Studies show coronavirus death rate is LOWER than the flu

Study the above graph carefully. It shows deaths from all causes (by week) in Arizona over the past 3 years.

There was a deadly flu outbreak in 2017-18 which killed some 80,000 Americans. The graph suggests that the flu death rate in 2018 was likely worse than the death rate from coronavirus thus far this year.

As more data come in, it becomes clear that death rates from coronavirus is similar to, or lower than, the 2018 flu outbreak. The CDC admitted this a month ago.

In late April, antibodies testing in Santa Clara, California found coronavirus mortality rates were essentially the same as seasonal flu.

For those under age 70, the infection death rate may be as low as FOUR-ONE-HUNDREDTHS (4/100ths) OF ONE PERCENT (far lower than in typical flu outbreaks) according to a study by John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology at Stanford University.

Now a new study by scientists at Wake Forest University shows the coronavirus death rate is EVEN LOWER than what CDC admitted last month. The study of antibodies in the blood of people in parts of North Carolina found 14% have already been infected with coronavirus. The death rate may be as low or lower than 1/10th of 1%.

The market always wins: two thousand government-worshiping universities may collapse in the next 5 years

A New York University marketing professor, Scott Galloway, estimates that a thousand to two thousand of the country’s 4,500 universities could go out of business in the next 5-10 years.

College shutdowns in the wake of the government’s coronavirus scare have exposed the vulnerability and inefficiency of many colleges.

Colleges in the U.S. are overwhelmingly funded (by both research grants and student loan subsidies) by the federal government.

They push a steady agenda of pro-government extremist “science” and socialist philosophy. Anti-government thought is almost banned at many universities.

Now, after nearly every college campus in America was ordered closed by powermad governors due to the coronavirus panic, many students are wondering if spending thousands to watch pro-government zoom presentations is worth it. Many will likely not be returning in the Fall, even if governments allow them to.

Government shutdown orders will likely doom most small restaurants

TOWNHALL columnist Ellie Bufkin warns in a recent column that a majority of small independent restaurants will not survive the government’s COVID-19 lockdowns and shutdowns.

“Simply put, keeping six feet apart at all times with half the dining room closed is a practice that is mutually exclusive of financial survival for any restaurant.”

A new report released by the Independent Restaurant Coalition estimates that 85 percent of small restaurants will be closed by the end of 2020 due to the government’s COVID-19 shutdown orders.

“Even if restaurants returned to normal operations with no regulations immediately, the report says, the damage done by months of closures has already sealed their fate.”

Millions of Americans skip loan payments as government COVID orders take their toll

The Wall Street Journal reports that 79 million student loans are now going unpaid after the government forced large segments of the population into poverty and unemployment.

Auto loans in some type of deferment doubled to 7.3 million accounts. Personal loans in deferment doubled to 1.3 million accounts.

Top-tier universities now get A MAJORITY of their funding from the U.S. government

Teaching students comes second!

Why are America’s colleges and universities such sewers of pro-government extremist, socialist ideology? A new report by sheds light:

“In monetary terms, the ‘government contracting’ business of the Ivy League ($25.27 billion – federal contracts and grants) exceeded their educational mission ($22 billion in student tuition) [in Fiscal Years 2010-FY2015].”

Ivy League universities are now–in all essence–arms of the federal government. Their research agendas are almost wholly driven by U.S. government agencies.

Accordingly, Ivy League schools have been unquestioning in their adherence to pro-government extremist agenda items, such as the government’s climate-doomsday-by-man-made-CO2 “theory.”* These government contractor universities no longer teach students to debate the topic. Yale University, in fact, has an entire multi-million-dollar annual program designed to convince the outside world about the ‘theory.’

*An asterisk is necessary here because any actual scientific theory would be subject to rigorous testing and debate. By this standard, the climate doomsday argument is simply a messaging imposition, not a theory.

Extravagant pay of millionaire cops finally in the spotlight

America has become a two-tiered, almost feudal society, with millionaire government “workers” living in mansions making extravagant wages and pensions while private sector Americans struggle to survive.

Throughout the 2020 coronavirus “pandemic,” no government employee anywhere lost a single paycheck, while they commanded millions of others to lose theirs.

Now at last the luxurious lifestyles and pay of cops is coming under notice. The New York Post recently ran a story about Port Authority officers (who police New York’s ports and airports) making over $300,000 annually. The top earner, Regina Womack, pulled in $423,467–more than the U.S. President.

The New York Times ran a story about the extravagant pay of California’s cops. “In 2015, five San Jose police officers each made more than $400,000,” as did other cops around the state.

More than half of Contra Costa County, California’s 150 county employees make over $300,000 annually. Median household (not per-capita) income in the county is $80,000.

In Massachusetts, 245 state troopers made over $200,000 annually.

The hefty pay of these millionaire cops is often padded with overtime hours. Often, cops exaggerate their overtime and submit the bills to private arenas and road construction companies, who are intimidated into subsidizing the jet-set lifestyles of police. Three Louisville, Kentucky officers were convicted of lying about overtime in 2020. They told a federal judge that padding and lying about overtime is part of police culture.

Long-suffering taxpayers must pay not only the wages and massive pensions of officers. They are on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in payouts for police abuses. In 2019, rampaging millionaire cops cost taxpayers over $300 million in litigation payouts.

