The number of journalists imprisoned for their work is now at an all-time high

Startling new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists.

As of December 1, 2017, 262 journalists were behind bars around the world in relation to their work, a new record after a historical high of 259 last year.

Many of these jailed journalists are in China, Turkey, and Egypt. But the western world is partially to blame because the western world previously acted as something of a free-press watchdog and its leaders would formerly pressure eastern, or developing-world authorities to release journalists. That protection appears to be waning.

Florida health insurance premiums increase an average of 45 percent

Government slave-plantation healthcare programs–which generally increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise–continue to make health care LESS affordable.

If the free market were unleashed on health care, Americans would be the healthiest people on earth, and medical products and services would quickly fall in price while improving in quality.

Instead, life expectancy in America is DECLINING due to government “health care” regulations.

The Miami Herald reports that health insurance premiums for many Floridians will increase by 45 percent in 2018.

The Struggle for Freedom: Lectures in Downtown Las Vegas Dec. 16

Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017
4:00 p.m. at the Asian Culture Center, 333 S. 6th St., Las Vegas, NV


John Lamb, investigative journalist and professor, “What We’ve Learned from the Bundy Trials”

Michael Elliott, freedom thinker and activist, “Crypto Currencies and what they Mean for Freedom” (special lecture in honor of Daniel Shaver)”

Lou Baker, entrepreneur and radio personality, “Nevada’s Ongoing Struggle for State Sovereignty”

Special Mystery Guest Lecturer will appear via Skype from a foreign country while in exile!

Games! Prizes! Music!

Call Roger Roots at 406-224-3105 for more info.

Hundreds of thousands flee socialist Venezuela, to start over with nothing.

Socialism is a curse that one should wish only on a hated enemy.

Governments invariably promise cradle-to-grave safety, support and security but deliver only violence, misery and impoverishment.

Yesterday’s New York Times detailed how Venezuelans in need of medicine must suffer early deaths or flee to other countries for survival. They were promised government (‘single payer’) health care.

As many as a million Venezuelans have fled the socialist hellhole. They were promised government support and security. Now many of them must start over with nothing in foreign lands. See here.

Just 30 years ago, Venezuelans were the wealthiest and healthiest people in all of Latin America. Then they voted for socialism.

While the people live in shacks, government employees live in Mansions: the 5 richest counties in the U.S. are now the counties surrounding Washington, D.C.

Today, the world’s richest 1 % own more than the bottom 90 %. See here.

While Americans increasingly live in shacks and mobile homes and struggle under life-choking regulations, those in government are wealthier than any population in world history.

The five richest counties in the United States are the suburbs surrounding Washington, D.C. See here.

Government “scientists” caught faking climate data AGAIN: adjustments to sea-level data designed to show accelerating rise

In the academic battle over whether manmade CO2 is causing catastrophic climate change (and over whether people must immediately surrender all rights to governments so that socialism can save the world from fossil fuels), one side has been caught time and time again faking data.

“Skeptics” have been demonized, attacked, assaulted, sued, fired, blacklisted and threatened with execution or imprisonment. While those promoting the governments’ socialistic catastrophic-climate-change-by-manmade-CO2 claims can merely grumble that various courts or legislators sought their data, emails or other correspondence. (Some promoters of the governments’ theory call this “harassment.”)

“Skeptics” have never been shown to fake data or fraudulently adjust measurements. But government-funded scientists have repeatedly been caught adjusting climate data to bolster their theory.

Now there is evidence that “scientists” working for government agencies have been “adjusting” sea-level data to enable them to claim that sea levels are rapidly increasing.

“In every case, [British government scientists in the “Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level” (PSMSL) agency] have revised [sea level data] in order to make them produce a sharp upward trend in sea level rise – despite the fact that global records do not support this.” See here.

Death Threats Fly over Fake News: “Net Neutrality” Strikes Again

The Ultimate Goal is for Government to Become Everyone’s Web Browser and Home Page

Governments worldwide are seeking to control the internet. In the U.S., the movement is called “Net Neutrality.”

