Americans are fleeing high-tax states in droves; taking billion$ with them

Socialism, regulations and high taxes are driving millions of Americans to relocate to lower tax states. The IRS’s tax migration data shows there were 8 million migrant tax returns representing about 14 million total people who moved in 2018-2019.

The five states that lost the most taxpayers are New York, California, Illinois, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. Those states lost, on net, 219,937 taxpayers and over $28 billion in adjusted gross income (AGI). On average, these states have a state-local effective tax rate of 11.8 percent.

The five states that gained the most taxpayers, on the other hand, are all low-tax states — in fact, three of the five have no state income tax. Florida, Texas, Arizona, North Carolina, and Washington state gained, on net, 194,340 taxpayers and $28.9 billion in AGI.

Florida is the big winner, adding $17.5 billion in AGI to its tax base alone.

Florida, Washington state, and Texas have no income tax. North Carolina has a flat income tax rate of 5.25%. Arizona’s income tax rate is, at its highest, about 4.5%.

More evidence that social media censorship is driven by government

Zero Hedge reports that “Federal efforts to censor social media extend past discussions with companies like YouTube over broad guidelines about Covid-19 “misinformation.”” There is evidence that the FDA has specifically demanded suppression of individual posts.

In an April 30, 2021 email, the Food and Drug Administration director of social media, Brad Kimberly, told a Google lobbyist that the agency expected YouTube to pull a video touting the potential of a new monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid. (Google owns YouTube.)

“Overall, the video is very problematic when it comes to COVID misinformation,” Kimberly wrote to the lobbyist, Jan Fowler Antonaros.

“This video should be pulled.”

YouTube initially declined to remove the video. However, it has since been taken offline.

How often the FDA has made other censorship demands is unknown, because the agency is apparently hiding the existence of its efforts in response to Freedom of Information Act requests.

In October, reporter Alex Berenson submitted a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request asking the FDA to disclose their communications with social media companies like Twitter and YouTube about censoring Covid “misinformation” in general.

On Nov. 30, the FDA responded it could not find any emails between its officials and social media companies that met the request.

“Yet at the bottom of the emails containing the agency’s discussions about me,” writes Berenson, “was the email between Kimberly and Antonaros – apparently attached there by accident, as it had nothing to do with me.”


The fact that the FDA’s exchange with Antonaros was slipped by accident into the bottom of documents–while FDA claimed it possessed no communications with social media–means the FDA is actively covering up its secret influence on social media censorship.

“[T]he agency said it had not found a single record responsive to that request – not one – even as it accidentally provided one.”

Dale Davenport witnessed police brutality in Dallas, Texas. The day after he testified in court, Dallas police officers blocked his business with swarms of cop cars and a bullet was fired through his window

By Roger Roots

As a crusading libertarian lawyer I often get phone calls from people who tell me they want to sue their local government officials in their snake pit of municipal corruption. They always have heartbreaking stories of City Hall stealing, robbing or destroying their homes, families or businesses.

I generally have to tell them to get in line. Every city and county in the country is corrupt. And state and federal regulators are even worse. Victims of government abuses often don’t have a clearly winnable case unless they can produce actual emails, videos or other hard evidence of municipal regulators saying explicitly that they are plotting to destroy them by breaking the law. And local judges bend over backward to protect local officials and their petty speed traps, zoning enforcement, preposterous licensing regs, nuisance laws and other scams.

But a car wash in Dallas, Texas may have a case.

For 15 years, the City of Dallas has been targeting, threatening and harassing the car wash owners, Dale and Freddy Davenport. The neighborhood is crime ridden, and the Davenports have been repeatedly told that their car wash is a hub of crime. The Devenports maintain a constant presence, cleaning and monitoring the property; but it is never enough for the City of Dallas. A local judge once ordered the Devenports to hire shifts of two licensed peace officers at a time to patrol the property “for 24 hours per day, seven days a week, to be sure that the Property is secured and not being trespassed upon.”

Such security would cost the Davenports $50,000 a month. The figure was so outrageous that a special committee of the Texas legislature investigated and found that Dallas was using the nuisance laws to pressure businesses to hire off-duty cops. And Dallas cops were getting rich off the scheme. The investigation also concluded that Dallas cops were running a type of protection racket; cops told businesses not to expect any police patrols or assistance unless the businesses hired lots of off-duty cops as security guards.

And the security companies which employed the off-duty cops were owned by local Dallas officials. “Those who refuse to play by such rules, the committees heard repeatedly, found themselves the target of random police searches, fire and other code inspections and costly, time-consuming litigation,” according to The Dallas Observer.
It was organized crime.

