Governments are prepared to shoot to kill in order to impose carbon taxes on resisting populations. Government elites are quite unsettled over the ongoing Paris yellow-vest protests against the “global warming” carbon taxes. Word is out that thousands of jobs at Land Rover and Porsche–preferred car makes for government ministers–may be threatened by the public’s …
Category: The Cult of the Omnipotent State
Dec 15
Remember a year ago when fanatical government trusters said the demise of ‘net neutrality’ would kill the internet?
“They Trusted Government” It has been one year since the Trump Administration’s FCC overturned the Obama Administration’s FCC program known as “net neutrality.” The concept of “net neutrality” was based on the tired, worn-out idea that government must control and regulate all industries. In all essence, ‘net neutrality’ was a government takeover of the internet. …
Nov 29
Google secretly continues building new censored, pro-government internet
The company’s own legal division is not allowed to know about or criticize the operation. The Intercept is out with a stunning report on Google’s efforts to help the Chinese government build a pro-government, censored, internet. * Google has contracted with Chinese companies (and the Chinese government) to build a huge new pro-government version of …
Nov 11
French tax authorities switch focus to monitoring “social media”
The All-Seeing Eye of the State French tax authorities now are using a powerful new tool to identify “tax cheats”: Facebook and other social media. Government agents scour through people’s social posts to see if people are using cars, meals, or housing which appear to be ‘outside their means.’ See here.
Sep 22
Google CEO Eric Schmidt says the internet will “split in two” within a decade
Alex Jones predicted this years ago. The internet is constantly changing, and tech firms are increasingly bowing to political powers. Googe’s Eric Schmidt recently told an audience that his company is currently building a ‘second internet’ by designing a censored, pro-government search engine, primarily for the Chinese government. The new government-friendly internet will initially be …
Sep 03
Western governments to demand that all computer makers allow government ‘back door’ monitoring of all products
Every government ultimately comes for all property, all money, all freedom, and to kill all who resist. Now the “Five Eyes” surveillance project of the western world’s 5 most powerful countries is preparing to demand that no computer device ever be manufactured anywhere unless is is programmed to allow government officials to enter, monitor and …
Aug 20
South African government begins seizing farms without compensation
Every government ultimately comes for all property, all wealth, all freedom, and to kill or cage all who resist. For several years the government of South Africa has harassed and threatened hundreds of farmers. Rumors that the government was preparing to steal the farms without compensation have caused land prices to plummet. Now the government …
Jun 28
War on whistleblowers: federal agents pound on door of whistleblower and try to silence him DURING LIVE CBS INTERVIEW
Every government seeks the same powers: to obtain and control all property and all freedom, to require ‘transparancy’ from all subjects so that subjects may keep no secrets from government and must lay naked before the state (while concealing the inner workings of government from any public scrutiny), and to cage or kill all who …
Jun 20
Terror in Cyberspace! Israeli prime minister says hackers can bring down air force planes!
Governments routinely try to take over the internet by claiming such things as that internet providers are preparing to charge the poor more than the rich, or slow down the internet access of the poor, or that “terrorists” might soon use the internet to bring down the power grid, shut down the Pentagon, or melt …