The arrogance of power: New Jersey Governor Christie relaxed on a “public” beach after his armed thugs threatened to arrest any commoners who approached

This is what government supremacists mean by “access to public lands.”

Pictured above: the obese governor of New Jersey enjoys a State Beach with his own family while his government thugs bar the public from the beach.

New Jersey’s high-taxing legislature has been wrestling over yet another immense State budget.

While the New Jersey legislature was at an impasse, all State “public facilities” such as beaches were closed.

Yet somehow the armored State Police were still working.

It has now been reported that 6 nearby homeowners were ordered to leave their own homes (upon threat of arrest if they stayed) while his Majesty luxuriated on the “public” beach. See here.

Montana’s experiment with state-run health clinics has already failed

It is the dream of every government truster: a system of government-run (“single payer”) medical providers and clinics, built on the model of an 1852 Virginia slave plantation.

In this fantasy world, loyal subjects needing health care or treatment would simply line up at the master’s porch. “Care” would be provided for “free.”

Montana’s legislature and governor launched an experiment with such “single payer” clinics (for state employees, only, of course) in 2012.

The experiment is already failing. See here. Far more expensive than advertised and with no discernible improvements in health outcomes.

Similar ideas have also failed in Vermont, Oregon and other states. See here.

Prison authorities admit they “unintentionally” listened in on attorney/client meetings at Guantanamo Bay

Just 20 years ago most people would have laughed if you told them that the United States would soon hold people in prison for decades without warrant, without charge, and without trial.

Now there have been “terrorist” suspects in Guantanamo Bay–with the U.S. flag flying above them–for 15 years without charge (and mostly without evidence).

Several have committed suicide.

The only reason they have been allowed to speak with lawyers at all is because of habeas corpus petitions, filed by civil liberties lawyers.

Now it is reported that the meetings between Guantanamo inmates and their lawyers have all been either recorded or monitored by prison and/or military authorities.

“Inadvertently,” of course. See here.

Professor Roy Spencer predicted last year that pro-government “scientists” would soon start “adjusting” satellite temp data to bring it into compliance with global warming theory. It has now happened

Professor Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama–Huntsville (UAH) is true pioneer of satellite temp data collection. He and Dr. John Christy have spent years launching and monitoring satellite temperature data (using government science grants).

The problem for government-trusting global-warming believers is that the UAH satellite data show very little global warming over the past 20 years. The satellite data correlate with weather balloon data but disagree with surface thermometer data (which are controlled by more pro-government “scientists” such as NASA’s Gavin Schmidt and are heavily “adjusted.”

Last year, Dr. Spencer predicted that “scientists” who support the government’s apocalyptic-global-warming-by-man-made-CO2 theory would start “adjusting” even the satellite data to make it comply with the global warming theory.

Sure enough, the warmist scientists have now published a “peer-reviewed” paper showing satellite data “adjusted” to make it appear that temps are warming. See here.

61 percent of Americans want big tax cuts

Americans continuously vote for lower taxes and less government.

But the politicians they elect almost never succeed in cutting taxes or government.

A new Gallup poll shows that 61 % of voters want lower taxes. See here.

America’s colleges increasingly produce mental health patients

America’s government-funded and supported colleges produce a steady stream of government-worshipping content and culture.

The expression of alternative and free-market views is generally shunned, and the colleges practice wide-scale discrimination in favor of the trusters of expansive government.

But it seems America’s colleges are increasingly producing mental health patients. The Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State University, which gathers data from 139 institutions, has found that the number of students seeking help jumped 50 percent between 2015 and 2016.

Of those students who sought help, 26 percent said they had intentionally hurt themselves; 33.2 percent had considered suicide, numbers higher than the previous year. See here.

Pro-government “journalists” fired for repeated lies

For years, government-trusters and pro-government journalists have ran with stories that (private sector) money in politics corrupts election outcomes.

But every aspect of the “campaign finance reform” movement proves to be untrue. In fact, Donald Trump managed to defeat Hillary in the recent U.S. presidential election despite BEING OUTSPENT BY MORE THAN 2-TO-1.

So the “mainstream” (meaning pro-government) press has been pushing a narrative suggesting that Russian interference with the election accounts for Trump’s victory.

This meme is based on nothing but anonymous sources and innuendo.

Now crusading journalist Glenn Greenwald reports on recent resignations of pro-government “journalists” at CNN. These “journalists” were caught fabricating news links between the election victory of Donald Trump and Russian interference.

Over and over, U.S. major media outlets have published claims about The Russia Threat that turned out to be completely false – always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between Moscow and the Trump circle. In virtually all cases, those stories involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources which these media outlets uncritically treated as fact, only for it to be revealed that they were entirely false.

“Terror in Cyberspace!”: Lysander Spooner University Launches New Research Project

Lysander Spooner University is announcing a new research project: “Terror in Cyberspace.”

For two decades, government trusters and the “national security” state have been trumpeting the alleged danger that “terrorists” will take over the internet (or parts of the internet) and then will do such things as destroy or disrupt America’s power grid or other “critical infrastructure.”

Of course, the “power grid” is not unified, and is not accessible from the internet anywhere by any means. Any power plant or utility administrator who allowed his facilities to be connected to the internet would be utterly incompetent and negligent beyond words.

Here is a report by crusading journalist Glenn Greenwald about the Washington Post’s recent fake news story about Russians “hacking” a Vermont electric utility. According to Greenwald, “[l]iterally every facet of that story turned out to be false.”

The “terror in cyberspace” hoax–like the apocalyptic global warming hoax, like the Mexican bird flu hoax, like the ISIS hoax, like the 9/11 hoax and so many others–is another government vehicle for demanding ever more power and control over our lives.

Serial killers and rapists often rely on people’s blind trust in authority

Government schools, many civic groups, and some churches promote cop worship as a civic duty.

This culture-wide cop- and soldier-worship allows for many abuses.

Many serial killers and serial rapists rely on people’s trust of cops to victimize the public. Some wear cop clothing and pull over single women in rural areas to prey upon them.

Here is yet another example of a wanna-be cop who used his car to ‘pull over’ a single woman on a roadway–only to find out the would-be victim was an actual cop.

September 16 and 17 announced for Our Annual Glacier-Chasing Festival at Glacier National Park!

In 2015, Lysander Spooner University launched its ambitious glacier-chasing research project, aimed at keeping and maintaining accurate images of some of the glaciers and permanent snowfields in Montana and surrounding states.

Government websites frequently post images of certain glaciers in Glacier National Park from yesteryear . . . next to more recent images of the same glaciers in a much diminished state.

Those who trust government are led to believe that the glaciers in Glacier National Park are rapidly melting away.
Only the wholesale abandonment of capitalism and a worldwide embrace of government can save the earth from global warming–government agencies tell us.

But anyone who lives in mountain states knows that glaciers GROW EVERY WINTER and then decrease over the 3 months of summer. Without specific calendar dates, a comparison of any random image from one year with an image from another year provides very little information. It appears that several of GNP’s glaciers have actually been expanding over the past several years.

Each year around September 13–the average date of first freeze at East Glacier, Montana–Lysander Spooner University meets and endeavors to hike to and photograph glaciers at GNP from the same vantage points.

Join us this year on the weekend of September 16 and 17 for our 3rd annual Glacier-Chasing Festival. We will meet on Saturday the 16th in the lobby of the East Glacier Lodge for two days of fun and research!