McLatchy–one of the largest “mainstream” news chains–nears bankruptcy

Bloomberg reports that “The McClatchy Co., the storied news publisher weighed down by pension obligations and debt, could file for bankruptcy within the next year.”

McClatchy operates a news service and owns the Miami Herald, the Kansas City Star, the Charlotte Observer and other pro-government (“mainstream”) papers. Its reporters and content have been repeatedly linked to CIA funding and support.

In 2006, McClatchy bought the Knight Ridder chain (another failing pro-government newspaper company) for $4.5 billion.

But paying subscribers and advertisers continue to decline. Readers simply won’t pay to read government-provided releases and propaganda.

Montana legislature creates multi-million-dollar agency, stops all boats on highways, can’t find any invasive mussels

Montana’s voters, like those almost everywhere, have repeatedly voted for Republican politicians who promised “limited government.” The Montana legislature has been controlled by these “limited government Republicans” for more than a quarter century. Yet the legislature has grown Montana’s government faster than the rate of inflation for decades.

Indeed, Montana’s legislature has grown government faster than legislatures of almost every neighboring state.

In 2016, State wildlife officials proclaimed they had discovered mussel larvae (but not any mussels) in the Canyon Ferry Lake (near Helena, the State Capitol) and in the Tiber Reservoir near the Canadian border. Government wildlife officials filled the papers and airwaves with claims that invasive mussels brought in from other states would soon cause hundreds of millions of dollars of damage to Montana’s infrastructure.

The Montana legislature created yet another government program, which positioned dozens of government agents on Montana’s highways and required every traveler with a boat trailer to pull into inspection stations to be scrutinized by the government.

After three years,over $15 million dollars, and more than 100,000 travelers stopped, State officials say the program has been a complete success! Not a single Montana waterway has been found to contain the evil aquatic invasive mussels.

(Those three samples of ‘larvae’ supposedly found in two lakes in 2016 are increasingly suspected of being planted; as government wildlife agencies are known to plant rare species in places in order to spur government “protection” over such places.)

Canyon Ferry Lake has been sampled thousands of times since without a single mussel found.

“We’re going to be sampling the heck out of it, probably forever, just because we saw something funky there,” [Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks spokesperson] Woolf said. “We had mussel-sniffing dogs out there a couple weeks ago.”

Twitter’s highest censor over Europe and Africa is revealed as a British government propaganda official!

Everyone knows that major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Youtube have recently been on censorship binges–blocking, deplatforming, removing and censoring antigovernment criticism or content.

Most free press advocates have been lulled into inaction regarding this because the online media platforms are private firms rather than government agencies.

But now it has been revealed that Twitter’s senior editorial executive for Europe, the Middle East and Africa is an active officer in the British government’s online warfare and psychological operations units.

“Gordon MacMillan, who joined the social media company’s UK office six years ago, has for several years also served with the 77th Brigade, a unit formed in 2015 in order to develop “non-lethal” ways of waging war.” See here.

Income inequality decreases in free markets, increases under government regulations

Income inequality is proclaimed to be a major issue for government trusters everywhere. In the U.S., presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders argue for even greater government regulations and taxes to fight income inequality.

But the data show that U.S. income taxation already places burdens on the highest income earners which are greater than in most countries. In California, the most socialistic state, the highest 150,000 earners among California’s 40 million residents pay half of all income taxes.

A new study by Cato Institute collects research showing that earned wealth is outpacing inherited wealth in most countries, and the richest people in the world tend to experience wealth growth rates that are lower than average stock market growth rates.

43 percent of billionaires on the 2018 Forbes richest 400 list were new in the prior 10 years.

Other studies have shown that the poor spend a higher proportion of their income on highly-regulated goods such as energy than do the rich.

The Cato study concludes that increasing regulations helps the rich and harms the poor.

Iranian protestors–like those in Paris, Ecuador, and Chile–are driven by outrage over climate taxes

Iran has been the Middle East’s poster child in the area of climate change regulations.

Since the 2015 Paris Accords, the Iranian government has positioned itself as a worldwide “climate tax” leader. The government loudly denounced the U.S. when U.S. President Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement in 2017.

