Author's posts
Apr 11
Peer-Reviewed Study finds Chinese Prisoners are being Killed for their Organs
A peer-reviewed study by Matthew P. Robertson and Jacob Lavee, “Execution by organ procurement: Breaching the dead donor rule in China,” has appeared in the April 2022 American Journal of Transplantation. “We find evidence in 71 of these reports, spread nationwide, that brain death could not have properly been declared. In these cases, the removal …
Apr 07
Obamacare After 12 Years: More Spending and Lower Life Expectancy
Remember the promises made by government officials to promote Obamacare? “You can keep your doctor”; “The average family would save $1,500 per year,” etc.? It was all a lie. After 12 years of Obamacare, hospital prices have increased more than three times faster than general inflation over the past two decades. As health costs have …
Apr 03
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Attorney General William Barr ordered investigators to drop investigations into 2020 election fraud, warning them privately they were interfering with a federal investigation. Then Barr announced to the public that there was no election fraud in 2020!
We all remember the puzzling story of USPS contract truck driver Jesse Morgan, who testified under oath that on October 21, 2020 (about 10 days prior to the election), he drove a truck from Bethpage, NY to Lancaster, PA. Several things about Morgan’s trip were suspicious, so at one point Morgan opened his trailer and …
Apr 03
Germany now defines criticism of government as “hate speech” and is rounding up a hundred dissidents over anti-government posts
Berlin. The Gateway Pundit reports that The German government has begun prosecuting its citizens for thought crimes, raiding the homes of hundreds of Germans who have allegedly leveled insults against politicians online. In an effort to prosecute”criminal content” contained in over 600 statements posted on the internet, Federal Criminal police raided scores of apartments and …
Apr 01
New Event: May 1st: “Survival Auto Maintenance,” Bozeman, Montana
Lysander Spooner University will sponsor a live clinic on “Survival Auto Maintenance” on Sunday, May 1 at 1:00 pm in Bozeman, Montana. Location is yet to be determined, but will likely be in the parking lot of a Bozeman auto parts store so that we can easily acquire parts to repair the cars. Bring your …
Mar 31
Nine Percent of Children Attempted Suicide Under COVID Lockdowns
The New York Times, which fiercely promoted the government’s COVID-19 “pandemic” agenda throughout 2020 and 2021, is now out with an article about a CDC study. The study found that lockdowns and “zoom” schooling from home left many American children vulnerable to abuse, depression and hunger. Nine percent of children in the survey reported they …
Mar 28
Canada has fallen. Censorship, arrests of opposition leaders, vaxx passports, imprisonment of dissidents, seizure of property and bank accounts without warrant
OTTAWA — Randy Hillier, an independent member of Ontario’s legislature, surrendered to Ottawa police on Monday to face nine charges related to trucker convoy protests against pandemic measures in the nation’s capital. Among the charges is one for assaulting police officers. The charge appears to be based on a momentary incident in which Hillier allegedly …
Mar 20
Idaho CPS agents take baby from parents after mom misses a single doctor visit
America has become a land of medical kidnappings and child trafficking by government “health” workers. Today it is common for government agents to take babies and toddlers from families if authorities notice crayon scribbling on a wall, messy or dirty bedrooms, refrigerators with too little (or too much) food, or untidy organization of toys, clothes …
Mar 20
Ukranian government bans 11 opposition parties for ‘obstructing unity’
Even as government officials in the US and NATO move to militarily support Ukraine, the Ukranian government has suspended the activities of almost a dozen opposition parties, including the second-largest party in the Ukranian Parliament. These suspensions will be indefinite, “for as long as the conflict with Russia continues,” according to Infowars. “Ukrainian President Volodymyr …