Another climate hoax collapses: Recent harsh winters have killed off invasive pine beetles, freeing up millions of dollars of government funds


A decade ago, folks in northern states such as South and North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho were watching large swaths of their pine forests die off due to invasive pine beetles. The pine beetles bored beneath the bark of pine trees and introduced a fungus and larvae which weakened and then killed the trees.

Millions of pine trees were killed, prompting state and federal government agencies to link the invasive beetles to catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-carbon dioxide and to spend millions of dollars to mitigate the effects of the beetles.

But five years of harsh winters have mostly killed off the beetles in the north woods. Most foresters declared the end of the beetle epidemic around 2017. Almost no one seemed to link the end of the epidemic to earlier claims regarding a link to the CO2 apocalypse.

Now the State of South Dakota has $700,000 remaining in a ‘pine beetle fund’ which was never used. Last week the South Dakota legislature debated about what to do with the excess money.

Australian government alters temperature records for Darwin, Australia–making it appear that temps have risen 1.8 degrees!

Weather data agencies have repeatedly been caught adjusting temperature records to make the past appear colder than it was measured–and the present seem warmer by comparison.

In the U.S. the officials in NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) have altered the data to make U.S. temperatures appear to have risen 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century.

Now there is evidence that Australian record keepers have also been altering temp records. See here.
It appears that the temperature records for Darwin, Australia have been steadily altered to make the past seem colder than it was measured. Now the records show average temps for Darwin have risen 1.8 degrees Celsious!

NASA quietly hides website which said the sun was the primary driver of earth’s climate

For years, NASA’s websites provided much basic science information. One such web page stated the common-sense point that the Sun was the primary driver of the earth’s climate.

But such basic science contradicts the current propaganda narrative of the government’s scientist-activists.

The current NASA message is that carbon dioxide–a trace gas in the atmosphere–is the primary driver of the earth’s climate.

Recently, the NASA web page has been removed or hidden. See here.

A Record 35 Percent of Americans say Government is the Greatest Problem in their Lives

Gallup has asked Americans what they felt was the most important problem facing the country since 1939. Prior to 2001, the highest percentage mentioning government was 26% during the Watergate scandal.

Not only is distrust of government at an all-time high in the recent Gallup poll. But very few problems have ever registered such a high percentage of mentions under the ‘greatest problem’ category.’

Since 2001, few issues have matched or exceeded the 35% currently mentioning the government.

“In the immediate months after the 9/11 attacks, mentions of terrorism topped the list as the most important problem, peaking at 46% in October 2001.”

Iraq was named as the biggest problem by 38% of respondents as U.S. involvement in Iraq escalated in 2007.

“In the year leading up to and after the global financial crisis of 2008, the percentage of Americans naming “the economy” reached record heights for any mention on Gallup’s list, reaching 58% in November 2008.” (And mentions of unemployment/jobs as the greatest problem peaked at 39% in September 2011, in the wake of the financial crisis.)

Additionally, both Democrats and Republicans are now naming government as the greatest problem in their lives at roughly the same percentages.

See here.

Venezuela’s Maduro clings to power using death squads

Now that the socialist Chavez/Maduro government has robbed Venezuela of most of its wealth and independence, there are increasing calls for his overthrow.

Maduro clings to power using elite commando military death squads which focus on protest leaders.

The death squads are masked and do not resort to any type of civilian court authority.

The death squads have killed hundreds in the past 6 months. See here.

Socialist Illinois is now a rotting corpse

Many people are aware that the socialist government of Illinois is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

But few know the details. An editorial in the Chicago Tribune recently laid bare the horrifying state of Illinois finances.

Illinois has been paying such lavish benefits to government workers that State pensions are tapped out. Workers are allowed to retire and start collecting benefits at an early age compared with life expectancy rates. The remaining government “workers” cannot support their pension plan.

Illinois’ long-suffering taxpayers–the traditional ATM machine for the State’s millionaire government workers–are fleeing the state at rates of thousands to tens of thousands annually.

Chicago’s Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago has 2,042 active employees and 2,408 pensioners. The village of Niles has 225 employees and 580 retirees. The village of Oak Park has 369 employees and 648 pension beneficiaries.

The village of Elmwood Park has 122 employees and 396 pensioners. The village of Oak Lawn has 295 employees and 553 retirees. The city of Blue Island has 170 employees and 404 beneficiaries.

