Category: The Cult of the Omnipotent State

Vietnamese Government Orders Student Imprisoned for 6 Years for Blog Criticisms

According to Yahoo News, a Vietnamese student has been ordered jailed for 6 years for blog posts that criticized life under the Vietnamese government. See here. Like the government of the United States, the Vietnamese government employs teams of agents to monitor the internet and control the content of what subjects post.

A month ago, Catalonians who supported independence were less than 50 %; now, after Spanish repression and hundreds of injuries, they vote 92% to secede

Catalonia is the wealthiest district of Spain. It has the highest standard of living in the entire country, and Catalonians are more geographically and culturally related to the French. Just a month ago, most Catalonians disfavored a referendum to secede from Spain. But weeks of repression by the Spanish government, with thousands of government troops …

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Flea abandons dog: former CIA official quits Harvard teaching gig in protest of Chelsea Manning

A win-win for Harvard University today. Former CIA official and deep-state parasite Michael Morell has “abruptly resigned” from a teaching job at Harvard to protest the University’s hiring of recently-released patriot whistleblower Chelsea Manning. See here. Morell claimed Harvard ‘‘honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information’’ by hiring Manning as a visiting fellow …

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Spanish government threatens to arrest 700 mayors who support Catalonian independence

All governments seek the same powers: total control of all money and property, omnipotent command over subjects, transparency and knowledge of all human activities (while keeping government affairs secret from view), and to kill all who resist. For years there has been a movement in Catalonia (a wealthy district of northeastern Spain culturally and geographically …

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Police state takes over Florida

Floridians who complied with government orders that they evacuate their homes prior to Hurricane Irma are now finding that government bars them from returning afterward. The Miami Herald has published some disturbing photos and videos of Americans stopped at police roadblocks simply for trying to return to their homes. See here. During times of crisis …

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Civil rights violations on a massive scale as Hurricane Irma approaches U.S.

When natural disasters strike, people would be much safer if governments were nowhere in sight. People naturally cope and overcome such disasters with spontaneous order. But governments in the modern era are so gorged on money and power that natural disasters simply fuel their drive to control, cage, kill, and destroy. Now the AP reports …

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Government of Virgin Islands issues order allowing authorities to seize guns ahead of Hurricane Irma

During disasters and extreme weather, people often find their own government is a greater source of danger than their weather concerns. Every government ultimately comes for all property, all money, all freedom, and to kill or cage all who resist. Governments frequently wait for opportunities to disarm their subjects, and natural disasters provide one of …

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Turkish government arrests film maker for making documentary about Turkish government

The world’s safest profession: being a pro-government news reporter or observer. The world’s most dangerous profession: being an anti-government news reporter or observer. In recent years the Turkish government has arrested hundreds of critics–including comedians, reporters and actors–for such crimes as terrorism and sedition. Now there is a report that movie director Ali Avci has …

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The arrogance of power: New Jersey Governor Christie relaxed on a “public” beach after his armed thugs threatened to arrest any commoners who approached

This is what government supremacists mean by “access to public lands.” Pictured above: the obese governor of New Jersey enjoys a State Beach with his own family while his government thugs bar the public from the beach. New Jersey’s high-taxing legislature has been wrestling over yet another immense State budget. While the New Jersey legislature …

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Serial killers and rapists often rely on people’s blind trust in authority

Government schools, many civic groups, and some churches promote cop worship as a civic duty. This culture-wide cop- and soldier-worship allows for many abuses. Many serial killers and serial rapists rely on people’s trust of cops to victimize the public. Some wear cop clothing and pull over single women in rural areas to prey upon …

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