Secret German government intelligence agency discovered by Apple Airtags

German freedom activist Lilith Wittmann claims that she has uncovered how Germany’s little-known “Federal Telecommunications Service” is actually a cover for a secret intelligence agency.

Tech writer William Gallagher writes that Wittmann accidentally stumbled upon a secret federal agency that does not exist in public records.

Through calls to numbers which then quickly disappeared, IP searches, and driving to official buildings, Wittmann worked to track down the mysterious Bundesservice Telekommunikation, or Federal Telecommunications Service.

“She establishes multiple reasons to believe it is part of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), and ultimately concludes that there are actually two “camouflage” authorities. Both are allegedly a secret part of an intelligence agency named the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.”

Using an AirTag
Wittmann simply sent a small device that regularly transmits its current position (a so-called AirTag) and see where it lands.”

“She sent a parcel with an AirTag and watched through Apple’s Find My system as it was delivered via the Berlin sorting center to a sorting office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. And then appears at the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Cologne.”

“So an AirTag addressed to a telecommunications authority based in one part of Germany, ends up in the offices of an intelligence agency based in another part of the country.”

“[S]ubsequent government press conferences have denied that there is such a federal telecommunications service at all.”

Stephen Moore: the US spent ONE-SIXTH of its economy to contain COVID, which hasn’t been contained

The great economist Stephen Moore writes that in just 37 years, the federal budget increased from $1 trillion to $7 trillion. “So, in less than four decades, the budget has grown sevenfold. Much faster than inflation. Much faster than the economy.”
“The government is now gobbling up the economy, spending up to 30% of our national output. Add state and local spending, and we are close to 40%.”

“The Wall Street Journal found that we spent tens of billions of dollars on the New York subway system even though ridership is down by two-thirds. We could practically be giving every rider a free limousine service, which would be cheaper for taxpayers.”
“We spent so much money on welfare programs that many families with two unemployed parents collecting all the government payouts could get $100,000 or more from taxpayers and not work a single hour.”

“The $6.8 trillion the government spent in 2021 was $2.4 trillion more than the government spent in 2019 before the pandemic started. The feds have spent close to $4 trillion in two years to contain COVID, which hasn’t been contained.”

Could things with the virus be any worse if the government had spent nothing and there had been no shutdowns? This might be the most epic failure of big government in world history.

[photo: New York Magazine]

“The Left” abandons all pretense of civil liberties

Majority of Democrats want to imprison unvaccinated. 48% want to censor criticism of government health programs–with CRIMINAL penalties

Yes you read that right. 48% of Democrats now desire to imprison or fine those who criticize government vaxx programs or “public health” agenda.

And THE VAST MAJORITY (59%) of Democrats want to confine those who defy ‘vaccination’ in their homes.

Gone are the days when the American ‘Left’ had a large civil liberties contingent. Today they want to silence or imprison their opposition by force. As Democrats have ascended in government, they now throw off the veil of civil liberties that formerly hid their dark intentions.
59% of Democrats support government forcing Americans to remain confined in their homes if they refuse the COVID vaccine
47% of Democrats support government “contact tracing” whereby government interrogates, surveils and tracks down everyone who associates with people who “test positive,” and imprisons all of them.
More than one-quarter of Democrats say parents should lose custody of their children if they refuse the COVID vaccine.
These are the results of a Rasmussen/Heartland Institute poll dated Jan. 13, 2022.

USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting.

USGS hasn’t published Glacier National Park shrink data since 2015! But the agency is preparing to release data taken in record-hot 2021 to show massive melting.

By Roger Roots
The US Geological Survey (USGS) and National Park Service (NPS) have committed massive resources toward promotion of the glacier melt narrative at Glacier National Park (GNP). Various USGS and NPS signs, pamphlets, websites and films have predicted calamitous melting of the Park’s glaciers in the near future. During the winter of 2018-19, while the Park’s facilities were closed to the public, government workers quietly removed signs predicting the Park’s glaciers would all disappear by 2020.

Since 2015 the USGS and NPS have prominently displayed data tables on their websites indicating that GNP’s glaciers have been steadily decreasing each half decade. The data table is frequently referenced in news stories to describe the plight of the glaciers as steadily receding.

Measuring glaciers can be quite difficult. Many glaciers are oddly shaped. Glaciers are not always snow white and can even be brown or soil-colored due to rock or dirt deposits. Calendar dates and temporary weather changes can make huge differences. Fresh snow can easily obscure the contours of glacier boundaries. The USGS reportedly uses satellites or aircraft to photograph glaciers from the air and then calculates acreages from such photos. (For earlier years, USGS apparently calculates such glacier sizes from old photographs. There are many problems regarding this, to say the least.)

