Category: Unintended Consequences

The Rich Flee Connecticut

Connecticut politicians have been raising taxes and increasing regulations for a generation. Now people with high incomes are fleeing the State. They have taken some $6 billion with them. See here. Many Connecticut expatriots are fleeing to nearby New York or to Florida. But those who left for state-income-tax-free Florida had an average annual income …

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While France moves to ban “fake news,” German policymakers realize that speech restrictions empower critics

The historic struggle for freedom of speech and press is filled with stories of anonymous pamphleteers who overcame state repression to claim victory over darkness. Governments have historically sought to ban speech which is critical of government. Sometimes government officials claim such speech spreads “sedition,” or promotes violence, or allows “millionaires and billionaires” to control …

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More freedom, less crime: New York City sees crime drop after halting aggressive policing

Throughout the early years of the 21st century, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people–mostly males of the lowest classes–were violently thrown against walls or sidewalks while New York City cops frisked and searched them without warrant. Cop worshippers claimed the “stop and frisks” were necessary to fight crime. When activists, lawyers and judges worked to …

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Bozeman, Montana government hires “affordable housing director”–thereby ensuring that housing will be increasingly unaffordable

Municipal planning is for the rich. It circumvents natural markets in which poor people pool resources, innovate and commute. “Planning” almost always means that housing becomes LESS affordable for poor people. Where “planning” has been most heavy-handed, poor people live in cars or travel hundreds of miles to mow the lawns or shovel the sidewalks …

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As government grows, its subjects are stricken with anxiety, fear and depression

As societies become saddled with more government, their subjects become depressed, fearful, anxious and pessimistic about their lives. Every government that ever existed sought the same powers: total control over all human affairs, the total elimination of privacy (except for the masters in government), all money, property and wealth, and to kill all who resist. …

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New report confirms that electric cars have larger “carbon footprint” than gas or diesel cars

U.S. taxpayers have been forced to subsidize government “alternative energy” schemes on a truly massive scale. Tesla and its overpaid CEO Elon Musk have milked taxpayers already for almost a billion dollars. Tesla manufactures expensive electric cars–sold primarily to the super rich–with the massive support of U.S. tax dollars. One could say the program is …

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Americans have virtually abandoned short air travel due to government hassles

The daily stink and stain of life under near-total government has made America LESS mobile. Here is an astounding report indicating that since 2000, “short haul [air] traffic” has “Decline[d] in the US” by $34 billion. Government “security” policies imposed since 9/11/2001 have made Americans increasingly use alternative surface transportation. (The regulations almost certainly do …

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Government policies create shortage of primary care doctors

A free market in health care would immediately produce high quality medical goods and services at prices so low that even the poorest Americans could afford them without insurance. But our masters in government have long imposed a slave-plantation level of control and regulation on the industry. Becoming a doctor requires as much as $400,000 …

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Obamacare has caused millions to lose health care. Many have died.

“Obama and those in his administration knew that more than 40%-67% of those people in the individual market would likely lose their plans” at the time they were pushing Obamacare. The Act has already added hundreds of billions of dollars to America’s national debt. “The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that between 2012 and 2022, …

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The FDA has killed millions, saved only a few thousand

Government programs and agencies always achieve the very opposite of their stated purposes. Antipoverty programs impoverish. “National security” efforts make societies less secure. Health and safety regulations make people less healthy and safe. Here is a website dedicated to tallying the numbers of Americans who have died because of FDA-approved drugs, vaccines and medical devices. …

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