For years, NASA’s websites provided much basic science information. One such web page stated the common-sense point that the Sun was the primary driver of the earth’s climate. But such basic science contradicts the current propaganda narrative of the government’s scientist-activists. The current NASA message is that carbon dioxide–a trace gas in the atmosphere–is the …
Category: “science” which exalts the state
Jan 14
London’s Independent newspaper has scrubbed its most downloaded article in its history–“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”
“Climate science” is an area of relentlessly shifting claims, predictions, and threats. Hundreds of bizarre, apocalyptic claims have been made by governments and government-supported scientists pursuing the catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 theory. Now the innovative journalist James Delingpole reports that the most ludicrous “news” article in the history of London’s Independent newspaper–the March 2000 article with the headline …
Jan 12
“Climate science” papers are mostly about politics
by Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D., founder of Lysander Spooner University Many of my friends are true believers in the prevailing pan-government theory that manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide will soon cause the earth to melt down and all or most humans to fry and die on the surface. Interestingly, they avoid actual scientific debate on the subject. The …
Nov 23
Heller: the “melting Arctic” scam is now on its last legs
The relentless temp data analyst Tony Heller has tracked claims that the Arctic is melting for years. As the “mainstream” (meaning pro-government) news media has amped up claims that manmade global warming is melting ice in the Arctic away to nothing, Heller has repeatedly published satellite data showing the contrary. Ice in the Arctic declined …
Nov 03
Another fake study: billionaires secretly promote libertarianism
America’s government-supporting colleges and universities spew a steady stream of pro-government academic “research.” Recent revelations show that it is ridiculously easy to get fake “scientific” studies published in government-supported peer reviewed scholarly journals–so long as the studies support government expansion and intervention. Now a trio of government-trusting academics have produced a “study” purporting to show …
Oct 13
Government “snow and ice data center” AGAIN caught faking its “multi-year ice extinction” charts
Agency deletes and publishes ‘correction forthcoming’ statement after being caught (yet again) by data analyst Tony Heller. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is a massively funded government institution in Boulder, Colorado. It receives funding from the University of Colorado, NOAA and NASA. For years the “data center” has put out a series …
Sep 27
BBC goes full Orwell: The official government TV network of Britain will no longer show climate skepticism
The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) will no longer show any content which might cast doubt on the government theory of catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2. See here. The government network has pronounced that the issue is settled and no debate will be allowed. This despite the fact that ice in the arctic has been growing steadily over the past …
Jun 23
Government scientists whose research disagrees with government must now publish their findings secretly
There has been an unwritten rule among U.S. federal agencies (especially during the Obama years) that no “science” which disagrees with the prevailing message of manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hysteria is allowed to be published by the government. So a U.S. Forest Service researcher was forced to publish his countervailing climate research under alias names. He observed that …
Jun 08
Government university now bans “harsh” text messages
It is mostly forgotten that government colleges were originally launched for three reasons: (1) to provide access for poor people to higher education, (2) to counteract the supposed tendency of private (mostly church-owned) colleges to stifle speech and expression, and (3) to provide for more ‘public interest’ scientific research and education, which supposedly wasn’t being …
May 19
Over half of all witnesses testifying before congressional committees are government-funded; and almost all request more funding
Over half the witnesses testifying before committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives [are] funded directly by the federal taxpayer. In 1995, 35 percent of witnesses were federal employees; of the remaining “public” witnesses, one of every three was a government grant recipient. Grant recipients testified during the 104th Congress roughly 6,000 times: …