Federal Election Commission now seeks to control political discussion on the internet

Forget the Alien & Sedition Act prosecutions. Forget Lincoln’s arrests of pro-secession newspaper editors. Forget the Palmer Raids of World War I, the “Red Scares,” the imprisonment of Eugene V. Debs or the McCarthy Hearings of the 1950s.

By far the greatest threat to freedom of speech and press that America ever faced was and is, “campaign finance reform.”

Campaign finance “reformers” mask their agenda under cloaks that appeal to a mass audience: “Money Isn’t Speech!,” “Corporations Aren’t People!,” etc.

Yet their agenda threatens to gut the very heart of the First Amendment.

Here is a news story about the FEC (the Federal Election Commission) voting recently for new policies which empower the federal government to monitor and control political advertising or paid political discussion on the internet.

This move paves the way for the federal government to monitor political blogs, political news sites, and ideological content on the web. It empowers the agents of the U.S. government to investigate who pays for what, and which show/video/post/article is secretly a campaign ad.

Every single claim made by campaign finance reformers is untrue. Hillary lost to Trump despite spending SEVERAL TIMES more money on her campaign than Trump. Then the “campaign finance reformers” shifted to a claim that “Russia” secretly influenced American voters to vote for Trump.

The cycle of poverty under total government

Michael DiFrancesco, a 22-year-old man from Bozeman, Montana, never had a chance. In 2009, DiFrancesco was convicted of being a minor in possession of alcohol and fined $185. He was ordered to pay for and complete a substance abuse course, neither of which he could afford.

DiFrancesco’s driver license was later suspended due to the fines and he was ordered to pay a $100 reinstatement fee.

He has since racked up $4,000 in unpaid fines for convictions for driving without a license, and he spent about five months in jail.

Without a license, DiFrancesco is unable to work consistently, causing him to lose employment and become homeless.

In August, DiFrancesco filed a federal lawsuit arguing that “Montana has trapped him in an inescapable cycle of poverty.”

Like so many millions of others, DiFrancesco cannot be productive due to government impositions, licensing laws, and punishments.

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports that Montana’s Attorney General’s office is seeking dismissal of the lawsuit.

Doctor stripped of medical license for not entering medical data on computers for the state to monitor

New London, New Hampshire.

An elderly local physician has been stripped of her license to practice medicine because she doesn’t use computers.

Health care regulations increasingly demand that doctors must move toward electronic medical records. Such records allow for easy transfer of patient information between doctors and hospitals–and the government.

The move toward digitization of everyone’s medical records threatens to fundamentally undermine the tradition of confidentiality and doctor/patient privilege that has prevailed in western medicine for centuries.

In New Hampshire, government authorities monitor medical records to see if physicians are overprescribing painkillers. A doctor who refuses (or declines) to enter her prescription dosages into the government data system may jeopardize the government’s control over medicine. See here.

TSA again fails 80 percent of security tests

In the aftermath of 9/11/2001, Congress created the “Transportation Security Administration,” the agency that strips, fondles, and molests the American people as they attempt to exercise their right to travel. The government claimed that private screeners were inadequate and only government agencies could be trusted to protect air travel from terrorists and hijackers.

For more than a decade, the agency has been conducting tests to determine how well TSA agents detect bombs, guns and knives. Undercover TSA officials try to sneak such items past the TSA employees at airports.

And repeatedly, the undercover experiments show that TSA airport screeners fail to detect such weapons SOME EIGHTY PERCENT of the time. See here.

As government grows, its subjects are stricken with anxiety, fear and depression

As societies become saddled with more government, their subjects become depressed, fearful, anxious and pessimistic about their lives.

Every government that ever existed sought the same powers: total control over all human affairs, the total elimination of privacy (except for the masters in government), all money, property and wealth, and to kill all who resist.

A recent poll shows that two-thirds of Americans now believe that America is now at its lowest point in history. See here.

Government is like a poison masquerading as a medicine. The federal government is now seven (7) times larger (in real terms, thus adjusted for inflation) than it was at the beginning of FDR’s presidency in 1933. Government regulates and controls almost every profession and industry, toilet use, every manner of transportation, births and deaths.

US Postal Service has had one profitable quarter since 2006; it has lost $63 billion during that time

The U.S. Postal Service monopoly is unconstitutional* and has caused great harm to the American economy.

The Postal Service has had one profitable quarter since 2006. It has lost $63 billion during that time, averaging around $5 billion in losses each year. (To put this in perspective, the annual budget of the State of Montana is less than $5 billion).

The “Service” lost $2.1 billion in the most recent quarter, and expects to lose another $6 billion or so this year. See here.

