Author's posts

Hollywood celebs scramble to dodge taxes they themselves promoted

The miserable socialist state of Los Angeles, California recently imposed a measure to tax the city’s wealthiest residents for the supposed purpose of providing housing for the homeless. But “[e]ven before voters passed the measure,  bringing a 4% transfer tax on all property sales above $5 million and 5.5% on sales above $10 million in the …

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Most voters want budget cuts, prefer temporary government shutdown to more debt.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of U.S. voters would prefer a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans can agree to either cut spending or keep it at its current level. These finding contradict the claims of the government classes that federal spending and debt limits must be …

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Efforts are underway to nationalize “news” in the U.S.

Every government that ever existed has sought to control and regulate “the news” about itself. Untold thousands have died on gallows or chained in dungeons for publishing or spreading news or information which governments didn’t like. In the United States there has traditionally been greater freedom of speech and press than in other societies. But …

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Reason is finally publishing some decent stories–about the Deep State’s drive to deplatform it.

Reason magazine is the monthly print magazine of “free minds and free markets.” Founded in 1968, the magazine became a mainstay of libertarian, anti-government thought, news and commentary. But libertarian critics of Reason have long noted certain blind spots in Reason’s coverage. Reason never, ever delved into any “conspiracy theory” questions or analysis of deep-state agendas which …

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500,000 Californians flee within 2 years

California’s beautiful shores, mountains and landscapes have historically been naturally inviting to millions. But in recent decades, the State government has sought to transform the Golden State into a socialist utopia. California has some of the world’s highest taxes, and some of the most onerous business regulations. During the 2020 COVID-19 panic, California government officials …

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More than half of Americans prefer a government shutdown to increased spending

According to a January 2023 Rasmussen poll, 56% of U.S. voters prefer that the U.S. government shut down rather than raising the debt ceiling. See here.

100,000 nurses left the industry from 2020 to 2021

The Bronx. Jan. 16. America’s 3 million nurses were on the front lines of the alleged COVID-19 “pandemic” over the past three years. These nurses likely became the most naturally-immune segment of the population from the earliest months of the outbreak in 2020. Then came December 2020, when the government and Big Pharma rolled out …

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Brazil issues arrest warrants for comedians and journalists who criticized government

Rio De Janeiro. Dec. Many international observers report that Brazil is currently undergoing a communist-style takeover along the lines of Russia’s October Revolution in 1917 (just as many countries are currently undergoing communist-style takeovers). Elections have been rigged. Opponents of the government have fled or are in hiding. And now key officials have begun rounding …

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US Postal Service FAILING TO DELIVER MAIL for weeks in parts of Washington

The US Postal Service enjoys every advantage in the market; yet it loses billions annually. It owns some of the most valuable and prestigious real estate in America, pays no state or federal property, income, or corporate tax, and has the power of eminent domain. And most significantly, the USPS has a government-enforced monopoly on …

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The Covid regime: government officials live freely while nongovernment slaves submit to a hundred rules

A recent press conference by the White House press secretary revealed the stark distinction between government and nongovernment persons regarding the dreaded covid-19 germ. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked if the Biden Administration had sought to determine how President Biden contracted the alleged pandemic germ. Jean-Pierre responded “I don’t think that matters.” Government officials …

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