Governments worldwide are concealing health data so antivaxxers won’t announce it

You can’t make this stuff up.

Last week the government of Scotland admitted it was concealing true case counts and hospitalization data to perpetuate a positive narrative regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Scottish officials tacitly admitted that the true data would benefit “anti-vaxxers” and promote “vaccine hesitancy.”

And today the New York Times revealed that the same thing is happening in the U.S. “The agency [CDC] has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.”

Steve Kirsch writes “Let’s be clear. The CDC hid the data because the data proves they were lying to us. That’s the real reason.

If the data was favorable, I guarantee you, they would be releasing it.”

US Senators disclose newly discovered CIA program that is spying on Americans without warrant

A new (or newly discovered) CIA operation is secretly conducting warrantless surveillance domestically in the US.. U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Martin Heinrich alleged in a letter to intelligence officials that the CIA may be violating its charter.

“Officially, the CIA and National Security Agency (NSA) have a foreign surveillance mission and domestic spying is prohibited by the CIA’s 1947 charter.”

“But in 2013, a programme of data collection using extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence was disclosed to the public by Edward Snowden, a CIA contractor-turned whistle-blower.”

“A Washington Post analysis of the Snowden leak found some 90% of those being monitored were ordinary Americans “caught in a net the National Security Agency had cast for somebody else”.

“Top officials had until then denied – and even lied under oath to Congress – that they were knowingly collecting such data.” “The programme, known as Prism, was later ruled unlawful by a US court.”

“Mr Wyden, of Oregon, and Mr Heinrich, of New Mexico, said the secret program is “entirely outside the statutory framework that Congress and the public believe govern this collection.” See here.

The whole world was shocked when US military medical injuries exploded in 2021–so this week the US military changed its numbers!

Two weeks ago the whole world was shocked to see graphs showing that doctor visits within the US military increased 988% in the year 2021.

On February 1, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin outlining the startling increase in heart attacks, strokes and other medical emergencies experienced by US troops during 2021. The only likely cause of the increase is the vaccination mandate imposed by the Department of Defense in 2021. (The prior year–2020, the first year of the alleged COVID-19 pandemic–saw a slight DECREASE in medical visits by US troops.)

The data shocked the world. Although the mainstream media ignored the story, the news found wide circulation on independent news platforms.

But now the Pentagon has changed the numbers. The US military now claims the five previous years were plagued by a giant glitch.

“According to the Department of Defense, the actual number of doctor visits and ambulatory care in the military is at least TEN TIMES higher than was being reported since 2016!”

“What the US military is admitting is that their numbers were off by 18 million a year in the number of doctor visits.”

According to the Gateway Pundit, “[o]ne by one, the military public health officials have been adding back random numbers to the 2016 through 2020 codes.” “[T]hey have found that the numbers from 2016 through 2020 were “increased” exponentially to look as though 2021 was not an abnormal year.”

“This has been done without any transparency, any press release, any statement of narrative, and sloppily in a way that makes the already unbelievable narrative simply impossible to believe.”

“In addition to believing that every epidemiological report for five years was somehow completely tainted with false data — including during the first year of the pandemic itself — we would have to believe that the minute they discovered this from [Ohio attorney] Renz, they suddenly discovered the exact numbers. A five-year mistake fixed overnight!”

Even as US truck industry can’t find enough drivers, new draconian regulations impose more restrictions

US government regulations are crippling the ability of American industries to respond to supply shortages. There is a major shortage of truck drivers in the US; but new regulations will make it even HARDER for truck drivers to be obtain commercial driver licenses (CDLs). reports that starting today, on February 7, 2022, new truck drivers must go through a GOVERNMENT-APPROVED training schools (costing thousands of dollars each) and submit to expansive government data-entry programs.

CDL-holding truckers are limited in the number of hours they can drive consecutively. Many observers believe this requirement is forcing truckers to drive faster and less safely on icy roads on some routes.

During the Obama Administration, Obama signed MAP21 (“Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act”), a plan to nudge America closer to mass government-controlled public transportation. In 2021, the states lost close to 100,000 class A CDL drivers. Under Trump, 1,000’s of trucking companies went out of business.

“If a farmer who is located in Ellendale, N.D., wants to drive their one ton pick-up with a flat bed trailer to pick up a new tractor for their farm in Omaha, Neb., they would be subject to regulations because they are outside the 150 miles from their operation and all federal transportation regulations would then apply, including needing a CDL to go get the new tractor in Nebraska,” says Krapu.

[photo courtesy of Debbie Westlake]

Leaked British documents show government paid influencers to promote lockdowns, attack vaxx critics

We’ve all been barraged with pro-lockdown, pro-mask, pro-vaxx messaging over the past two years. And we’ve watched as major mainstream platforms silence, shadow-ban and censor those who ask questions. How much of this is secretly being paid for by government agencies or Big Pharma?

Popular YouTube influencer Abigail Thorn, whose Philosophy Tube show has a million subscribers, was secretly paid to promote the British government’s COVID-19-panic “public health” agenda, according to whistleblowers.

