Tech giants meet secretly at Twitter headquarters to plot election operations

Of course the American people have the constitutional right to meet secretly and plot the overthrow of government by means ofelections and coordinated political speech.

But in recent years, “campaign finance reformers” have imposed various rules making such secret plotting and funding of political speech illegal. Governments everywhere have always demanded that anyone who publishes criticisms of government must identify himself–calling the secret dispersement of political resources “dark money.”

Now there is news that the largest and most powerful tech firms–Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Spapchat and others–are meeting in secret at Twitter headquarters in downtown San Francisco to plot a unified strategy for dealing with the upcoming midterm elections.

No word that the F.E.C. is looking into the matter.

This would not be cause for alarm, except that these same firms are on record as promoting a consistent view of politics. They promote an extremist pro-government agenda with advancement of government slave-plantation healthcare, heavy taxation and regulation (imposed on smaller rivals) and the abolition of all “conspiracy theories” which cast doubt on the sincerity of government.

Two weeks ago, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and other tech giants SIMULTANEOUSLY banned and removed the content of Alex Jones from their platforms, claiming Alex Jones promoted conspiracy theories. This is significant because Alex Jones was–at times–the largest channel on Youtube and a significant player on Facebook and other social media.

Observers see the current Twitter headquarter meeting as designed to advance the government narrative that all significant criticism of government is funded or directed by “Russians.”

Data analysis reveals California “record heat” records are manipulated

The great data analyst Tony Heller has exposed many government temperature record lies.

Now Heller has examined widely-publicized claims that California recently set various “all-time” heat records. (A report that this past July was the hottest in California history, for example, made its way onto the front pages of many national newspapers.)

Heller finds that two of the hottest temperature stations in California (Needles and Death Valley) did not produce any records prior to 1940. And the 1930s were widely known to be some of the hottest years in California history.

When one removes the Needles and Death Valley data from the temp records of California, this past past July didn’t even make the top 10 hottest Julys in California history. In fact, this past July in California was barely above average.

South African government begins seizing farms without compensation

Every government ultimately comes for all property, all wealth, all freedom, and to kill or cage all who resist.

For several years the government of South Africa has harassed and threatened hundreds of farmers.

Rumors that the government was preparing to steal the farms without compensation have caused land prices to plummet.

Now the government appears poised to violently take the farms. See here.

More doctors leaving the medical profession, citing growing hassles, regulation

The medical profession is probably the world’s most overregulated profession. Compliance paperwork is now a major component of being a medical doctor.

And recently, the industry’s authorities have pushed for all medical records to be digitized and electronic–so that such records can be easily transferred to other doctors (and the government).

Many older physicians are simply retiring or changing careers; and many promising young people are avoiding the industry like the plague.

This in spite of a serious scarcity of physicians across the United States. See here.

Private donations to Puerto Rico intercepted by government; food left to rot; hundreds dead

SAN JUAN, P.R. If the private sector had been free to help Puerto Ricans after the devastating hurricanes of 2017, the island would have quickly recovered. Power and running water would have been restored within a week.

But government officials “took charge” of donations and recovery efforts. Some Puerto Ricans have been without power and water for a year.

Now MSN News is reporting that at least 10 trailers full of food, water and baby supplies donated for victims of Hurricane Maria were left to rot at a state elections office in Puerto Rico, where they broke open and became infested by rats.

“Records show that an additional 1,427 people died in the months after the storm, compared to previous years.”

Professor John Lamb: I will walk again!

An update on Lysander Spooner University’s favorite professor of journalism, John Lamb.

In April John was involved in a horrible and tragic traffic wreck on I-90 near Three Forks, Montana. John smashed into a semi tractor and it took more than 45 minutes to pry his body from the wreckage.

John Lamb broke dozens of bones and ribs and suffered critical damage to his internal organs. It is likely that some 100 screws and pieces of metal and plastic have been introduced into John’s body. His right foot and leg had to be almost completely rebuilt.

John’s journey to recovery began at Bozeman Deaconness Emergency Room. He was later moved to other units of Bozeman Deaconness and later to nursing home facilities. His community of support have provided him with a medical transport van, a motorized wheel chair and countless other blessings.

John was flat on his back for months and continues to need a motorized wheelchair. He cannot stand up without extreme pain. He is nonetheless confident and determined that he will someday walk again.

Many thanks to John Lamb and so many others. God bless John as he faces another surgery this week.

Study: Welfare has impoverished millions, poisoned entire communities

“Welfare” in the popular sense originated in the 1960s with President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” By the 1980s, profound research by academics documented that households which accepted welfare payments were WORSE OFF 5 years later compared to similarly-situated households which did not receive welfare “benefits.” (Much of this research was PAID FOR BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and was conducted by professors who detested the results.)

By the Clinton Administration in the 1990s, a groundswell of criticism had formed around welfare policy. Congress enacted legislation aimed at requiring welfare recipients to seek employment, and at gradually moving ‘beneficiaries’ off of the programs.

By the 2000s, most social scientists were reporting that the Clinton-era efforts to limit welfare were creating better outcomes for recipients—measured by financial, physical, and mental health. (And it became clear that total abolition of welfare would produce even better results for the poor.)

Now a new study, “The Long-run Effects of Anti-Poverty Policies on Disadvantaged Neighborhoods” by economists David Neumark and Brittany Bass of the University of California, Irvine, and Brian Asquith of the National Bureau of Economic research confirms that welfare “benefits” are poison to entire communities. Similarly situated households which do not participate in welfare have better outcomes over the long run.

Oregon State Computers Crash for 8 to 48 Hours across the State

Governments everywhere seek constantly to take over and control the world’s computer systems–frequently claiming people’s computer are vulnerable to failure, sabotage, hacking or “cyberterror.” When these messages fail to gain traction, governments claim they must control everyone’s computer use to stop corporations from charging differently for different speeds, or from charging the poor more than the rich; or something.

Yet governments have terrible track records regarding their own abilities to keep their computer systems up and running. In 20010 the U.S. government’s ‘Obamacare’ websites completely failed for weeks and even months despite outlays of millions of dollars of tax money. (A private, free, website which helped viewers identify and find health insurance options was up and running throughout the entire period.)

Now the government of Oregon has admitted that for a period of 8 to 48 hours around June 9, 2018, the entire State computer system of networks utterly failed. The State of Oregon spends millions annually on the systems, but claims that all 4 or its primary servers simultaneously failed or would not function properly.

South African government prepares to take farmland from owners without compensation

The socialist government of South Africa has sanctioned killings of hundreds of property owners in recent years.

Now, once again, the government is making clear its intention to remove white farmers from the land and take the land without compensation. See here.

Chinese government censors all info about vaccine failures–again

July 27. Epoch Times.

China’s censorship regime once again kicked into full swing to conceal information that a major Chinese vaccine producer has produced and sold many hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccines which were either “substandard,” contained little or no vaccine, or contaminated.

The Chinese internet has scrubbed all information about the coverrup. Online searches for content with words such as ‘vaccine’ yield no information about the scandal.

Chinese government censors previously scrubbed the country’s internet of all info about deaths from contaminated infant formula in 2008. See here.