The U.S. has the world’s highest corporate tax rates, driving many corporations overseas and preventing others from ever starting. Yet “progressive” politicians continue to demand that corporations be taxed even higher. Puerto Rico’s economy provides a vivid illustration of what happens when a government hikes corporate tax rates. Puerto Rico is in default on its …
Category: Government’s reckless spending
Dec 17
The myth of “Austerity”: Congress Moves Forward with Monster Budget, Huffington Post Implies Congress Poised to Cut Spending
Two of the largest news aggregator sites are and Today, December 17, 2015, both sites led with headlines about the massive, record-breaking, unpaid-for federal budget that just cleared Congress. Both sites linked to the same article in, which details the impending budget. The Politico tagline is “Budget austerity takes a back seat …
Dec 03
Bankrupt Greek Government Demands that Citizens Report all Jewelry, Coins, Private Cash
Are mass confiscation raids about to be unleashed in Greece? The Greek newspaper Enikonomia reported days ago that Greek taxpayers will be forced to declare all private cash held outside the banks, and all jewelry boxes containing more than 15,000 euros or gold or other metals worth over 30,000 euros. See here. The Greek government …
Oct 31
Government Solar Power Plant Actually Emits MORE CO2 Than a Fossil-Fuel Plant (Per Unit of Energy Produced)
The Ivanpah Solar Power Plant in the desert of Southern California cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars. Yet “it is producing carbon emissions at nearly twice the amount that subjects fossil-fuel power plants to California’s “cap-and-trade” program. See here. The plant uses large amounts of natural gas to substitute for times of low solar output. …
Oct 28
More Anti-Government Polling Data: Americans Prefer a Government Shutdown to Continuing Growth in Government Spending
Our masters in government never tire of reminding us that Congress must raise the debt ceiling and keep government growing. “Conservative” insiders say that voters will punish Republicans if Republicans in Congress ever challenge the President’s spending increases and “shut the government down.” But new polling shows–OVERWHELMINGLY–that a large majority of voters WOULD PREFER A …
Oct 15
Vast Billions Appear to be Missing From “Affordable Care Act” Treasuries
It is not unusual for government programs with immense budgets to “lose” large amounts of money. Government agents are known to siphon off money for use on fine dining, fancy hotels, payoffs and kickbacks and the occasional new deck or swimming pool in the back yard. But according to Mytheos Holt (see here), several BILLION …
Oct 09
Average federal “worker” is compensated almost $120,000 annually
The USA Today reported in 2011 that statistically, federal employees are more likely to die than to be fired or laid off. The federal government fires only about one-half of one percent of its workers annually–compared to the the private sector, which fires about 3% of workers annually. “White-collar federal workers,” the USA Today reported, …
Oct 06
Medicare’s promoters in 1965 promised the program would cut medical costs
When Medicare was enacted in 1965, Congress projected its costs into the future, and estimated that it would cost $3 billion dollars by 1990. Actual cost in 1990 was $98 billion. Today the program costs taxpayers more than $500 billion annually. Government officials consistently underestimate entitlement costs, refusing to recognize that medical entitlements artificially increase …
Sep 24
EPA spends millions on high-end luxury office furnishings
by Roger Roots All of us know that government officials love to pad their government temples of power with gleaming marble, oak and precious metals. I remember the first time I ever argued a case at the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis. Upon first seeing the government building, I almost vomited …
Sep 22
The Government One-Percenters: Average New York School Custodian is Paid More than $100,000 Annually
Government trusters seeking to further socialize America, to raise taxes even further, to abolish (private-sector) money in politics, and further empower government must conceal certain discomforting facts. Government workers are paid at least one-and-one-half-times what private workers are paid for the same work. (In fact, careful analysis which factors in vacation time and benefits shows …