Author's posts

Americans are fleeing high-tax states in droves; taking billion$ with them

Socialism, regulations and high taxes are driving millions of Americans to relocate to lower tax states. The IRS’s tax migration data shows there were 8 million migrant tax returns representing about 14 million total people who moved in 2018-2019. The five states that lost the most taxpayers are New York, California, Illinois, New Jersey, and …

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More evidence that social media censorship is driven by government

Zero Hedge reports that “Federal efforts to censor social media extend past discussions with companies like YouTube over broad guidelines about Covid-19 “misinformation.”” There is evidence that the FDA has specifically demanded suppression of individual posts. In an April 30, 2021 email, the Food and Drug Administration director of social media, Brad Kimberly, told a …

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Dale Davenport witnessed police brutality in Dallas, Texas. The day after he testified in court, Dallas police officers blocked his business with swarms of cop cars and a bullet was fired through his window

By Roger Roots As a crusading libertarian lawyer I often get phone calls from people who tell me they want to sue their local government officials in their snake pit of municipal corruption. They always have heartbreaking stories of City Hall stealing, robbing or destroying their homes, families or businesses. I generally have to tell …

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Latvian government JAILS rival politician upon grounds of holding “unsafe” meeting!

“COVID-19” is the gift that keeps on giving for tyrants worldwide. Latvian police have arrested the country’s main opposition leader, Aldis Gobzems, on grounds that he had an “unannounced assembly” where COVID safety requirements weren’t met. Powermad Latvian officials recently enacted a law BANNING elected legislators from Parliament if they are “unvaccinated” with COVID-19 treatment …

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Are government officials lying about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”?

US government officials from Biden on down have pushed people to get injected with Pfizer and Moderna shots with the slogan that there is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” occurring. But the CDC’s own published data appear to call the slogan into question. A new CDC study appears to have inadvertently found that 28 times …

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Whistleblower: CDC knowingly DESTROYED vaccine study results in order to hide autism link

We all know that the government medical establishment works ferociously to stop discussions of possible links between childhood vaccines and autism. Doctors who say there may be such a link find their licenses suspended. Moms find themselves deplatformed from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for suggesting such a link. Mainstream news media says the theory …

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New study: there are FEWER wildfires and LESS smoke today than in the distant past

Boston. May 2021. Government scientists at places like the National Interagency Fire center like to claim that forest fires have increased in recent years due to human use of fossil fuels. But new research by Pengfei Liu, a fellow at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has found that …

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Pandemic lockdowns and school disruptions have made low income students MORE THAN A YEAR BEHIND in average education level

Corey DeAngelis of the Reason Foundation testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Consumer Protection & Commerce on March 11, 2021. DeAngelis said that there have been substantial costs associated with keeping schools closed during the 2020 ‘pandemic.’ Students have lost ground academically as well as physically. The poorest have fared the worst. Government teachers …

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Nobel Prize Virologist: “curve of vaccinations is followed by a curve of deaths”

2008 Nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier was recently interviewed by the German-language RAIR Foundation. Montagnier stated that the worldwide COVID-19 vaccination program is producing greater mortality rather than immunity. Montagnier suggested that the immunizations were CREATING or promoting the creation of new variants. Montagnier stated that many governments appear to be causing more harm than …

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Government-supporting professors push debunked theory that fossil fuel industry supports skepticism “anonymously”

Modern government-funded universities churn out so many false, pro-government “studies” that it is impossible to keep up with them all. A few years back a pro-government extremist professor named Robert Brulle published an alleged scientific paper proclaiming that criticism of the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-CO2 theory are secretly funded by the fossil fuel industry. There is nothing …

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