Advocates of “net neutrality” spin fantastical tales of monopolistic corporations pandering to the rich or overcharging the poor for internet access. Of course, such corporations would lose millions if they did so.

But “net neutrality” advocates seek a government control of the internet in the same way that governments monitor and control water, electricity and land-line phone service.

One of the leading advocates of “net neutrality,” Robert McChesney, has privately admitted the goal is to eliminate capitalism entirely and have government become the browser and home page for every American. Even while he publicly claims to advocate “free speech” (!)

Now there is news that one Soros-funded “net neutrality” advocate is threatening to murder a member of Congress and his family for opposing net neutrality. “If you don’t support net neutrality, I will find you and your family and I will kill… you … all,” his recorded phone message said.

The courageous FCC Chairman who is proposing to end the Obama-imposed “net neutrality” program in the Federal Communications Commission has also received multiple death threats. See here.

Montana’s “conservative” Secretary of State supports government takeover of the internet

by Roger I. Roots, founder and president, Lysander Spooner University

In 2016 I was the Libertarian candidate for Montana Secretary of State. I remember receiving a phone call from Corey Stapleton, my Republican opponent.

Stapleton begged me to drop out of the race, telling me that he was really libertarian on most issues and that Libertarians and Republicans had to team up to fight the big-government Democrats.

I declined. Ultimately, Stapleton rode a wave of anti-government sentiment and became Montana’s Secretary of State. (Stapleton, like most Republicans, told voters he was conservative and favored less intrusive government.)

After two years, Mr. Stapleton issued this press release. Stapleton claims “internet neutrality” (meaning a federal government takeover of the internet in the manner of the railroad industry, the power grid and the radio spectrum) is “good for business.”

Bovard recounts life in Soviet-era Hungary and Romania

Author James Bovard is a widely read chronicler of government stupidity and tyranny. His books include Lost Rights, Shakedown, and Freedom in Chains.

Bovard recently recounted a trip through communist-era Hungary and Romania during the 1980s. See here.

Romania was part of the Soviet bloc at the time, and its people lived in constant fear.

“Communism’s mortality toll does not capture its full horror – the daily degradation that its victims suffered,” writes Bovard.

Bovard was a westerner behind the Iron Curtain, and authorities constantly monitored him. He traveled under a ‘tourist’ visa rather than applying for a journalist’s visa–in order to avoid hassles. He was told that if he was found in possession of a map of Romania he would be arrested or denied entry. So he studied maps and tried to memorize their contents before destroying them. Bovard’s train cabin was searched 4 times by military officers with German shepherds.

“After the final search, guards bolted my cabin shut from the outside. The pseudo-luxury train had officially been transformed into a traveling jail.”

“Though Romania had been one of the world’s top grain exporters before World War One, food had become as rare as honest economist statistics.”

“Children could not get milk without a doctor’s prescription.”

“The health system was collapsing, and the infant mortality rate was so high the government refused to register children as being born until they survived their first month.”

The government prohibited distribution of contraceptives or abortions. “The government forced all women between the age of 18 and 40 to have a monthly gynecological exam to assure that no one robbed the State by having a secret abortion.”

“As I knocked around Bucharest, I assumed I was being followed. Roughly 1 in 15 Romanians was working as a government informant.”

Have glaciers increased in number in Glacier National Park?

It appears that NBC News visited Glacier National Park’s Grinnell Glacier earlier this year. NBC News repeated the claim of government scientists (prevalent everywhere throughout the Park) that the glaciers at GNP are rapidly melting due to apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming. See here.

Lysander Spooner University documented in September of this year that GNP’s famed Grinnell Glacier appears to have grown slightly since 2008. See here.
But NBC apparently overlooked our findings. NBC News quoted GNP’s Daniel Fagre as saying, “These glaciers have their fate sealed.” They are already doomed, according to Fagre.

Interestingly, NBC did a story just seven years ago in 2010 that claimed there were only 25 glaciers in GNP at that time (quoting the same government scientist). How did the number change to 26 by 2017?

And doesn’t this discrepancy suggest glaciers are growing in number rather than declining?