Thorn and other popular influencers were reportedly recruited by the UK’s Royal Institution ”to counter growing opposition to UK gov’t Covid restrictions.” The project even had a name: “Challenging Pseudoscience.” Critics of government policies were portrayed as dangerous “superspreaders” of “disinformation.”

Massive amounts of cash were funneled to high profile media voices and influencers from the UK government’s Culture Recovery Fund earmarked for video production.

“Leaked files obtained by The Grayzone indicate that the Royal Institution has enlisted the services of Valent Projects, a “social change” communications firm founded by a public relations operative previously involved in the UK Foreign Office’s campaign for violent regime change in Syria. Valent has also been sponsored by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), a US intelligence cut-out, for a project aimed at “investigating disinformation.”

Soon YouTube began implementing a raft of stringent speech codes, it began amplifying channels such as “BreadTube” and pro-government influencers through its algorithm.

“All the key signs of infiltration are there,” Caleb Maupin said of BreadTube. “Since when does US mainstream media highlight the work of Marxist revolutionaries? Why are people who seem so unfamiliar with basic elements of socialist ideology suddenly elevated to the position of respected experts by the algorithms? Why do their foreign policy views seem to line up so closely with the US State Department? I have had no doubt they were being covertly supported by powerful entities with goals other than overthrowing capitalism.”

Amazingly, the “Challenging Pseudoscience” operation also featured one of the scientists at Wuhan lab, Peter Daszak. Daszak is a zoologist closely linked to Anthony Fauci. Daszak serves as president of the US-based NGO known as EcoHealth Alliance.

The leaked files indicate that the Royal Institution enlisted the services of Valent Projects, a communications firm which lists the Royal Institution on its website as a client. Valent Projects staffer Hamish Falconer has disclosed that the “exciting” Challenging Pseudoscience campaign has also received “generous support” from the Open Society Foundations of CIA-adjacent billionaire George Soros.

See here.

Chinese Totalitarianism Reaches New Heights

The news site DNYUZ is out with a harrowing expose on the present state of China. Many once-free societies such as Australia and Canada have transformed into prison states in the past 2 years. But China has transformed into a totalitarian slave prison.

“The foundation of the controls is the health code. The local authorities, working with tech companies, generate a user’s profile based on location, travel history, test results and other health data. The code’s color — green, yellow or red — determines whether the holder is allowed into buildings or public spaces. Its use is enforced by legions of local officials with the power to quarantine residents or restrict their movements.”

Chinese subjects are tracked via their apps throughout the day and night. The government knows where each subject is at all times.
“The Chinese Communist Party has found the best model for controlling people,” said one jailed critic in a telephone interview in December.

“A Covid cluster that rippled across Zhejiang Province in east China late last year began with a funeral. When one attendee, a health worker, tested positive in a routine test, 100 tracers sprang into action.”

“Using digital health code records, teams of tracers plotted out a network of people to test based on where the man had been: a restaurant, a mahjong parlor, card-playing rooms. Within a couple of weeks, they stopped the chain of infections in Hangzhou — in all, 29 people there were found to be infected.”

“The health code is essentially required, because without it, people cannot enter buildings, restaurants or even parks.” “In recent months, the authorities in various cities have expanded their definition of close contact to include people whose cellphone signals were recorded within as much as half a mile of an infected person.”

“China has mobilized 4.5 million so-called grid workers to fight the outbreak, according to state media — roughly one in every 250 adults. Under the grid management system, cities, villages and towns are divided into sections, sometimes of just a few blocks, which are then assigned to individual workers.”

“You never know if your planned itinerary will be canceled, or if your travel plans can be realized,” the article said.”

Secret German government intelligence agency discovered by Apple Airtags

German freedom activist Lilith Wittmann claims that she has uncovered how Germany’s little-known “Federal Telecommunications Service” is actually a cover for a secret intelligence agency.

Tech writer William Gallagher writes that Wittmann accidentally stumbled upon a secret federal agency that does not exist in public records.

Through calls to numbers which then quickly disappeared, IP searches, and driving to official buildings, Wittmann worked to track down the mysterious Bundesservice Telekommunikation, or Federal Telecommunications Service.

“She establishes multiple reasons to believe it is part of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), and ultimately concludes that there are actually two “camouflage” authorities. Both are allegedly a secret part of an intelligence agency named the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.”

Using an AirTag
Wittmann simply sent a small device that regularly transmits its current position (a so-called AirTag) and see where it lands.”

“She sent a parcel with an AirTag and watched through Apple’s Find My system as it was delivered via the Berlin sorting center to a sorting office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. And then appears at the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Cologne.”

“So an AirTag addressed to a telecommunications authority based in one part of Germany, ends up in the offices of an intelligence agency based in another part of the country.”

“[S]ubsequent government press conferences have denied that there is such a federal telecommunications service at all.”

