We’ve all been barraged with pro-lockdown, pro-mask, pro-vaxx messaging over the past two years. And we’ve watched as major mainstream platforms silence, shadow-ban and censor those who ask questions. How much of this is secretly being paid for by government agencies or Big Pharma? Popular YouTube influencer Abigail Thorn, whose Philosophy Tube show has a …
January 2022 archive
Jan 30
Chinese Totalitarianism Reaches New Heights
The news site DNYUZ is out with a harrowing expose on the present state of China. Many once-free societies such as Australia and Canada have transformed into prison states in the past 2 years. But China has transformed into a totalitarian slave prison. “The foundation of the controls is the health code. The local authorities, …
Jan 30
Secret German government intelligence agency discovered by Apple Airtags
German freedom activist Lilith Wittmann claims that she has uncovered how Germany’s little-known “Federal Telecommunications Service” is actually a cover for a secret intelligence agency. Tech writer William Gallagher writes that Wittmann accidentally stumbled upon a secret federal agency that does not exist in public records. Through calls to numbers which then quickly disappeared, IP …
Jan 27
Stephen Moore: the US spent ONE-SIXTH of its economy to contain COVID, which hasn’t been contained
The great economist Stephen Moore writes that in just 37 years, the federal budget increased from $1 trillion to $7 trillion. “So, in less than four decades, the budget has grown sevenfold. Much faster than inflation. Much faster than the economy.” “The government is now gobbling up the economy, spending up to 30% of our …
Jan 25
“The Left” abandons all pretense of civil liberties
Majority of Democrats want to imprison unvaccinated. 48% want to censor criticism of government health programs–with CRIMINAL penalties Yes you read that right. 48% of Democrats now desire to imprison or fine those who criticize government vaxx programs or “public health” agenda. And THE VAST MAJORITY (59%) of Democrats want to confine those who defy …
Jan 17
USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting.
USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting. By Roger Roots The US Geological Survey (USGS) and National Park Service (NPS) have committed massive resources toward promotion of the glacier melt narrative at Glacier National Park (GNP). …
Jan 17
After Australia bans world’s greatest tennis player, refunds for Australian Open are outnumbering ticket sales
The Australian government has deported and banned the world’s greatest tennis player, Novak Djokovic, over Djokovic’s decision to not be injected with alleged COVID-19 vaccines. Djokovic, from Serbia, is the #1 ranked tennis player on earth. He has won the Australian Open NINE TIMES and has 20 Grand Slam singles titles, a men’s record he …
Jan 17
The Ongoing Horror of Cuban Socialism
The great macro economist Dan Mitchell is out with horrifying graphs comparing per-capita GDP with that of other countries. Both Cuba and Hong Kong were roughly equal about 60 years ago. “But the data show a dramatic performance gap ever since the communists took power in Cuba, with Hong Kong (which was very pro-market back …
Jan 14
Canadian Law Enforcement demands Canadians report “anti-authority” opinions
By Dr. Roger Roots, Founder of Lysander Spooner University The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are the Canadian equivalent of America’s FBI. Canadians seem to revere and idolize the RCMP. I took the attached photos of RCMP teddy bears and t-shirts for sale in the gift shop at the Prince of Wales Hotel just north …
Jan 12
There are now independent data sources which validate VAERS records of COVID-19 vaccine dangerousness
While the US government provides mountains of information and claims which promote COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines,” the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effects Record System(VAERS) database is THE ONLY government source of data regarding injuries from vaccines. Prior to 2020, the veracity, integrity and validity of the VAERS database was never questioned or challenged on a large scale. …