Back in 2002 a Dallas police officer used mace on a man in the parking lot. The officer later said the man was resisting arrest, but Dale Davenport testified to the contrary in court. The day after, someone shot a bullet through a window at Dale Davenport’s home. And on the day the maced victim was acquitted of resisting arrest, 17 DPD vehicles and 26 officers blocked the car wash’s driveway, preventing customers from entering. Dallas police Chief David Kunkle later admitted under oath that the officers’ behavior was “very unprofessional” and “designed to intimidate and coerce.”

In 2012, the city even amended its zoning districts so that it didn’t allow car washes in the district, “though no document on the agenda hinted at this change” in advance. The Davenports were forced, once again, into court to save their carwash.

Now after 16 years of abuse by the City of Dallas, the Davenports have filed suit in federal court.

(photo by Jim Schutze of the Dallas Observer)

Latvian government JAILS rival politician upon grounds of holding “unsafe” meeting!

“COVID-19” is the gift that keeps on giving for tyrants worldwide.

Latvian police have arrested the country’s main opposition leader, Aldis Gobzems, on grounds that he had an “unannounced assembly” where COVID safety requirements weren’t met.

Powermad Latvian officials recently enacted a law BANNING elected legislators from Parliament if they are “unvaccinated” with COVID-19 treatment injections. This means, effectively, that the ‘public health’ protocols will never be challenged; as any lawmaker opposing them is banned from serving.

Gobzems is the leading Latvian politician opposing lockdowns and vaxx mandates. See here.

Are government officials lying about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”?

US government officials from Biden on down have pushed people to get injected with Pfizer and Moderna shots with the slogan that there is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” occurring.

But the CDC’s own published data appear to call the slogan into question.

A new CDC study appears to have inadvertently found that 28 times more fully vaccinated patients (5,213) were hospitalized with COVID from June to September 2021 than the unvaccinated with prior infection (189) in nine U.S. states.

Out of 201,269 people hospitalized with “COVID-19-like illness” from January to September (2021) in 9 states, just 1,020 (0.5%) of the hospitalizations occurred in unvaccinated people previously infected with COVID. This is a remarkably small number considering the CDC has estimated 120.2 million Americans (36.8% of the US population) had already been infected with COVID by late May.

Out of these 1,020 unvaccinated COVID patients landing in the hospital from January to September, 89 (8.7%) had tested positive for COVID a second time. The CDC interpreted this to mean natural immunity was less protective against re-infection with symptomatic COVID than vaccination because the percentage of infected fully vaccinated people in the hospital was 5.1%, or 1.7 times less.

But the rather hidden internals of the paper reveal a remarkable statistic: there were 27.6 times more (5,213 vs. 189) fully vaccinated than unvaccinated patients with COVID who needed to be hospitalized from June to September. Considering the prevalence of infection in the U.S. (probably 40-45% of the U.S. population had been infected by June to September if prevalence was 37% by late May), there is little likelihood there were 28 times more people vaccinated than already infected. This would appear to contradict the very vaccination-reduces-hospitalization conclusion the CDC had intended to emphasize in the first place.

These unheralded data seem consistent with data from the United Kingdom, where 90% of new infections and 89% of deaths over 70 are in the fully vaccinated

And increasingly, the data show that natural immunity from a prior infection is better than vaccines.

A collection of 96 studies (as of 1 November) and counting compiled by an epidemiologist and 5 other MDs affirm a prior COVID infection (i.e., natural immunity) offers more and longer-lasting protection than vaccines do.

For example, according to a compendium of 54 studies involving over 12 million people, those who have already been infected with COVID are re-infected at a rate of only 0.2% (1 in 500) in the next 8 months after infection.

See here.

Whistleblower: CDC knowingly DESTROYED vaccine study results in order to hide autism link

We all know that the government medical establishment works ferociously to stop discussions of possible links between childhood vaccines and autism. Doctors who say there may be such a link find their licenses suspended. Moms find themselves deplatformed from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for suggesting such a link. Mainstream news media says the theory has been debunked.

But now Sharyl Attkisson has interviewed a high-level CDC scientist-turned-whistleblower and published a startling story. Current CDC Senior Scientist Dr. William Thompson now says the agency has knowingly DESTROYED evidence and data to cover up a link between childhood MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccines and autism in Black children.

These revelations are astounding. Thompson says that he and his CDC coathors “omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics.”

Thompson led or co-led 3 major vaccine safety studies from 2000 to 2006. “The MADDSP MMR-Autism Cases Control Study was being carried out in response to the Wakefield Lancet study that suggested an association between the MMR vaccine and an autism-like health outcome.” (Dr. Andrew Wakefield later saw his career destroyed and lost his medical license and professorships; a search for his name in Google or other search engines reveals him labeled a fraud for his “false claims” of a vaccine/autism link. Now it is revealed that the CDC concealed data from its own research which would have helped clear Wakefield.)