Stephen Moore: the US spent ONE-SIXTH of its economy to contain COVID, which hasn’t been contained

The great economist Stephen Moore writes that in just 37 years, the federal budget increased from $1 trillion to $7 trillion. “So, in less than four decades, the budget has grown sevenfold. Much faster than inflation. Much faster than the economy.”
“The government is now gobbling up the economy, spending up to 30% of our national output. Add state and local spending, and we are close to 40%.”

“The Wall Street Journal found that we spent tens of billions of dollars on the New York subway system even though ridership is down by two-thirds. We could practically be giving every rider a free limousine service, which would be cheaper for taxpayers.”
“We spent so much money on welfare programs that many families with two unemployed parents collecting all the government payouts could get $100,000 or more from taxpayers and not work a single hour.”

“The $6.8 trillion the government spent in 2021 was $2.4 trillion more than the government spent in 2019 before the pandemic started. The feds have spent close to $4 trillion in two years to contain COVID, which hasn’t been contained.”

Could things with the virus be any worse if the government had spent nothing and there had been no shutdowns? This might be the most epic failure of big government in world history.

[photo: New York Magazine]

“The Left” abandons all pretense of civil liberties

Majority of Democrats want to imprison unvaccinated. 48% want to censor criticism of government health programs–with CRIMINAL penalties

Yes you read that right. 48% of Democrats now desire to imprison or fine those who criticize government vaxx programs or “public health” agenda.

And THE VAST MAJORITY (59%) of Democrats want to confine those who defy ‘vaccination’ in their homes.

Gone are the days when the American ‘Left’ had a large civil liberties contingent. Today they want to silence or imprison their opposition by force. As Democrats have ascended in government, they now throw off the veil of civil liberties that formerly hid their dark intentions.
59% of Democrats support government forcing Americans to remain confined in their homes if they refuse the COVID vaccine
47% of Democrats support government “contact tracing” whereby government interrogates, surveils and tracks down everyone who associates with people who “test positive,” and imprisons all of them.
More than one-quarter of Democrats say parents should lose custody of their children if they refuse the COVID vaccine.
These are the results of a Rasmussen/Heartland Institute poll dated Jan. 13, 2022.

USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting.

USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting.

By Roger Roots
The US Geological Survey (USGS) and National Park Service (NPS) have committed massive resources toward promotion of the glacier melt narrative at Glacier National Park (GNP). Various USGS and NPS signs, pamphlets, websites and films have predicted calamitous melting of the Park’s glaciers in the near future. During the winter of 2018-19, while the Park’s facilities were closed to the public, government workers quietly removed signs predicting the Park’s glaciers would all disappear by 2020.

Since 2015 the USGS and NPS have prominently displayed data tables on their websites indicating that GNP’s glaciers have been steadily decreasing each half decade. The data table is frequently referenced in news stories to describe the plight of the glaciers as steadily receding.

Measuring glaciers can be quite difficult. Many glaciers are oddly shaped. Glaciers are not always snow white and can even be brown or soil-colored due to rock or dirt deposits. Calendar dates and temporary weather changes can make huge differences. Fresh snow can easily obscure the contours of glacier boundaries. The USGS reportedly uses satellites or aircraft to photograph glaciers from the air and then calculates acreages from such photos. (For earlier years, USGS apparently calculates such glacier sizes from old photographs. There are many problems regarding this, to say the least.)

But for all the government resources dedicated to the size of glaciers at GNP in recent years, the official table hasn’t been updated since 2015–SIX years ago. (And as I write these words the table is missing from USGS sites.) Last fall I emailed officials at USPS and inquired. A USGS scientist named Caitlyn Florentine responded by claiming “We aim to update glacier margin data sets whenever late-summer, cloud-free, smoke-free satellite imagery covering GNP glaciers is acquired.” “The last few years this has not happened . . . .”

Just this past weekend Dr. Florentine emailed to let me know that “2021 aerial imagery of glaciers in Glacier National Park was aquired [during the Fall]” “Publication preparation is underway.”

Why is this significant? Because the summer of 2021 was unusually hot and dry across Montana and the Rocky Mountains. Many locations near the National Park experienced heat waves and set records for draught. The data soon to be released will likely show new record lows for Glacier Park’s 35-or-so glaciers. And these new low figures may not accurately reflect the true trajectory of size changes among the GNP glaciers.

Prior to the heat waves of 2021, many observers (including myself) perceived that glacier melt rates had largely stabilized over the past decade. In fact there were several recent winters with record cold and snowfall. A Masters thesis by Melissa Carrie Brett of Portland State University, “Glacier Inventories and Change in Glacier National Park,” found that GNP’s glaciers melted at faster rates prior to the 1970s than in later years–thus contradicting the catastrophic-global-warming-by-manmade-CO2 hypothesis.

BOTTOM LINE: in the very near future, USGS will probably publish data indicating GNP’s glaciers are steadily melting, in line with the climate-change theory; but USGS’ decision to delay measuring in 2019 or 2020 and instead measure the glaciers after the extremely hot summer of 2021 should significantly undermine such a conclusion.