor ‘liberal’ titles

The terms ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ have almost no meanings. “Conservative” can sometimes designate ideas which challenge the state; while at other times the term means the precise opposite. The same goes for ‘liberal.’ What was ‘liberal’ yesteryear can be seen as ‘conservative’ today.

But such designations can illuminate certain policy debates and conflicts. Regnery Publishing, which is sometimes described as the largest conservative publisher in the United States, is alleging that the “New York Times Bestseller” list (which formerly was recognized as the gold standard measurement of how a book is selling) has become inaccurate if not fraudulent.

According to Regnery, its ‘conservative’ releases often sell hundreds of thousands if not millions of copies but tend to not even appear on the New York Times ‘Bestseller list.’

Regnery believes that its title, Dinesh D’Souza’s The Big Lie, about the American Left’s past relationship and present affinity with the Nazis and their tactics, should have been ranked at number one in sales — but the New York Times trailed it in at number seven.

The New York Times organisation admits it “surveys” hand picked booksellers across the nation.

See here.

Regnery is severing all ties with the Times ‘Bestseller’ list–which may further erode the List‘s gatekeeping status.

Kentucky government workers retiring early to avoid looming pension collapse

For decades, governments at every level have been overpaying government “workers.” Government employee unions have negotiated contracts in most states and large municipalities which result in government retirees living like kings among starving peasants.

In states such as California, New York and Illinois, state retirees commonly RETIRE on six-figure annual pensions. Even in districts where average household incomes remain in the $20,000 to $30,000 range.

Currently, Illinois is spending more on pensions for RETIRED university personnel than the State spends on CURRENT university operations. See here.

Now there are reports that government workers in Kentucky are sensing that long-suffering taxpayers cannot sustain the extravagant pension obligations of state retirees. They are retiring early hoping to vest their retirements before the system collapses. See here.

Minnesota’s State accountants recently took measures to correct future projections regarding the longtime viability of the State’s pensions. The State’s official ‘estimates’ had pegged the pension fund to have long-term 7% returns on investments. (Real-world returns on average investments are slightly lower.) When Minnesota accountants tried correcting future estimates, they found that the underfunding of pension obligations TRIPLED. See here.

More misery in socialist Venezuela

Socialist Venezuela continues spiraling into misery and environmental devastation.

Just 20 years ago, Venezuelans were the richest and healthiest people in Latin America. Then they voted for socialism.

Government took over businesses and industries, took over health care and food distribution, and chased out capitalists.

Now Venezuelans struggle for survival daily. Photos show them butchering and eating dogs on the streets. Numerous reports find Venezuelans breaking into zoos to find animals to eat. 15 % of the population reportedly survives by sifting through dumpsters and trash heaps for food.

The average Venezuelan lost 19 pounds in 2016.

Meanwhile, Venezuela’s ultra-rich live like kings. The daughter of the late Venezuelan president is reportedly worth billions. The ruling socialist dictator appears to maintain power by rigging vote machines.

Government of Virgin Islands issues order allowing authorities to seize guns ahead of Hurricane Irma

During disasters and extreme weather, people often find their own government is a greater source of danger than their weather concerns.

Every government ultimately comes for all property, all money, all freedom, and to kill or cage all who resist.

Governments frequently wait for opportunities to disarm their subjects, and natural disasters provide one of the best opportunities.

Now the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands (which is supposedly subject to the American Bill of Rights) has decreed in advance of Hurricane Irma that government agents may seize any firearms belonging to private citizens. See here.

More proposed violence against climate change skeptics

Science is skepticism. A true scientist proposes hypotheses and challenges the whole world to show the hypotheses wrong. He invites debate.

A true scientist never proclaims he is right based on a ‘consensus’ or a committee vote. Under the scientific method, even a single observation contradicting a hypothesis is enough to scuttle the hypothesis.

But the area of climate science is dominated by government money and demands, censorship, bullying, and threats of sanctions and violence against skeptics of the government.

Here is yet another essay by a militant government truster named Brian Merchant demanding that those who question or disagree with the government be criminally punished. This adds to a long list. See here. And here.

The Merchant essay claims “Climate change denial can and will leave people dead.” Merchant proposes prosecuting skeptics under criminal negligence laws.

In fact all data show the opposite: Globally, weather-related property losses have actually decreased as a proportion of GDP by about 25% since 1990. Insured catastrophe losses have not increased as a proportion of GDP since 1960. Flood losses as a percentage of US GDP have dropped by about 75% since 1940. See here.

And the plainest measurement of all–deaths from extreme weather–shows massive declines (probably 95%) over the past century. See here.