Author's posts
Jul 07
Nigel Farage, founder of BREXIT movement, now denied banking capabilities in UK
Banks around the world appear to be obeying secret government orders to deny service to important critics of government. Simultaneously there has been a discernable push to require that all transactions be channeled through corporate banks. For example, in the US, banks are now increasingly refusing to cash checks or even make change for noncustomers. …
Jul 07
While mainstream pro-government “news” claims July 4 was earth’s hottest day, all recognized data indicates we are living in a cool period.
All western “mainstream” (meaning government-supported and supporting) media have been trumpeting the notion that mankind is currently experiencing the hottest days on record. But true global temp records (meaning satellite measurements) have only existed for around 40 years. Prior to the satellite era (mid-1970s and beyond) the earth was covered very spottily by long-term thermometers. …
Jul 07
Harvard survey: Most Americans don’t want to live in states with strict gun control
A new Harvard Center for American Political Studies/Harris poll of 2,000 Americans finds the vast majority of respondents don’t want to live in states with stricter gun control laws. 66% of survey respondents told pollsters they’d prefer to live in a state that doesn’t treat their right to keep and bear arms as a criminal offense. …
Jun 05
California State Dental Director deleted data indicating fluoride in water lowers IQs
Scandals arising from government “public health” officials’ harmful impositions keep coming. Now there is evidence that California’s “State Dental Director,” Dr. Jayanth Kumar, published a meta-analysis in the journal Public Health that purported to show that fluoridated water is not associated with reduced IQ. But an expert who works with Dr. Kumar noticed that Dr. Kumar had …
Jun 04
Hollywood celebs scramble to dodge taxes they themselves promoted
The miserable socialist state of Los Angeles, California recently imposed a measure to tax the city’s wealthiest residents for the supposed purpose of providing housing for the homeless. But “[e]ven before voters passed the measure, bringing a 4% transfer tax on all property sales above $5 million and 5.5% on sales above $10 million in the …
Jun 03
Most voters want budget cuts, prefer temporary government shutdown to more debt.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of U.S. voters would prefer a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans can agree to either cut spending or keep it at its current level. These finding contradict the claims of the government classes that federal spending and debt limits must be …
Feb 22
Efforts are underway to nationalize “news” in the U.S.
Every government that ever existed has sought to control and regulate “the news” about itself. Untold thousands have died on gallows or chained in dungeons for publishing or spreading news or information which governments didn’t like. In the United States there has traditionally been greater freedom of speech and press than in other societies. But …
Feb 22
Reason is finally publishing some decent stories–about the Deep State’s drive to deplatform it.
Reason magazine is the monthly print magazine of “free minds and free markets.” Founded in 1968, the magazine became a mainstay of libertarian, anti-government thought, news and commentary. But libertarian critics of Reason have long noted certain blind spots in Reason’s coverage. Reason never, ever delved into any “conspiracy theory” questions or analysis of deep-state agendas which …
Feb 18
500,000 Californians flee within 2 years
California’s beautiful shores, mountains and landscapes have historically been naturally inviting to millions. But in recent decades, the State government has sought to transform the Golden State into a socialist utopia. California has some of the world’s highest taxes, and some of the most onerous business regulations. During the 2020 COVID-19 panic, California government officials …
Feb 12
More than half of Americans prefer a government shutdown to increased spending
According to a January 2023 Rasmussen poll, 56% of U.S. voters prefer that the U.S. government shut down rather than raising the debt ceiling. See here.