Gallup poll shows American pride has fallen to record lows

U.S. government spending grew by record amounts in the past four months. President Trump set new records as history’s biggest spending politician. Governors throughout the United States dove to new levels of power–controlling the movements, housing, occupations, business lives, shopping choices, and spending of every non-government resident.

For the first time in history, American governors ordered healthy people quarantined; for months. These governors willingly collapsed their own state economies, supposedly to resist the spread of coronavirus–a disease which kills no more than 4/10ths of 1 percent of those infected by it.

Americans didn’t even muster a warning shot. They submitted and obeyed.

It was not until May 26 that the first spraypaint was seen on a cop car anywhere in the U.S. (and that was in response to the government killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis).

Americans’ growing shame and disgrace is now registered in a new Gallup poll showing that just 42% of adults in the U.S. say they are “extremely proud” and just 21% say they are “very proud” to be an American. Both readings are the lowest they have been since Gallup’s initial measurement in 2001. A record 9% indicate they are “not at all proud.”

As government power, control and authority has grown to record levels, American pride has dropped to a new record low in six consecutive years.

CDC reports 794 “confirmed cases of COVID-19” at a nursing home with 80 beds

Federal agency caught red-handed faking coronavirus numbers

“When the administrator of the Saugus Rehab and Nursing Center in Saugus, Massachusetts, heard that a new Medicare website reported her facility had 794 confirmed cases of COVID-19 — the second highest in the country — and 281 cases among staff, she gasped.”

The facility had actually reported 45 positive tests and five deaths, with 19 positive tests among staff.

CDC recently rolled out a website purporting to show locations and numbers at nursing homes dealing with coronavirus. But according to Medpage Today, the government numbers are patently false and exaggerated.

“Officials at skilled nursing facilities around the country said Monday they were shocked to see their data reported inaccurately — wildly so in some cases.”

Southern Pointe Living Center in Colbert, Oklahoma, with 95 beds, was reported to have had 339 residents die of COVID-19.

“We have not lost anyone nor have we had a [COVID-19] case in the building,” said a woman identifying herself as an assistant at Southern Pointe but who declined to give her full name.

Dellridge Health and Rehabilitation Center in Paramus, New Jersey was reported to have 753 deaths– the most COVID-19 deaths of any nursing home in the country.

That number is “insanely wrong,” Jonathan Mechaly, Dellridge’s marketing director, wrote in a frantic email. “We are a 90-bed center and have had less than 20 deaths!! How do you report such inaccurate numbers?”

Smith Village in Chicago, with 100 beds, was shown to have 1,105 confirmed COVID-19 cases among residents and 955 confirmed COVID-19 cases among staff, the most in the country.

In reality, Smith Village has had only 38 positive tests and 14 deaths.


When Medpage Today contacted Medicare, the agency responded with an email blaming the faulty figures on “data submission errors.”

“Sometimes the fault was admittedly that of the facilities.” 92-bed Robison Jewish Health Center in Portland, Oregon, had no staff members die of COVID-19 but erroneously reported 8 deaths.

Government coronavirus regulations will deprive U.S. hospitals of $200 billion in revenue by the end of June

In alleged response to the coronavirus “pandemic”–a disease outbreak posing a death rate of around 1/10th of 1 percent, government officials throughout the United States issued decrees that all non-approved businesses must shut down and hosptials must close their doors to all patients except coronavirus or emergency patients.

Government officials claimed that hospital beds needed to be available for the huge wave of coronavirus patients that were predicted back in March.

Now, three months later, U.S. hospitals are set to lose $200 billion in revenue due to these government impositions.

According to Marketwatch, “One rural hospital in Kansas and another in West Virginia went out of business in May, and two more closed in Florida. Five are in danger of closing in Washington state.”

The “second wave” scam: governments amp up their panic hysteria

Between January and June 2020, governments throughout the world inflicted some of the most draconian impositions in world history upon their subjects. Governors ordered people locked inside their homes and decreed that all non-government-approved businesses must shut down, in order for governments to press their “public health” agenda regarding COVID-19

In some cases (e.g., Rhode Island), governors decreed that subjects must keep a journal of their daily activities and contacts, for government inspection. In some states, residents driving on streets or walking on sidewalks were made to show government permission slips showing that their travel was authorized for ‘essential services’ (as decreed by government).

Hundreds of Americans were arrested for violations of governors’ decrees. Many dozens of businesses went bankrupt (including Hertz, Pier 1, J. Crew and J.C. Penny), with hundreds more expected.

These government impositions depend on mass fear of coronavirus. But increasing testing shows fear of COVID-19 is mostly delusional. CDC found that death rates from COVID are comparable with the flu in all age groups.


From the beginning, government “health officials” have tried to monopolize all testing for the virus. The U.S. government has even fined and threatened innovators developing in-home testing products.

The President of Tanzania has shown that samples from pineapples and goats “test positive” for coronavirus in government labs. Early government tests couldn’t distinguish between coronavirus and water.


Throughout the imposition of the COVID scam, government “health officials” have used tricks of statistics and data manipulation to exploit fearful subjects. Half of all claimed “coronavirus deaths” are simply nursing home deaths–amidst populations with just weeks to live.

Now, governments are exploiting their growing testing efforts to claim that “cases” are on the increase. But by “cases,” they almost always just mean positive tests. Even as death rates plummet below 3/10ths of 1 percent, government officials continue to threaten a “second wave” of virus shutdowns unless subjects obediently subjugate themselves to government.