Iran has recently raised carbon taxes on gasoline to meet its emission targets. Now the people are rioting in the streets.

The “mainstream” media is virtually silent.

Politico: “Mainstream” media is losing credibility by hiding “the whistleblower”

Eric Ciaramella is a privileged, highly-paid federal employee with a long track record of supporting pro-government extremist positions and the Democratic Party.

It was apparently Ciaramella who, while working in the National Security Council in July of this year, heard that Donald Trump had talked to the Ukrainian president (via telephone) about getting the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden for bribing Ukrainian officials while Biden was Vice President of the United States.

Ciaramella reportedly contacted Democratic Party operatives in Congress and then wrote the complaint which launched the current congressional impeachment inquiry against Trump.

The entirety of the “mainstream media” (a designation having little to do with circulation but which is better defined as media which is government-supporting and -supported) has now chosen to conceal Ciaramella’s name from news and press reports–calling Ciaramella a whistleblower.

(The argument is that Ciaramella might face threats if his name were revealed; but most observers view the true objective as shielding Ciaramella’s background and biases from scrutiny in mainstream news.

This mass deception is having an unintended consequence: alternative news sources are now seen as sources of reliable information while “mainstream” sources are losing trust (and readership).

Now the pro-government Politico magazine is panicking.

“By leaving the whistleblower’s mask intact, establishment outlets [and] the country’s top publications [are] at risk of losing the trust of their readers . . . .”

UPDATE: New York ExxonMobil Trial Sputters to an End

New York Attorney General Drops Half Its Fraud Case In Closing Arguments
Lower Manhattan. November 7, 2019.

The downsized “Exxon knew” trial in New York City has ended. The parties await a verdict from Judge Barry Ostrager in the New York Supreme Court. A 3-year investigation by the New York Attorney General into some 4 million pages of Exxon documents—with millions of dollars of funding by Michael Bloomberg and the Rockefeller trusts—has ended in a whimper.

At one time it was supposed to be the biggest trial in American history—involving claims that Exxon (and/or Mobil) covered up knowledge by the fossil fuel industry that CO2 would cause apocalyptic climate change back in the 1970s or 1980s—or some time. But the government investigation fizzled. ExxonMobil has consistently tracked and gone public with a position on climate change which closely tracks that of the government establishment. (Contrary to popular belief, ExxonMobil has never spent more than a pittance on ‘climate skeptical’ research; and in fact the oil giant now spends millions promoting the unfounded doomsday theories of the government.)

By 2018, the NY AG was reduced to filing a suit alleging merely that ExxonMobil had knowingly given inaccurate future projections regarding the future cost of carbon regulations.

Even THAT case has turned out to be unfounded. When the NY AG made closing arguments on Thursday, November 7, after a three-week trial, its counsel admitted the State could not prove two of four of the civil allegations in its complaint.

According to

Moments after government counsel began laying out its closing argument, Justice Ostrager interrupted to clarify that the attorney general was formally stipulating that two claims, one for common law fraud and another for equitable fraud, would be dismissed with prejudice in the final minutes of New York’s carefully-watched case against the oil giant.

Thus what remains of the case were negligent-inaccuracy claims under New York’s Martin Act. The Martin Act, unlike common law fraud, does not require any actual proof of fraudulent intent. Thus, the NY AG is no longer arguing that the oil giant deliberately defrauded anyone.

What remained of the multi-million-dollar investigation are two claims that some of Exxon’s internal documents gave price-per-ton-of-carbon-in-2040 figures that differed from its figures published in some glossy public reports. ExxonMobil argues the differing figures represent different projections: the published numbers are estimates of DEMAND in 2040 while the internal numbers are estimates of future COSTS and taxes.

Thus, the issues in the trial “revolve around relatively narrow questions of New York securities law,” in the words of Inside Climate News.

Federal Prisoner Schaeffer Cox—Wrongly Convicted in 2011 Conspiracy Case—Resentenced to 15 Years

Tacoma, WA. November 5, 2019. Antigovernment News Bureau.