But for all the government resources dedicated to the size of glaciers at GNP in recent years, the official table hasn’t been updated since 2015–SIX years ago. (And as I write these words the table is missing from USGS sites.) Last fall I emailed officials at USPS and inquired. A USGS scientist named Caitlyn Florentine responded by claiming “We aim to update glacier margin data sets whenever late-summer, cloud-free, smoke-free satellite imagery covering GNP glaciers is acquired.” “The last few years this has not happened . . . .”

Just this past weekend Dr. Florentine emailed to let me know that “2021 aerial imagery of glaciers in Glacier National Park was aquired [during the Fall]” “Publication preparation is underway.”

Why is this significant? Because the summer of 2021 was unusually hot and dry across Montana and the Rocky Mountains. Many locations near the National Park experienced heat waves and set records for draught. The data soon to be released will likely show new record lows for Glacier Park’s 35-or-so glaciers. And these new low figures may not accurately reflect the true trajectory of size changes among the GNP glaciers.

Prior to the heat waves of 2021, many observers (including myself) perceived that glacier melt rates had largely stabilized over the past decade. In fact there were several recent winters with record cold and snowfall. A Masters thesis by Melissa Carrie Brett of Portland State University, “Glacier Inventories and Change in Glacier National Park,” found that GNP’s glaciers melted at faster rates prior to the 1970s than in later years–thus contradicting the catastrophic-global-warming-by-manmade-CO2 hypothesis.

BOTTOM LINE: in the very near future, USGS will probably publish data indicating GNP’s glaciers are steadily melting, in line with the climate-change theory; but USGS’ decision to delay measuring in 2019 or 2020 and instead measure the glaciers after the extremely hot summer of 2021 should significantly undermine such a conclusion.

After Australia bans world’s greatest tennis player, refunds for Australian Open are outnumbering ticket sales

The Australian government has deported and banned the world’s greatest tennis player, Novak Djokovic, over Djokovic’s decision to not be injected with alleged COVID-19 vaccines.

Djokovic, from Serbia, is the #1 ranked tennis player on earth. He has won the Australian Open NINE TIMES and has 20 Grand Slam singles titles, a men’s record he shares with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

The Aussie government conceded that Djokovic qualified as an athlete at the Australian Open due to natural immunity. But the Australian government banned him because admitting him might undermine popular faith in the COVID vaxx jabs.

Now ticket refunds are OUTNUMBERING ticket sales at the Australian Open, according to Newsweek.

Just a couple players protested the deportation of the world’s top player. The fally-vaxxed Nadal–tied with Djokovic for most major world titles–now stands to win the tournament and ‘eclipse’ Djokovic in world record books.

Also, four fully-vaxxed players, Nikoloz Basilashvili, Dalila Jakupovic, Nick Kyrgios, and Bernard Tomic, were forced to quit the Open due to heart and breathing problems. Jakupoci actually collapsed on the court.

And just this morning, Jan. 17, a ball boy collapsed near the courts with apparent heart and breathing trouble.

The Ongoing Horror of Cuban Socialism

The great macro economist Dan Mitchell is out with horrifying graphs comparing per-capita GDP with that of other countries.

Both Cuba and Hong Kong were roughly equal about 60 years ago. “But the data show a dramatic performance gap ever since the communists took power in Cuba, with Hong Kong (which was very pro-market back then) enjoying much bigger increases in prosperity.”

Cubans are no strangers to queuing for everything from bread to toothpaste, often standing for hours under a blazing sun with no access to a toilet or drinking water, and always with the fear of leaving empty-handed. It is a daily ordeal Cubans have endured for about 60 years of communist rule… Cuba recorded an official inflation rate of 70 percent in 2021, when the economy recovered a modest two percent after an 11-percent drop in 2020, signaling the nation’s worst economic crisis in almost three decades. With government reserves dwindling, food imports — some $2 billion worth per year before the pandemic struck — had to be drastically cut back in the country of 11.2 million.

Dan Mitchell compares Cuba with “pro-market Taiwan, as well as Cuba and sort-of-pro-market Panama”; as well as “sort-of-pro-market Botswana” in Africa.

“The moral of the story,” Mitchell concludes, “is that you get great results with lots of economic liberty, okay results with some economic liberty, and miserable results with almost no economic liberty (i.e., lots of socialism).”

