Climate fraud? Paul Dreissen details many dozens of demonstrable untruths by climate change hysterics

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The gifted writer Paul Dreissen is out with a tremendous column detailing dozens of demonstrably false statements made by those who trust the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-human-released-CO2 theory/agenda. See here.

Attempt to overthrow Turkey’s government reportedly fails


“National security” is something of an oxymoron. The fabric of history shows that liberal societies in which common people have more freedom to innovate, invent, and create without oversight of the state tend to be the most secure societies.

Paradoxically, societies that are ruled by a cult of government omnipotence tend to reel from crisis to crisis.

As previous posts have detailed, the government of Turkey has spent the past 2 years cracking down on anti-government criticism, jailing comedians, reporters and even teenagers who speak against government. See here, here, here, and here.

Now there has been an attempted coup against Turkey’s “rulership.”

It appears the coup has failed. See here.

Venezuelan army now distributes all food


Mass starvation, famines and food shortages only happen in socialist, centrally-controlled societies.

Today’s BBC online blared the headline “Venezuela army deployed to control food production and distribution.” See here. The story begins:

In a decree, President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army to monitor food processing plants, and co-ordinate the production and distribution of items.
Venezuela is going through a deep economic crisis despite having the world’s largest oil reserves.

Amazingly, Venezuela was a thriving society just 20 years ago.

Venezuela followed the model of social planning recommended by most of America’s university social-science professors.

More death and starvation while people stand in line in Venezuela


Just 20 years ago, Venezuela was a rising economic power with a dynamic economy and a growing business community.

Today, after 15 years of socialism, Venezuelans spend much of their time standing in long lines waiting for soap, beans or other scraps. Sometimes the long lines transform into riots, and the people become looters. Robbers murder people for cell phones in toothpaste lines in front of crowds.

Although Venezuela has one of the world’s highest murder rates, Venezuelans are now so poor and desperate that they regard shortages–not safety–as their highest concern.

Shortages now top voters’ lists of concerns, surpassing even safety. That’s stunning in a country with one of the world’s highest homicide rates.

“Desperation fuels the violence.” Line-cutters are beaten severely. No one has sympathy for anyone.

ATM limits are capped at $8 a day (for those who still have accounts).

Venezuela has the world’s highest inflation rate.

All Venezuelans, including children, are assigned two shopping days a week based on their state ID number. They line up before supermarkets open, guided by rumors and where they’ve had luck in the past. Some use fake IDs to score extra shopping days. Pregnant women and the elderly get their own priority lines, and everyone is limited to two units of whatever is on offer.

The longest lines are for what is in the shortest supply: food.

Some elderly poor are so weak from the long lines that they collapse.

The lines are driven by scarcity and poverty, but they also reflect how much people have given up on traditional employment. With the minimum wage at less than $15 a month and inflation running well into triple digits, it barely pays to go to work.

Read the AP story here.

Government temperature agency has “adjusted” past June temperatures downward by almost 2 degrees


Government agencies (and government supported organizations) are now trumpeting that this past June (2016) was the hottest on record.

But they are able to do this only by altering the temperature record of the past.

NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has adjusted historical June temperatures downwards by almost two degrees! See here.

NOAA fabricated 60% of the June data. If they are missing station data for a particular month, they simply make it up based on computer models and mark it with an “E” in their database.

UPDATE: Heller has crunched a few more numbers and found that this past June was actually one of the LEAST hot Junes in the past century. See here.

Dallas Craigslist advertised for “crisis actors” 2 weeks before mass shooting


Numerous online sources are pointing to an ad posted on Dallas Craigslist seeking “crisis actors.” See, for example, here.

Many deep-state experts have pointed to the use of “crisis actors” at such events as the Boston Marathon bombing and the Sandy Hook “massacre.” Crisis actors are paid to stay in character during events and make statements to news journalists in order to construct a narrative.

Frequently, the actors are told they are participating in a “drill.” Later, the actors find that their statements to reporters are broadcast as news.

The Craigslist ad sought “reliable” actors (not necessarily good ones). The ad said actors “MUST stay in character, must be ok with selling soul to some alphabet agency,” and that “Max confidentiality [is] needed.” See here.

California is about to experience Socialism’s fruits

For the past century, California was the national (and world) leader in innovation and entertainment.

But after a generation of socialist impositions, one in three American welfare recipients resides in California, and almost a quarter of the state population lives below or near the poverty line.

Government trusters frequently claim that high taxes, socialism and redistribution of wealth are needed to attack “income inequality.” Yet California is among the most unequal of all states. California depends on a tiny elite class for about half of its income tax revenue.

(Many of these wealthy taxpayers are fleeing the state. See here.)

In addition to high taxes, California has the nation’s highest gas and electricity prices (despite bountiful natural resources), homeless people living almost everywhere, and one of the sickest populations of any state. (About a third of hospital customers suffer from diabetes due to lack of exercise and poor diet.)

Socialism is a curse that people should wish only on a hated enemy.

U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $50 billion


Since 2007 the U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $50 billion. Its unfunded liabilities for its employees’ extravegent retirement benefits are nearly $100 billion.

This despite having every advantage in the market place. Paying no taxes (property or income); being able to keep out competition; eminent domain; prestige locations, etc.

Rural Post Offices are maintained open even though the bottom 4,500 rural locations average just 4.4 customer visits a day.

Postal workers are so overpaid that HUNDREDS OR EVEN THOUSANDS of people apply for every job opening.

Other, “socialist,” countries such as the Netherlands have fully privatized their systems and opened them to competition.

More sightings of the word “austerity” in headlines (it exists almost nowhere else)


The word “austerity” means cuts in government payroll, welfare or other spending.

Many opinion writers–and even a few “journalists”–write that there is “austerity” going on in various places. Rarely do they point to any specific events.

Here is a recent example. A Huffington Post writer named Dean Baker claims in a headline that “Bill Gates Could Fund Huge XPrize To End Austerity in Europe.”

Is there “austerity” going on in Europe? Anywhere?

“Austerity” is like “deregulation.” It is often invoked; but rarely seen (no matter how desperately it is needed).

Yale University “environmental” center claims that Greenland ice is melting at unprecedented rates; actual data show Greenland ice is melting slower than normal

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Fascinating battle of claims regarding Greenland’s ice pack. Most elite, government-supporting institutions are heavily promoting claims that 2016 is vastly hotter than any other year in history.

Some critics suspect that supporters of the government’s manmade-global-warming theories are escalating their hysterics this year for political reasons.

In any case, Yale University’s “Environment 360” center is currently promoting claims that Greenland is experiencing “abrupt,” “unprecedented” melting of its ice pack. See here.

However, intrepid data analyst Tony Heller has studied satellite imagery of Greenland’s ice cover and concluded that Greenland’s ice is actually ABOVE NORMAL!:

The surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet has gained nearly 500 billion tons of ice since last summer. More than average.

See here.