Francis Schaeffer Cox, the charismatic young founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia, was resentenced to 188 months (some 15 and ½ years) imprisonment—a significant reduction from his previous sentence of 26 years imprisonment. Cox was convicted in 2012 of a variety of firearm and explosive offenses and conspiracy to murder federal officials. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Cox’s solicitation-of-murder-of-federal-officials conviction because that charge pertained to allegations that Schaeffer asked friends to protect him from a federal assassination team that never existed.

A number of the gun possession charges involved pieces of guns or explosives which were not functional or which were provided by paid undercover informants. And in some cases, Mr. Cox never actually possessed or even touched the devices.

The conspiracy-to-murder-federal-officials conviction (which was strangely upheld by the 9th Circuit) involved essentially two facts: (1) that Cox was in a militia organization, and (2) that Cox was in speculative discussions with undercover informants in which it was suggested that if the government collapsed into Stalinesque martial law Cox’s friends would use self defense.

Cox has already served nine years in federal prison, mostly at supermax-level “Communication Management Units” (CMUs) at either Marion, Illinois or Terre Haute, Indiana.

Cox’s sentencing hearing lasted two days and included testimony by a renowned psychologist named Mark Cunningham who told Judge Robert J. Bryan that Mr. Cox was prone to exaggeration and hyperbole but was not mentally ill and not dangerous.

Cox has consistently insisted on his innocence. Prosecutors argued that Cox deserved the highest possible sentence because Cox maintains a website (managed by supporters on the outside) which describes Cox as wrongfully convicted.

Venezuelan death troops kill hundreds more

Socialism is always sold as a path to harmony, equality and tranquility. In reality it is starvation, misery, torture and mass murder.

Venezuelan government troops continue mass executions and slaughters throughout the once prosperous country.

Since 2018, the non-governmental human rights group Cofavic has recorded 831 “executions” carried out by FAES [Special Action Forces] members, based on information from relatives and its own observations on the ground.

Many of those targeted participated in protests against President Maduro.

Mainstream News explains Chilean riots as protests against privatized pensions!

“News” story ignores the public’s anger at government climate regulations

Reuters news agency has been repeatedly exposed as funded in part by the CIA. See here and here.

Now the pro-government news bureau is out with a story attempting to explain the recent riots in Chile—which saw a million Chileans take to the streets to protest transportation cost increases caused by the government’s “climate change” policies—as being “fueled by fears of poverty in old age.”

Chile’s privatized pension system has long been a sore point for socialists and pro-government extremists in the world’s journalism establishment. Chile privatized its social security program decades ago, allowing workers to choose where to invest ten percent of their earnings. The experiment was a renowned success and catapulted Chilean living standards to the highest in South America. Unlike the U.S. Social Security system—which incentivizes American workers to work less and save less, and which has made the U.S. at least 3 percent poorer than it would be otherwise, according to Harvard research—the Chilean system incentivizes work, saving and investment.

Government trusters worldwide have long despised the Chilean pension system, which has been copied and adopted in several other nations.

So now, in the wake of the recent Chilean riots, the government-supporting (and supported) Reuters news network publishes the headline “Chile’s fiery anger fueled by fears of poverty in old age.”
Reuters’ evidence: “one elderly couple stood out from the largely youthful crowd and complained that Chile’s “pension system that has left many retired workers with scarce funds to get by.” The “plight of pensioners,” according to Reuters, “is key to understanding the potent violence that has seen buildings and buses burned, shut down the Santiago metro system, and forced President Sebastian Pinera to axe a third of his cabinet and cancel two major global summits.” There are a few quotes and a reference to “one viral video” in which “a young man wearing a hood and gas mask took the hands of an elderly woman to perform an impromptu dance.”

Even the Reuters story reluctantly admits that the pension privatization of the 1980s yielded bountiful prosperity: “The money that poured into the [pension] coffers – at present $216 billion, equivalent to 80% of gross domestic product – helped fuel an economic boom that saw a small elite flourish and gleaming glass and mirror towers come to dominate the skyline of Santiago.”