Some of America’s largest pharmacies have been giving people’s medical info to the government without warrant

CVS Health, Kroger and Rite Aid, with a combined 60,000 locations nationwide — said they allow pharmacy staff members to hand over customers’ medical records to law enforcement without warrant.

Pharmacies’ records hold some of the most intimate details of their customers’ personal lives, including years-old medical conditions and the prescriptions they take for mental health and birth control.

See here.

Sometime between 1997 and 1998, global “science” leaders changed the earth’s ‘average’ historic temperature from 15 degrees C to 14 degrees C

To Promote the Government’s Climate Change Narrative

An astounding change in a basic scientific standard was quietly made in the late 1990s. Government propagandists succeeded in changing the supposed “average base temperature” of the planet. “It is hard to pinpoint the exact date when the change from 15 degrees to 14 degrees was introduced.  It most likely happened sometime in 1997, and definitely no later than January of 1998.”

In March 1988, a few months before NASA’s James Hansen asserted before the Congress that global warming was in progress, the New York Times quoted him as saying that he used 59 degrees Fahrenheit as the average global temperature to calculate the temperature variations. But NASA, James Hansen, and every other government institution and “leader” subsequently changed their baseline average temperature for the planet earth.

Today, all government institutions say that the average, proper, traditional global temperature for the planet is 14 degrees Centigrade rather than 15.

This change makes the present seem warmer than the supposed past average.

See here.

It begins. Nebraska government will require all health data to be uploaded to government computer systems

The Hippocratic Oath is at the heart of the medical profession. And one major component of the Oath is privacy and confidentiality. But governments everywhere have been waging war on medical privacy.

Now the State of Nebraska has begun the mass collection of digital health data on all its citizens, Reclaim The Net reported.

This initiative, part of a state Health Information Technology (HIT) Board’s mandate, consolidates health records in a way that has never been done before, raising alarm over the state’s direction toward a possible national digital ID system and the specter of surveillance that could follow.

The Nebraska Legislature made a law (LB 411) that says all healthcare facilities must share their health records in this system to help patients and improve how healthcare works together.

Washington Post to lay off hundreds more.

Readers won’t pay to read endless government propaganda.

“mainstream” “news” sources (meaning those that supply government-supporting, government-supported, “news”) have lost millions of viewers and readers. Now one of the government’s biggest cheerleaders, the Washington Post, is needing to cut ANOTHER 240 jobs. This represents ten percent of the Post’s overall staff. The Post, which is owned by “one of the richest people in the world,” has been losing readers for years.

See here.

White House and Capitol Hill are blocking access to The Gateway Pundit website

The Gateway Pundit online newspaper is the lead plaintiff in the Missouri-Louisiana v. Biden lawsuit on government censorship of speech in America today. The lawsuit is expected to reach the US Supreme Court early next year. (Both the district court and the 5th Circuit have held that the case exhibits the greatest episode of mass censorship by the government in US history.)

Interestingly, although the U.S. government has denied being the director of online censorship in America, recent whistleblowers have revealed that the news site is blocked by internet providers in Washington, D.C. Internet users at the White House and the Capitol are denied access to the very site that is suing the government for censorship. See here.

The Gateway Pundit is a leading conservative website in the United States. The Gateway Pundit has over 2.5 million page views per day and is closing in on nearly one billion page views per year. The Gateway Pundit is one of the most prominent grassroots websites and is one of the most popular sites for news regarding January 6 persecutions, election fraud, and vaccine fraud.

2023 Wildfire Burn Acreage is the Lowest of the Century

US Wildfire burn acreage is the lowest of the Century. And 12 lowest in the past century. See here.

Polls show young people have been duped regarding Kennedy assassination.

Newsweek. Nov. 22, 2023: “Generation Z Americans are significantly more likely to believe Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy than their older compatriots, according to a new poll conducted exclusively for Newsweek.”

This shows the power of government supported, government supporting, mainstream news and history. Just as those with the LEAST KNOWLEDGE of government administration have the most trust in government, those who are farthest removed by time from the 1963 JFK assassination are the most likely to blindly believe public school, “mainstream” accounts of the assassination.

“For the U.S. as a whole, the Redfield & Wilton Strategies found 50 percent of eligible voters believe multiple people were involved in the Kennedy assassination, versus 28 percent for just Oswald, and 22 percent who said they didn’t know. Notably, those aged 55-plus, the majority of whom were alive when the assassination took place, were the most likely to doubt the official narrative. Among this group, 55 percent believed more than one person was responsible, against just 24 percent who support the official narrative, with the remainder unsure.”

US Postal Service Again Loses Billions

Washington, DC. November 2023. Once again, the US Postal Service is reporting massive losses. The Service lost $6.5 billion in the past year. See here.

The Postal Service enjoys every possible advantage in the market. It pays no property, income, or corporate taxes. It owns and occupies some of the world’s most valuable and strategic real estate. Yet the Service is run by government principles; so it hasn’t reported a profit in a decade.

For the Postal Service, delivering mail is the second, or third, purpose. The first priority is delivering high pay and benefits to the Service’s “workers.” And perhaps second is the Service’s obsessive goal of surveilling and spying on Americans.

Postal Service jobs are so lucrative that thousands of people apply for every opening. And there are some Postal Service routes that are subcontracted to private mail deliverers. In those routes, the mail is delivered at approximately half the cost that the government Service would cost to deliver the same mail.

New York’s Socialist Governor Now Moves for Government Control over Social Media

Global elites are rapidly moving to control, monitor and censor all social media, using the horrors of government. Now the governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, has announced an intensification of government surveillance on Americans speech and criticism.

Governor Hochul’s administration is directing an additional $2.5 million to the New York State Police for expanding the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’s (JTFF) reach, particularly in New York City, Albany, Buffalo, and Rochester. This move aims to bolster the State Police’s presence across all investigative groups and areas of the JTTF.

Hochul announced a total of $75 million in funding, with $50 million allocated to local law enforcement and $25 million dedicated to security grants.

This heightened surveillance also involves “proactive contact with individuals expressing “hate speech online.””

“Also, we’re very focused on the data we’re collecting from surveillance efforts. What’s being said on social media platforms,” Hochul said during the press conference.

“And we have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms. Our media analysis, our social media analysis unit, has ramped up its monitoring of sites to catch incitement to violence; direct threats to others, and all this is in response to our desire, our strong commitment, to ensure that not only do New Yorkers be safe, but they also feel safe because personal security is about everything for them,” she added.

Throughout history, several communist regimes have employed extensive surveillance systems. Notable examples include the Stasi in East Germany and the KGB in the Soviet Union. These organizations were infamous for their widespread networks of informants and advanced surveillance techniques, which they used to monitor virtually every aspect of citizens’ lives. Ultimately, of course, this always leads to misery, mass executions, and/or genocide.

Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Calls for Total Government Control over Social Media Posting.

GOP presidential hopeful and deepstate darling Nikki Haley recently pronounced her intention to force every social media user to identify himself by government approved name, to force every media company to hand over their “algorithms,” and to have the government constantly monitoring social media.

Haley is widely assumed to be the favorite of globalist elites who see the biggest problem in the world to be insufficient government control over humanity.

Haley’s remarks were made during a Fox News interview. Haley indicated that too much shitposting online is a “national security threat,” and that a requirement that everyone identify themselves by name would eliminate “bots.”

Of course, the “bots” are often government supporting and supported.

Every government in history has sought to force all critics of government to identify themselves. This government push is already a major component of “campaign finance” regulation.