Canadian Law Enforcement demands Canadians report “anti-authority” opinions

By Dr. Roger Roots, Founder of Lysander Spooner University

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are the Canadian equivalent of America’s FBI. Canadians seem to revere and idolize the RCMP. I took the attached photos of RCMP teddy bears and t-shirts for sale in the gift shop at the Prince of Wales Hotel just north of Glacier National Park in 2019 (back when Americans could actually travel to Canada). I remember being shocked at the time at such a sickening display of government idolatry .

The fact that Canadians have now submitted so sheepishly to country-wide lockdowns, quarantine camps and vaxx passports may be directly related to their national tradition of worshipping the RCMP.

In any case, this week RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki urged Canadians to report suspicious Internet behaviour, including comments by people who express “anti-government, anti-law enforcement” opinions. “When in doubt, report it,” said Lucki. “It’s easy to overlook the seemingly ordinary moments that make up our days.”

The RCMP issued a guide called “Reporting Suspicious Incidents to Police” that encourages Internet users to report neighbors with suspicious politics or “anti-authority” views that “include anti-government, anti-law enforcement and anarchist” opinions or “grievance-driven ideologies.”

There are now independent data sources which validate VAERS records of COVID-19 vaccine dangerousness

While the US government provides mountains of information and claims which promote COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines,” the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effects Record System(VAERS) database is THE ONLY government source of data regarding injuries from vaccines. Prior to 2020, the veracity, integrity and validity of the VAERS database was never questioned or challenged on a large scale.

But the database now shows that Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astozenica COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are associated with far higher levels of harm than earlier vaccines.

Government trusters and the CDC are now quick to call the CDC database into question. Users of the CDC website must check two boxes saying they understand limitations to the data before accessing it. Pro-government extremists now routinely brush aside questions about the vaccines’ harmfulness by insisting that VAERS reports are unverified and unproven.

But crusading reporter Alex Berenson says that internal hospital data now confirm the huge increase in harmful side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines. “At many hospitals, the number of patients reported to have post-vaccine injuries rose fivefold or more after Covid vaccines were introduced in December 2020, medical records databases show.”

“Several people with access to different databases provided the figures, on the condition that they remain anonymous, as the databases are proprietary and confidential. All the databases showed a similar increase, ranging from four-fold to more than 10-fold.”

The rise PARALLELS the massive increase in vaccine injuries and deaths reported to VAERS – the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System – in 2021. Over 740,000 VAERS reports were submitted last year, compared to 50,000 in 2020. Of the 2021 reports, 700,000 were Covid related.

See here.

Finnish government orders Helsinki bank to suspend two financial analysts who criticized lockdowns

Natural News is reporting that “[t]wo financial analysts were suspended and forced to retract their truthful research report which questioned totalitarian lock downs, vaccine efficacy and vaccine mandates.” Their employer, Nordea Bank, suspended Chief Analyst Martin Enlund and Global Chief Strategist Andreas Steno Larsen, banishing them from their website.

“When a Finnish government official (Mikko Karna) heard about [Enlund and Larsen’s] report, he lashed out and the bank was instructed to take down any dissent toward the government.”

“As a bank, our expertise is banking — supporting and advising our customers on their financial situation,” Persson said in a statement. “We leave medical advice to the experts and therefore, as a company, we follow the authorities’ guidance on vaccines against COVID.” Enlund, who worked his way up the ranks over the past ten years, ultimately followed suit with the government’s demands. He apologized and promised to keep his mouth shut, to please his masters. Their willingness to please government officials is one of the main reasons why CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY continue, unabated.

See here.

As “mainstream” news collapses, independent news thrives: Gateway Pundit saw 34% increase in 2021

There is nothing mainstream about “mainstream news.” Increasing evidence suggests that so-called ‘legacy’ news sources such as NYT, WaPo, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc. are probably being secretly funded by US government intelligence agencies.

The public’s trust in such media has plummeted in recent years. Mainstream news lost 65% of its social media interactions, and 8% of its unique visits or more.

But independent news sources are attracting increased trust and readership. The Gateway Pundit news site saw a 34% traffic increase in 2021, while Mainstream Media saw a 36% decrease.

This was despite the fact that there has been a broad censorship campaign against Gatewaypundit was banned by Twitter in 2021. Ninety-five percent of Facebook traffic to the site was eliminated. T-Mobile now blocks text links to The Gateway Pundit. Google smears the site and blocks their ads and blocks traffic to the site.