The CDC study found a “huge” statistical significant link between autism in Black children and the MMR vaccine! But the CDC authors conspired secretly to deceive readers of their scientific papers by not mentioning any race effects.

All the authors and I met and decided sometime between August and September 2002 not to report any race effects for the paper. Sometime soon after the meeting, where we decided to exclude reporting any race effects, the coauthors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study.

New study: there are FEWER wildfires and LESS smoke today than in the distant past

Boston. May 2021. Government scientists at places like the National Interagency Fire center like to claim that forest fires have increased in recent years due to human use of fossil fuels. But new research by Pengfei Liu, a fellow at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has found that the earth was far more fiery and smoky prior to the Industrial Era.

Liu’s team studied ice core samples in Antarctica, where the ice trapped smoke particles emitted from fires in Australia, Africa and South America. Ice core scientists and co-authors of the study, Joseph McConnell and Nathan Chellman from the Desert Research Institute in Nevada, measured soot, a key component of smoke, deposited in an array of 14 ice cores from across the continent.

What they found was unexpected.

“While most studies have assumed less fire took place in the preindustrial era, the ice cores suggested a much fierier past, at least in the Southern Hemisphere,” said Loretta Mickley, Senior Research Fellow in Chemistry-Climate Interactions at SEAS and senior author of the paper.

Pandemic lockdowns and school disruptions have made low income students MORE THAN A YEAR BEHIND in average education level

Corey DeAngelis of the Reason Foundation testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Consumer Protection & Commerce on March 11, 2021. DeAngelis said that there have been substantial costs associated with keeping schools closed during the 2020 ‘pandemic.’ Students have lost ground academically as well as physically. The poorest have fared the worst.

Government teachers and school administrators have fought to keep all government workers fully and excessively paid despite not working or working much less. Every teacher received stimulus checks, despite also never missing a single paycheck. Teacher unions have lobbied to force private schools and charter schools closed as well.

According to DeAngelis, the average poor student is now more than a year behind in his education because of the government lockdowns and restrictions. (Upper class students have fared much better.) Racial and ethnic gaps in learning have widened.

DeAngelis provided studies indicating that the average K-12 student in the US could lose $61,000 to $82,000 in lifetime earnings due to this loss of education. There have also been horrific impacts upon the economic security of parents and households.

Nobel Prize Virologist: “curve of vaccinations is followed by a curve of deaths”

2008 Nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier was recently interviewed by the German-language RAIR Foundation. Montagnier stated that the worldwide COVID-19 vaccination program is producing greater mortality rather than immunity. Montagnier suggested that the immunizations were CREATING or promoting the creation of new variants.

Montagnier stated that many governments appear to be causing more harm than they are mitigating with the vaccines. “You see it in every country; it’s the same everywhere: The curve of vaccinations is followed by the curve of deaths,” said Montagnier.

See here for a video display of vaccine/mortality graphs.

Government-supporting professors push debunked theory that fossil fuel industry supports skepticism “anonymously”

Modern government-funded universities churn out so many false, pro-government “studies” that it is impossible to keep up with them all.

A few years back a pro-government extremist professor named Robert Brulle published an alleged scientific paper proclaiming that criticism of the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-CO2 theory are secretly funded by the fossil fuel industry.

There is nothing novel about this notion, of course. The claim has been part of the government’s climate doomsday hysteria messaging (and campaign finance “reform”) for years. But the claim evaporates on scrutiny. The major fossil fuel companies never spent more than a few dollars on skeptical climate research, and have actually spent millions more on pro-government climate messaging. The New York Attorney General spent 4 years and many millions of dollars pursuing Exxon-Mobil in a Brulle-inspired civil prosecution which ended in a finding of no liability in 2019.

Brulle’s research thesis sought to expand the “Exxon Knew”-type claim by suggesting that every dollar spent by wealthy oil or coal retirees or independent investors on libertarian thinktanks constituted a dollar from ‘the industry’ spent on “climate change denial.” Thus, donations to the Cato Institute or the Competitive Enterprise Institute were designated as funding for “denial.” And a new theme of this ‘research’ is that much of it is anonymous “dark money” (which generally means money the government doesn’t like).

Brulle’s research methods wouldn’t pass muster in a junior-high-school term paper; but in the pro-government-extremist atmosphere of modern higher education, they catapulted Brulle from a low-tier university (Drexel U.) into the Ivy League. Now a Visiting Professor of Environment and Society at Brown University, Brulle has ‘updated’ his ‘research’ in a new paper published in Climatic Change.