The USPS has EVERY ADVANTAGE in the marketplace, yet cannot make a profit. In an age when technology is driving engineering to be ever more efficient, the Postal Service continues to use outdated models of processing and delivery.

Now the USPS is seeking to alter its regulations so it can raise its prices faster than the rate of inflation. (See the above link.)

* The Constitution has a provision (Art. 1, Sec. 8) allowing Congress to “establish Post Offices and post Roads” but elsewhere makes clear (through, example, the due process clause, the contracts clause, etc.) that there was to be no government monopoly on delivering mail. The 1st amendment freedom of the press also seems to prohibit the government from controlling the market for shipping newspapers and printed matter.

African governments get used to SHUTTING DOWN the internet

An astounding story was published by Reuters reporters last week. In most countries, “the internet” is a multidimensional thing emanating and maintained by thousands of different businesses, people and institutions. But in some African countries, “the internet” may depend on a single cable system.

“Since the start of 2016, governments in 13 African nations have intentionally shut down the internet on 21 occasions, mainly during elections and protests.”

“Africa is becoming a new testing ground for authoritarian practices online,” said Francois Patuel, West Africa researcher at Amnesty International.”

African governments control the internet by licensing. “When a sovereign government gives licenses to telecoms companies, those companies have little choice but to comply with the government’s demands,” said Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at Oracle Dyn, which monitors international internet traffic flows.

See here.

Shockingly, some American “civil liberties” groups such as the ACLU are demanding a similar system of government-licensed (what they somehow call “free”) internet. They call the concept “net neutrality.”

Vietnamese Government Orders Student Imprisoned for 6 Years for Blog Criticisms

According to Yahoo News, a Vietnamese student has been ordered jailed for 6 years for blog posts that criticized life under the Vietnamese government. See here.

Like the government of the United States, the Vietnamese government employs teams of agents to monitor the internet and control the content of what subjects post.

U.S. Life Expectancy Declining under Cradle-to-Grave Government

by Roger Roots, founder of Lysander Spooner University

Governments want their subjects sick, weak, scared and dependent. Every generation of Americans has seen its life expectancy improve. Until now.

A new Bloomberg News report finds that Today’s Americans are retiring later, dying sooner and sicker in-between.

Social Security alone has incentivized millions of Americans to work less, invest less, save less, and disregard their health. By itself, the program is responsible for making America at least 3 percent poorer. See here.

In fact, the government pays people outright to be sick and disabled, incentivizing millions to go on monthly disability checks.

Medical mistakes by government-approved doctors and facilities are now the third leading cause of death.

The pharmaceutical industry, gorged on government-subsidized money and regulations, has succeeded in making millions of Americans dependent on government-approved drugs.

Taxes and regulations prevent most poor Americans from launching productive businesses and hiring others. Today, roughly half of All Americans pay no taxes and live at the expense of the other half, through government. Americans now spend more on taxes than on food and clothing combined.

The U.S. now has the highest tax rates in the developed world.

FBI Direct Robert Mueller tried to entrap noted author Harvey Silverglate in the 1980s

There was a time in American history when judges and attorneys became famous and beloved by fighting for individual rights and liberties. America’s founding fathers named cities, towns and counties after the most libertarian English judges. (For example, the Founders named many places after Lord Camden, the famous British judge who wrote a number of famed libertarian court opinions in the 1760s.)

Today’s lawyers, however, tend to rise to prominence mostly by siding with the powers of intrusive, expansive government. Many if not most judges are former prosecutors themselves.

Although Americans still revere freedom-fighting lawyers, there are fewer and fewer such lawyers to be found. Many of America’s most prominent libertarian criminal defense lawyers have found themselves targeted, prosecuted or even imprisoned by the American police state. (Clarence Darrow, F. Lee Bailey, William Kunstler, etc. were all prosecuted after becoming well-known defense lawyers.)

Now noted defense lawyer Harvey Silverglate has come forward with a chilling story about how federal prosecutor Robert Mueller attempted to entrap him during the 1980s. See here. Mueller later went on to be FBI director and is now leading an (apparent) witchhunt “special” prosecution of Donald Trump over supposed Russian influence in Trump’s election.

According to Silverglate, Mueller tried to set up Silverglate by sending a lying FBI informant into Silverglate’s office to dictate a false affidavit for a legal case. The lying informant was wearing a wire and trying to entrap Silverglate into using the false document. (Silverglate immediately told the undercover agent to leave.)

Harvey Silverglate is a well-known criminal defense lawyer, civil-liberties activist and author of the book Three Felonies A Day–which suggests that federal law has now become so prosecution-friendly that every American likely commits 3 felonies a day without knowing it.