Just the non-teaching personnel at Lemont-Bromberek Combined School District 113A: 132 employees, 486 retirees.

See here.

Majority of Californians hope to leave California

California leads the U.S. in taxation and regulation.

Although California is the richest state in the union, and has the most vast, comprehensive and expansive social welfare programs, it leads the nation in rates of poverty.

A new poll reveals that 53% of California residents are considering leaving the Golden State because of the high cost of living.

Nearly two-thirds, 62%, of respondents said they believed the best days of California were in the past.

See here.

How do government “climate scientists” spread the message of climate change? With deception and concealment of data

by Roger I. Roots, JD, Ph.D., founder, Lysander Spooner University

Anyone seeking the truth about climate change should learn the art of studying official government charts.

Climate change hysteria is built on a foundation of deceptive graphs and charts–which any savvy observer can easily see are fabricated to achieve a propaganda, rather than an informative, purpose.

The recent (2018) National Climate Assessment, published by numerous U.S. government agencies, contains numerous graphs which are plainly deceptive. All one needs to dismantle them is some knowledge of the data that is MISSING from each graph.

Page 38 of the Assessment contains a dozen charts, and most of them contain deliberate deception.

The legendary data analyst Tony Heller points out that the “U.S. Heatwave” graph (Chart B) begins in 1960. The chart makes it appear that U.S. heatwaves are steadily increasing, and invites the reader to assume the cause is CO2. But if the data from prior decades were included, the chart would show that heatwaves have DECLINED since the 1930s. “The 2018 report released to the public, cherry-picked the only start date in the graph which they could use to create the appearance of a warming trend.”

The same goes with the Report’s ‘F’ chart (Arctic sea ice extent) which STARTS IN 1975–a high point for Arctic ice. If the chart began in any year prior to 1975 it would have shown that Arctic ice levels were LOWER prior to 1975, and that current (2018) ice levels are fairly normal or even more expansive than ice levels of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

The most deceptive chart of all in the government Assessment Report is Chart K–“U.S. Wildfires.” The chart begins around 1980, a relative low point for U.S. wildfires, and makes it appear that wildfires are now (in 2018) at record levels. REALITY IS ALMOST PRECISELY OPPOSITE. Any chart showing U.S. wildfires over the entire past century would have shown that contemporary (2018) wildfire levels are MUCH LOWER than levels in the 1930s and 1940s.
Ask yourself: if government “climate scientists” were doing real, unbiased, dispassionate science would they need to conceal such countervailing data from their readers?

News “fact-checkers” are often just “liberal” rebuttals of “conservative” statements

The New York Post has investigated the rise of supposedly impartial “fact-checkers” which major news sources consult.

“Fact-checker” boards, companies or committees are a current fad among mainstream news analysis.

Frequently, mainstream news will subject speeches or addresses by public officials to post-speech ‘fact-checking.’

The New York Post looked at newspapers and TV networks which employed ‘fact-checkers’ to criticize Donald Trump’s recent State of the Union address.

For example, the ‘independent’ ‘fact-checkers’ accused Trump of misleading statements for highlighting poll results but failing to mention negative aspects of the same polls.

When Trump praised the record number of women in Congress, NPR “fact-checked” him by pointing out that the growing number of women in Congress was “almost entirely because of Democrats, not Trump’s party.”

“The state of American fact-checking is dreadfully misleading. There’s no reason for conservatives to give its authors the deference they seek.”

Polar bears multiply, invade Russian town; media blame ‘melting ice’ (in the dead of winter)

Polar bear populations have grown by thousands since 2000. Arctic ice has expanded for years and is now at its highest level in a decade. And it’s the dead of winter when it is impossible for Arctic ice to melt.

Yet when large numbers of polar bears recently began invading a Russian settlement, breaking into buildings and attacking people, the mainstream media reported that climate change and melting Arctic ice are to blame.

Russia’s Novaya Zemlya islands, home to a few thousand people, have recently seen bears attacking people and entering residential and public buildings.

Even news organizations with enough resources to double-check their facts reported the false claim.

The BBC (chartered by the British government) reported that “Polar bears are affected by climate change and are increasingly forced on to land to look for food.”

Just two months ago the BBC falsely reported that south African penguin populations were declining due to rising seas caused by climate change. The penguins were actually declining due to overfishing. (Seas have risen no more than A FOOT PER CENTURY near the southern tip of Africa).